原文作者 Amela Karahasanovi,Marianna Obrist 国籍:挪威,奥地利
过去几年是社交媒体或者我们可以称之为Web2.0应用程序发展的黄金时段。很多社交媒体诸如Youtube, Flickr, Facebook的发展非常迅速。社交媒体的使用范围日益扩大,它的重要性日益凸显。这些社交媒体都着力于构建自己的用户社区,为它们的会员提供联网服务,并且着力于为用户提供承载有海量音视频资源的用户自定义内容。这些社交媒体成功最主要的因素是它们为用户带来的非常良好体验。不同于标准的可用性原理,我们这里采用更为款宽泛的用户体验的概念,它包括了很多方面,乐趣,享受度,情感,社交性以及其他因素。广义用户体验概念已经成为在交互系统设计领域里非常有参考性的学术术语。然而,几乎没有涉及到社交媒体应用的用户体验的不同评价方法的有用性的研究。我们需要理解在应用用户体验评价模型研究社交媒体应用的演进的新要求。同时,我们也要学会选择用适合的评价方法去捕捉用户体验的不同方面。本文主要阐述了相关的研究过程,该研究通过对10个为普通用户提供分享和共创用户自定义内容的社交应用运用7种不同的用户体验评价方式得到了关于用户体验评价体系有用性的相关研究成果。这些成果可能对于实操者和学者在开发社交媒体应用时融入用户体验有着非常大借鉴意义。
对于大多数社交网站或者社交媒体而言,那些为用户提供分享和共创的用户自定义内容的应用例如游戏,往往能得到用户的青睐,用户会对这些应用产生更多好感。因此,为用户提供更加良好和完善的体验,以及评价这些用户体验变得越来越重要,Hassenzahl如是说:“一个良好的用户体验是人们需求实现和产品或者服务(例如享乐主义)交互的结果,其中人们的需求包括了自由度,完整度,刺激(自我主导),相关度,受欢迎度(外部主导)”虽然实用性,诸如一个系统的可用性也对产生一个良好的用户体验有着积极作用,但是,它只能为获得有实际意义的享乐需求带来便利。用户体验最重要的特征之一就是它的规范属性(用户能够在使用应用的时候非常清晰地感知到使用过程中带来的用户体验是积极的,期望的还是消极的,反感的)和动态属性。现在已经对用户体验这一概念有了基本的共识,只不过仍然缺少用户体验评价方式和用户体验评价方式的有用性的研究。特别的,相关的学术论文和课本提供关于不同的用户体验评价方法的调查,这些调查主要根据用户体验评价的不同阶段的正确性,本文的结果和经验教训都是我们通过研究关于用户体验的传统的和新的评价方法的有用性得来的。这项工作是在欧洲研究项目CITIZEN MEDIA的框架内进行的。它的目的是开发支持非专业用户共享和共同创造用户生成内容(UGC)的社交媒体应用程序。部分应用程序已经在开发过程中,在三大测试基地进行测试,分别在德国,挪威和奥地利。
多年来许多可用性评估方法已经被提出和评价。许多学者,诸如Gray , Salzman ,Hartson以及Blandford等通过自己的潜心研究建立了有关键作用的评估和选择可用性评估方法的依据。布兰福德等人提出了一个有十项标准用以评价用户体验要素的可靠性,它也被称为内部有效性,这个概念在某种程度上是指对同一系统的运用不同的分析方法的程度。使用相同的用户体验要素,产生相同的结论。 而外部有效性则是指在现实世界中应用这些方法的能力。详细度是一个通过评价体系得到的按照现在的情况进行放缩后得到的量。有效性是可靠性和详细度的乘积。生产力是用户体验要素所识别的问题的数量。而实际标准则需要明白将哪些元素整合在实际的设计方法中。分析师活动准则描述了分析家在运用用户体验要素评价模型的基本过程。说服力指的是分析师通过使用用户体验要素评价模型说服开发商改变系统能力。下游效用指的是研究结果在设计中的有用性。范围描述了对应于什么样的问题,什么的样的一个方法是有用的或者是没有用的。Holzinger把上述方法和可用性工程方法进行比较认为以下标准:阶段可应用性,需要的时间,需要的用户,所需的评价者,所需的器材,所需的专业知识,和干扰性。最近学者对用户体验评价方法产生了越来越大的兴趣。几个方向聚焦于运用可用于评价用户体验的方法,技术和工具的工作室已经搭建,如CHI 2008 , CHI 2009 , INTERACT 2009 和 COST 294-mause车间和HCI期刊的特殊问题.
