
 2023-01-11 10:01




在这轮谈判中,情况可能会变得更加复杂,因为许多发展中国家包括古巴、智利、肯尼亚、印度、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、乌干达和津巴布韦在谈判中采取了非常积极的作用,经常发表一些明显不同于三大巨头的观点。不同国家团体的分歧程度可以从Stuart WTO农业委员会的主席Harbinson最近写的的一篇论文中加以判断。该文是基于在新一轮农业谈判中提交的国家提案和多哈部长级会议后世贸组织成员之间进行的的后续磋商。本文的目的是总结磋商的主要特性和结果,并为努力建立进一步的承诺提供一个基础。本文表明,不仅在参与者之间有关进一步谈判的基本立场仍然存在鸿沟,而且成员国之间的野心也存在显著差异。未来农业谈判更令人担忧的是,即使在最近一轮会谈中,各国还没有表示任何和解的倾向。据《国际贸易日报》的报道,Harbinson指出谈判组会话在2003年1月22-24日期间举行,会议旨在反对阵营之间搭建桥梁并促进WTO谈判成员在最后期限3月31日前完成谈判。然而,他补充说,“我们在调解方面取得的进展很小”。预计,由于成员国未能修补他们的差异,农业谈判的方法框架的初稿将将会被迫敲定并在2月14 – 16日东京mini-Ministerial前传开。从目前的进展来看,在最后期限3月31日内定下最终的模式几乎是不可能的。












WTO秘书处2000年发表的论文称,就发展中国家而言,发展中国家的农产品出口扩张速度比发达国家的“后WTO时代”更快。然而,本文提出的数据显示,1994年到1998年期间发展中国家在全球农产品的出口份额只增加了1% (表3)。这个最小的增加有悖于超过75%的世贸组织成员国来自发展中国家已及大量发展中国家的对外贸易主要是农产品这一事实。然而,这些国家占不到50%的全球农业贸易,甚至经过5年的协议的实施对农业形势仍然几乎不变。其次,本文还提到“发展中国家”进口市场(和在某些情况下转型经济体)正变得越来越重要,因为来自发展中国家的农产品出口”。这一方面表明发展中国家逐步开放农业部门,但另一方面,它也意味着农业协议尚未帮助发展中国家获得增加发达国家的市场准入。


一些国家,特别是出口国的凯恩斯集团,雄心勃勃地提出农业领域的自由化议程毫不奇怪。采用“瑞士公式”关税要大幅度减少,这将确保一国的关税削减比例更大,当时的固定关税或适用于该国的关税更高。这个公式等于,乘数乘以关税率数值然后除以乘数与关税率数值之和。凯恩斯集团提出,对于发达国家这个乘数是25。因此,一个国家的关税税率100%特定产品会降低到20% (2500/125),而一个国家75%的税率将会减少,相应减少18.75%(1875/100)。此外,为了符合特殊和差别待遇的要求,对于发展中国家这个乘数提议是50,这使他们需求减少规模小得多,分别为33.3%(关税率100%时)和30%(关税率75%)。


尽管有这些雄心勃勃的要求,但很明显,协议框架在3月31日这个最后期限实现是不太可能的。大约1月22 - 24的时候会议的农业谈判,欧盟农业委员会委员弗朗兹·费舍尔明确表示,3月底的最后期限将会被错过。费舍尔据报道宣称,在多哈设定3月31日为最后期限是农业谈判集团董事长提出他的建议的形式,但这并不意味着第二天世贸组织的所有成员将自动同意这个建议。在任何情况下,讨论欧盟的共同农业政策改革将持续到夏季, 在谈判过程中欧盟还没有一个能决定拍板的。因此,3月31日的最后期限不能满足。


