
 2023-01-12 12:01





一 简介


小额信贷银行(“小额贷款银行”)的目标是低收入社区,不需要抵押品(或是比大多数主流商业银行所需的贷款抵押品的种类更灵活)。他们微小不是因为他们的机构规模,而是由于与客户的典型交易模式。贷款金额范围从100美元到5000美元不等,随着经营规模的变化从几百到几百万客户。最著名的微型银行,乡村银行,为几乎8百万孟加拉国客户提供服务,以及平均贷款余额79美元在2007年。如果快速增长的小额信贷银行证明不了什么,那么大量低收入借款人达到非常高的收入水平就很有说服力。数十亿美元的贷款,超过一亿的借款人是优秀的,从大银行的数据显示,只有2-3 %的人在最近几年是违法的。








Banks and Microbanks

Robert Cull

Asli Demirguuml;ccedil;-Kunt

Jonathan Morduch


Using two new datasets, the authors examine whether the presence of banks affects the profitability and outreach of microfinance institutions. They find evidence that competition matters. Greater bank penetration in the overall economy is associated with microbanks pushing toward poorer markets, as reflected in smaller average loans sizes and greater outreach to women. The evidence is particularly strong for microbanks relying on commercial funding and using traditional bilateral lending contracts (rather than the group lending methods favored by microfinance nongovernmental organizations).The analysis considers plausible alternative explanations for the correlations, including relationships that run through the nature of the regulatory environment and the structure of the banking environment; but it fails to find strong support for these alternative hypotheses.


In December 2003, bank regulators estimated that there was one ATM in Bangladesh for every 1.7 million citizens, and one deposit-taking bank branch for every 22,000 people.1In Bolivia, there was one ATM for every 21,000 people, and just one deposit-taking bank branch for every 65,000 people. Bangladesh and Bolivia, though, are notable as early sites in which microfinance first took root and grew rapidly. Was the lack of financial depth in the banking system a help or a hindrance to icrofinance? This paper is a first attempt to gauge how the presence of formal, regulated providers of financial services in an economy affects the profitability and outreach of financial institutions targeted narrowly to the under-banked and unbanked.

Microfinance banks (“microbanks”) target low-income communities, and most make loans without requiring collateral (or are far more flexible than most ainstream commercial banks about the kinds of collateral required to secure loans). They are micro not because of their institutional scale but because of the scale of typical transactions with customers. Loan sizes range from under $100 to roughly $5000, and operational scale varies from several hundred customers to several million. The most famous microbank, Grameen Bank, serves nearly 8 million customers in Bangladesh with an average loan balance of $79in 2007.2 If the growth of microfinance has demonstrated nothing else, large numbers of low-income borrowers can be served while achieving a remarkably high level of repayment. Billions of dollars in loans to over one hundred million borrowers are outstanding, and data from top lenders show that only 2-3 percent of those are delinquent in recent years。

The industrial organization of microfinance and the broader banking sector has received little attention so far, but as central banks set the stage for the rapid expansion of“inclusive” banking, it becomes integral to understand how efforts to reach low-income and excluded populations relate to larger economic and financial contexts. The small scale of transactions means that microbanks tend to operate in niches which are littlepenetrated by mainstream commercial banks, though competition is emerging, especially with the increasing commercialization of microfinance. Economic theory suggests that a more developed banking sector can both help and hinder the profitability of microbanks.The balance rests largely with the relative strengths of positive spillovers from agglomeration effects and a stronger regulatory environment versus negative spillovers that arise as competition undermines the dynamic incentives at the root of microfinance loan contracts. Determining the balance is ultimately an empirical question. Our results show that the strongest impacts on microbanks of competition from the formal financial sector are on the nature of microbanking services and markets, rather than their profitability. Competition appears to drive microbanks toward niches characterized by smaller-scale loans (suggesting poorer customers) than would otherwise be the case.

To a large extent, competition has gone under-studied due to lack of data, regarding both the reach of formal (non-microbank) providers of financial services and the performance and outreach of microfinance institutions themselves. Recent improvements in the data on both fronts enable us to undertake our analysis. We build on Beck, Demirguc-Kunt, and Martinez Peria (2007) which contains indicators of banking sector outreach for 99 countries that are constructed from aggregate data provided by bank regulators. The focus is on banks because they provide the vast majority of financial services in developing countries. As regulated institutions, their statistical information is relatively reliable and comparable across the sector.

We add measures of the number of bank branches, ATMs, and loan and deposit accounts to complement standard indicators of the depth and efficiency of financial systems, such as the ratio of private credit to GDP and net interest margins.4 The additional variables add potentially useful information (for example, the correlation between branches per square kilometer and the ratio of private credit to GDP is 0.44: strong but far from perfect). Firms report facing less severe financing obstacles in countries that score higher on the added measures of banking outreach, even when the level of private credit is controlled for in regressions (Beck, Demirguc-Kunt, and Martinez Peria, 2007). We show that the added banking outreach measures are significantly associated with the profitability and outreach of microfinance institutions whereas other measures of banking sector development and efficiency are not.

Our primary goal is to offer evidence on the effects of competition on the profitability and outreach of microfinance institutions. By combining a new dataset on the performanc



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