Vauml;auml;nauml;nen-Vainio-Mattila等人确定了一套可操作的用户体验评价方法的要求。这些要求在工业范围内已经被Ketola所运用。Roto和他的同事们在SIG CHIrsquo;09会议期间研究了30种 用户体验评价方法。他们发现在学术界和行业界的用户体验评价方法的运用有着不同的要求。行业界的方法是轻量级的,快速的,和相对简单的。学术界强调科学方法的重要性,严谨性。行业和学术的通用要求有:包括实验方面的因素,允许以迭代的方式进行重复性和比较研究,虽然大多数的用户体验评价方法来源于可用性,用户体验要素方面的知识是不能直接转化为用户体验相关的知识的。现在学术界仍然缺少一个对可用性和用户体验评价方法和计量模型之间的差异的清晰认识。现实是我们非常需要有对用户体验评价方法的一个系统性的认知。此外,针对社区的应用的用户体验评价方法的需求也非常强烈。我们通过将七种用户体验评价方法用于为用户提供共享和共同创造用户生成内容的应用程序,以得到这些方法的有用性。本文旨在提高我们的用户体验评价方法的认知。
我们对参与CITIZEN MEDIA研究项目的评价活动的研究人员进行了调查,这些研究人员在研究项目中开发了大量支持非专业用户共享和共同创造用户自定义内容的应用程序。使用的是著名的评价方法和它们的适用本土的评价方法的组合(如没有明确定义用户体验评价方法的可行性,拟合所需要的项目)。我们的研究结果表明,基于组的评价方法(基于组的专家演练和焦点小组)对于测量广泛的预先定义的用户体验因素是有用的。一些因素如情绪,乐趣,和合作是难以衡量的,现实中有发展这样的方法的迫切需要。此外,分享个人经验的方法必须被扩展到捕捉社区中用户分享的经验。协同有趣的方法和协作任务的支持从个人用户评价方法转移到社区的评价方法。在本文中,我们总结了我们的研究结果,并从其他几个推荐的评价活动中得到了借鉴,这可能对从业者在用户体验领域的工作和对特定的社会媒体应用的用户体验的理解是有用的。此外,我们的经验可能对正在进行讨论的HCI研究社群体系下的用户体验评价方法和测量是一个有用的输入要素。HCI研究社群特别注意如何支持设计和开发新的应用,软件,或系统。正如Blandford等人指出的。评价方法的比较是非常复杂的,不可能由一个研究完成。尽管我们的研究涵盖了广泛的评价方法,用户体验因素和社交媒体应用程序,但它不是通过收集不同学科的数据,并进行分析得到的经验。此外,研究人员的评价有其主观性然后项目本身是仍然在发展的。我们计划通过基于邮件的开发者面谈以便调查开发者在更多的细节和基于项目文件检查,实际设计更改跟踪所得到的更加客观的有用性评价流效用来扩展我们的工作。我们也鼓励其他研究人员通过进一步的研究验证和补充我们的见解
Investigating the Usefulness of Methods for Evaluating
User Experience of Social Media Applications
The usage and importance of social media or Web2.0 applications such as Youtube, Flickr, Facebook is rapidly increasing over the last years. They all build up on user communities, provide networking opportunities for their members, and are strongly related to audio-visual user generated content (UGC). Providing the user a good experience is a central success factor for such applications.