The green barrier to free trade

C. P. Chandrasekhar, Jayati Ghosh

Feb. 8th, 2003

At the end of the latest round of meetings of the agricultural negotiations Committee of the WTO, the optimism that negotiators would meet the March 31 deadline for working out numerical targets, formulas and other modalities' through which countries can frame their liberalization commitments in a new full-fledged round of trade negotiations has almost disappeared. That target was important for two reasons. First, it is now becoming clear, that even more than was true during the Uruguay Round, forging an agreement in the agricultural area is bound to prove extremely difficult. Progress in the agricultural negotiations was key to persuading the unconvinced that a new Doha Round of trade negotiations is useful and feasible.
Second, the Doha declaration made agricultural negotiations one part of a single undertaking to be completed by January 1, 2005. That is, in a lsquo;take all-or-nothing scheme, countries had to arrive at and be bound by agreements in all areas in which negotiations were to be initiated in the new round. This means that if agreement is not worked out with regard to agriculture, there would be no change in the multilateral trade regime governing industry, services or related areas and no progress in new areas, such as competition policy, foreign investment and public procurement, all of which are crucial to the economic agenda of the developed countries.

The factors making agriculture the sticking point on this occasion are numerous.

As in the last Round, there is little agreement among the developed countries themselves on the appropriate shape of the global agricultural trade regime. There are substantial differences in the agenda of the US, the EU and the developed countries within the Cairns group of agricultural exporters. When the rich and the powerful disagree, a global consensus is not easy to come by.

In this round of negotiation, the complexity of the situation is likely to increase

because a number of developing country including Cuba, Chile, Kenya, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uganda and Zimbabwe has taken a very pro-active role in the negotiations and have often expressed views which are significantly different from the views expressed by the big three. The extent of disagreement among different country groups can be gauged from a recent paper by the Chairman of WTO Agriculture Committee Stuart Harbinson. This paper is based on the country proposals submitted during the current round of agricultural negations and the follow up consultations among the WTO Members conducted after Doha ministerial. The objective of this paper is to summarize the main features and results of the consultations and to provide a basis for working towards the establishment of modalities for the further commitments. This paper shows that not only there are still wide gaps in the positions among participants regarding fundamental aspects of the further negotiations but there also exist significant differences in the level of ambition among the member countries. What is even more worrying for the future of the agricultural negotiation is that even the latest round of talks, countries are not showing any inclination towards reconciliation. According to reports published in the International Trade Daily, after a negotiating group session held during 22-24th January 2003, Harbinson noted that the meeting was intended to 'build bridges' between opposing camps and push the WTO talks forward as members head towards their March 31 deadline for finalizing negotiating modalities. Instead, he adds, 'we have made very little headway in building bridges'. It is expected that with members failing to mend their differences, the first draft of a methodology framework for agricultural negotiations will be chair driven and is expected to be circulated before a mini-Ministerial scheduled for Tokyo Feb. 14-16. Given the progress so far, it seems virtually impossible that the March 31st deadline of finalizing the modalities will be met.

But that is not all. Even if an agreement is stitched up between the rich nations,

through manoeuvres such as the Blair House accord, getting the rest of the world to go along would be more difficult this time. This is because the outcomes in the agricultural trade area since the implementation of the Uruguay Round (UR) Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) began have fallen far short of expectations. In the course of Round, advocates of the UR regime had promised global production adjustments that would increase the value of world agricultural trade and an increase in developing country share of such trade.

As Chart 1 shows, global production volumes continued to rise after 1994 when the implementation of the Uruguay Round began, with signs of tapering off only in 2000 and 2001. As is widely known, this increase in production occurred in the developed countries as well.

Chart 1

Not surprisingly, therefore, the volume of world trade continued to rise after 1994 (Chart 2). The real shift occurred in agricultural prices which, after some buoyancy between 1993 and 1995, have declined thereafter, and particularly sharply after 1997. It is this decline in unit values that resulted in a situation where the value of world trade stagnated and then declined after 1995, when the implementation of the Uruguay Round began.

Chart 2

As Table 1 shows, there was a sharp fall in the rate of growth of global agricultural trade between the second half of the 1980s and the 1990s, with the decline in growth in the 1990s being due to the particularly poor performance during the 1998 to 2001 period.

Table 1

Price declines and stagnation in agricultural trade values in the wake of the UR Agreement on Agriculture were accompanied and partly influenced by the persis



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