
 2023-01-13 10:01





由于全球化的影响,英语越来越成为一门全球性的语言,学习英语对于非英语母语的人而言,就像学习其他外国语言一样,不是一件容易的任务。因此,现在许多学者已经提出了一些策略,让英语学习更容易。在一个日益全球化的世界,掌握英语被认为是通往繁荣的未来的一个途径。此外,英语学习者在过去几年变得越来越年轻,甚至在小学一年级就有了英语课程,语言教育工作者已经充分认识到了非智力因素在英语学习中的作用。 这些非智力因素就包括态度、动机、兴趣、意志、性格和行为。它们在英语学习中发挥了至关重要的作用,例如,两个学生都可能有类似的行为能力,但他们的表现是完全不同的,可能一个在课堂上是主动参与的,而另一个是被动的,极少参加课堂讨论。文章旨在审查非智力因素,特别是学习动机和态度在英语学习中的作用。

2. 英语学习中非智力因素的影响



















另一个影响英语学习的非智能因素是学习态度。要想成功掌握目标语言,学生必须在心理上的准备。这就是我们的态度。态度,动机是紧密相关的,它是在一个特定的社会文化环境中随时间积累而形成的一种信仰。 这种信仰在学习过程中发挥着重要的作用,一个积极的态度是学习外语的基础已经是一个共识了。受动机驱动的学生对他们的老师,班级,课程持有不同的看法。正是在这些观念的基础上,学生形成了自己学习英语的态度。

Mantle-Bromley (1995)认为学生的态度是学习外语的一个必要组成部分。第一,态度产生简单的行为,比如说外语甚至选择和阅读书籍。其次,学习外语的态度和学习成绩之间存在着很强的联系。事实上,情感因素(兴趣,价值观,信念)在语言学习中比认知因素要发挥更大的作用(Padron,2006)。鉴于此,不论对于学生还是教师,意识到态度的影响,对于掌握一门语言而言都至关重要。





Motivation and Attitude: Two Important Non-Intelligence Factors to Arouse Studentsrsquo; Potentialities in Learning English

Yi Liu

Abstract:This paper discusses how to arouse studentsrsquo; potentialities in learning English by using two important non-intelligence factors: motivation and attitude. With the need to address the diversity of language learners in the contemporary ESL context, the value of non-intelligence factors cannot be underestimated. There are several non-intelligence factors that influence success or failure in English learning, but the two major ones include motivation and attitude. Motivation drives students towards a desired goal, while attitude shapes studentsrsquo; perceptions of the curriculum, peers, as well as the instructor. It is important for language educators to recognize the value of these factors if quality outcomes in terms of English learning are to be delivered.

Keywords:English Learning, Motivation, Attitude

1. Introduction

English is increasingly becoming a global language, mainly due to globalization. Just like any other foreign language, learning English is not always an easy task for non-native English speakers. This explains why several strategies have been suggested to make the learning of English easier. Today, the mastery of English is perceived as a gateway to onersquo;s prosperity in the future in an increasingly globalized world. Furthermore, English learners have over the years become younger and younger, with English courses being taught as early as the first grade. Some parents are even compelled to enroll their children in after- school and weekend English lessons in an effort to boost their proficiency in the language. Nonetheless, language educators are yet to fully recognize the role of non-intelligence factors in the learning of English. Some of these factors include attitude, motivation, interest, will, character, and age. In addition to the intelligence factor, these factors play a crucial role in English learning. Motivation, for instance, two students may look alike or have similar abilities, but their behavior could be totally different—one may be an active participant in class, while the other may be passive, rarely joining in classroom discussions. This forms the basis of this paper. The paper seeks to examine the role of non-intelligence factors in arousing studentsrsquo; potentialities in learning English, with a special focus on motivation and attitude.

2. Role of Non-Intelligence Factors in Learning English

Conventionally, most learning settings have been structured as if all learners possessed similar characteristics. A phenomenal discovery in the arena of education in the 21st century is that students in the same classroom possess substantially different learning profiles. As a result, the need for recognizing the individual needs of students has become a major issue of consideration in designing teaching and instructional methodologies. Non-intelligence factors, especially motivation and attitude, have been shown to play a crucial role in fulfilling the individual needs of language learners. These factors raise the awareness of studentsrsquo; individual learning styles by arousing their potentialities in learning a target language and by enabling students to be in charge of their own learning.

2.1. Motivation

Motivation is one non-intelligence factor whose influence on English learning is substantial. The connection between motivation and language learning has been a major subject of academic discourse since the 1960s. It is widely agreed that motivation constitutes one of the major factors that influence success or failure in language learning and teaching. From a psychological perspective, human beings are always motivated, whether or not the motivation causes them to do what other people prefer them to do. Saville-Troike describes motivation as a force that strengthens and guides behavior towards a goal, the way a force moves an object. If human beings were machines, then motivation would be the very engine that would power and direct their behavior. Besides energizing and guiding us, motivation helps us to choose the most appropriate behavior for attaining our goals. Essentially, motivation is an inside state that provokes onersquo;s desire for a goal and sustains their efforts in a given direction.

From the perspective of English learning, motivation entails not only a rigorous desire for acquiring English, but also an inside cause that provides the enthusiasm and willingness students need to learn English. Motivation creates a fascinating learning environment, thus eliminating boredom—a major deterrent for English learning. In foreign language learning, motivation encompasses four aspects: a goal, effortful conduct, attitude, and a desire to achieve that goal. Students with robust learning motivation often take a positive attitude towards learning, and most importantly, put in a great deal of effort in mastering English with a clear goal and a strong desire. As a result, they achieve better grades as compared to those without motivation.

2.1.1. Classifications of Motivation

Therefore, the role served by motivation in English learning cannot be overemphasized. There are several ways in which motivation can be described, but motivation is broadly categorized as intrinsic or extrinsic (Kong, 2009). Intrinsic motivation entails responding to the needs that exist inside the learner, such as the desire to know, curiosity, and feelings of growth or competence. This type of motivation exists when an individualrsquo;s actions are influenced by an inside desire to complete a task successfully, whether the task comes with some external value or not (Gardner, 2010). In short,



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