Apart from standard usability principles the much broader concept of user experience (UX), including aspects such as fun, enjoyment, emotion, sociability and other factors have become relevant in the design of interactive systems. However little has been known on the usefulness of different evaluation methods for UX in the context of social media applications. We need to understand what new requirements for applying UX evaluation methods on these applications evolve and how to choose which of the existing methods are suitable for capturing different aspects of UX. This paper reports results and lessons learned on the usefulness of seven UX evaluation methods that were applied for evaluating ten different applications supporting non-professional users in sharing and co-creating user generated content. The results might be useful for practitioners and researchers developing social media applications when planning UX evaluation studies.
For many applications, such as social media and social network sites, applications for sharing and co-creating audio-visual content, and, for instance, games, it is important that people enjoy using them. Thereby, providing people a good experience and evaluating their UX is becoming more and more essential [24]. Hassenzahl [9] states that a “good UX is the consequence of fulfilling the human needs for autonomy, competency, stimulation (self - oriented), relatedness, and popularity(others - oriented) through interacting with the product or service (i.e. hedonic quality)”. Pragmatic quality, such as the usability of a system, is also contributing to a positive experience, but only through facilitating the pursuit of meaningful hedonic needs. The most important characteristics of UX are its normative nature (differentiating between a positive, desired experience and a negative, undesired experience that a user can have when interacting with an application) [10] as well as its dynamic nature [15].Next to reach a common understanding on UX, there is still a lack of research on UX evaluation methods in general (see for instance an overview on UXEM in [30]) and on their usefulness in particular. Research papers and textbooks such as [4] provide surveys of different evaluation methods according to their appropriateness in different evaluation phases, their objectivity, reactivity and needed resources. However, little has been known about the usefulness of these methods for evaluating social media applications. This paper presents results and lessons learned of a case study we conducted to investigate the usefulness of both traditional and new methods for evaluating UX.This work was carried out in the framework of the European research project CITIZEN MEDIA
(http://www.ist-citizenmedia.org/) which aimed to develop social media applications supporting non-professional users in sharing and co-creating user-generated content (UGC).Several applications have been developed and evaluated at three test beds, namely in Germany, Norway and Austria. The evaluation activities for all three test beds were guided by a common evaluation framework consisting of preselected UX factors (e.g. fun/enjoyment, motivation, emotion, sociability, as well as usability) and a set of evaluation methods considered as relevant for the context of the project (see [20]). Well known methods were combined or adapted in order to capture UX.
Over the years many usability evaluation methods have been proposed and evaluated. The research of Gray and Salzman [7], Hartson et al. [8], and Blandford et al. [1] established a basis for critical evaluation and selection of usability evaluation methods. Blandford et al. [1] propose a comprehensive list of ten criteria for evaluating UEMs. Reliability, also called internal validity, is the extent to which different analyses of the same system, using the same UEM, yield the same insight. External validity is the ability to apply the findings in the real world context. Thoroughness is a proportion of real problems identified by a method. Effectiveness is the product of reliability and thoroughness. Productivity is the number of problems a UEM identifies. The practicalities criterion is concerned with what is needed to integrate a method within design practice. The analyst activities criterion describes what analysts do when applying a UEM. Persuasive power is concerned with the ability of an analyst working with a UEM to persuade developers to change the system. Downstream utility is usefulness of the findings in informing design. Scope describes what kind of problems a method is useful and not useful for finding. When comparing usability engineering methods, Holzinger
[11] considers the following criteria: applicability in phase, required time, needed users, required evaluators, required equipment, required expertise, and intrusiveness. Recently there has been growing interest in UX evaluation methods [30]. Several workshops have been organised to focus on the methods, techniques, and tools for evaluating UX such as CHI 2008 [28], CHI 2009 [19], INTERACT
2009 [25] and COST294-MAUSE workshops ([16][29]) and special issues of HCI journals (e.g. [10][17]).
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