
 2023-05-21 07:05

Clarifying the Brand Orientation Construct for Business-to-Business Sector

Anees-ur-Rehman, Muhammad


Purpose of this conceptual article is to clarify scope and propose model of brand orientation in business-to-business (B2B) sector. Brand orientation was first introduced by Urde (1994). To authors knowledge, Baumgarth (2010) is the only article to propose and empirically test brand orientation construct in B2B context in nearly 20 years. No other study offers explanation to conceptualize brand orientation for industrial suppliers perspective. This article addresses following questions. How brand orientation is relevant in B2B sector? And how brand orientation can be conceived and operationalized by industrial supplier in B2B sector? It extensively reviews the brand orientation, industrial marketing and strategic management literature to uncover elements of brand orientation in industrial context. Model has three interdependent levels (mindset, management and performance), and each level is embedded into internal and external environment of industrial supplier.

Keywords: brand orientation, B2B branding, B2B marketing, branding

1. Introduction

Brand orientation is all about creating, developing and protecting brands. The origin of brand orientation can be traced to the article of Urde (1994). So far this concept has been applied to various contexts including nonprofit, place, small businesses, public and consumer sector (Baumgarth et al., 2013). Most of these articles reported positive effect of brand orientation on brand strength and related company/organizational performance.

Branding strategies in B2B sector was quite unpopular subject for scholars before 2007 (Kerauml;nen et al., 2012). Only in recent years, practitioners and academics realized the need to advance the understanding of brands role in inter-organizational transactions because a strong brand is often associated with several strategic benefits (Leek amp;Christodoulides, 2011; Glynn, 2012). To make brand stronger needs a brand centric approach like brand orientation. Application of brand orientation in B2B sector is nearly nonexistent. To authors knowledge, Baumgarth (2010) is the only article to propose and empirically test brand orientation model in business-to-business (B2B) context. He also reported positive effect of brand orientation on marketing and company performance.

This article acknowledges the need to clarify the brand orientation construct that fit according to the characteristics of B2B markets. Therefore, based on extensive literature review of strategic management, brand orientation and industrial marketing, this article offers a clarification and information to reduce the barriers in implementing brand orientation in B2B. Research questions are.

1) How brand orientation is relevant in B2B sector?

2) How brand orientation can be conceived and operationalized by industrial supplier in B2B sector?

Because the prominent characteristic of B2B value exchange is relational (Hadjikhani amp;LaPlaca, 2013), therefore article makes a notion that brands primary role is relationship development within and outside of a company in B2B sector. In addition, drawing from strategic management process (Slater et al., 2006; Hofer and Schendel, 1978), article considers mindset, management and performance are essential and interdependent level of brand orientation constructs. Therefore, brand orientation model has three levels (mindset, management and performance) and each level is embedded into internal and external environments.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Brand Orientation

Brand is a symbolic representation of company (or product) values. According to brand orientation, brand provides a strategic platform to consolidate unique set of values to not only satisfy customer needs but also to manage all internal and external activities (Urde et al., 2013). For brand oriented companies brand is not an unconditional response to customer needs, as in market orientation (Urde, 1999). Therefore, it is an inside-out approach.

Brand orientation is 'an approach in which the processes of the organization revolves around the creation, development, and protection of brand identity in an ongoing interaction with target customers with the aim of achieving lasting competitive advantages in the form of brands' (Urde, 1999, p. 117). Bridson and Evans (2004, p. 404) defined as 'the degree to which the organization values brands and its practices are oriented towards building brand capabilities'. Brand orientation considers 'brand as a resource and strategic hub' where 'the core of this orientation is customer satisfaction within the limits of the core brand identity' (Urde et al., 2013, p. 14, 16).

Wong and Merrilees (2005, p. 157) defined as 'the extent to which the marketing strategy and activities are centered on the brand'. Baumgarth (2010, p. 656) defined as 'specific type of marketing orientation, which is distinguished by the high relevance accorded to branding by top management'. Wong and Merrilees (2007, p. 400) defined 'brand orientation is associated with the use of the brand to integrate all aspect of marketing and operations, instilling a great consistency that achieves synergies across component of marketing and management'.

This study is considering brand orientation at corporate level, not product level. Because corporate brand name is the reflection to the values on which a company stands. Industrial buyers are also more sensitive to corporate brand image (Beverland et al., 2007).

2.2 Brand Orientation in B2B Sector

Majority of literature seeking application of brand in B2B context is not more than a decade old (Leek and Christodoulides, 2011; Glynn, 2012; Kerauml;nen et al., 2012). By and large these articles have evaluated the effect of brand on customers buying process (Baum







第一章 介绍







第二章 文献综述

2.1 品牌定位





2.2 B2B领域的品牌定位





2.3 B2B领域的品牌定位








外部环境是由那些存在于法律所有权或组织直接控制之外的实体组成的。本文分类工业供应商的外部环境为企业客户,社会和商业伙伴(如图2所示)。当然,商业客户经常被认为是在工业营销文学,但同时社会和商业伙伴的重要性已经削弱了(Mariadoss et al .,2011;Sandbacka et al .,2013;Malaska et al .,2011)。然而,本文假设所有实体都是同等重要的。

的确,满意和忠诚的客户是业务增长和表现的许可证。因此,在B2B的品牌宣传中,有很大一部分是为了探索对顾客的购买过程、满意度和顾客的影响(Leek和圣诞节,2011年,巴兰因和艾特肯,2007年,林奇和De Chematony,2007)。近年来,商业伙伴和网络参与者越来越受到研究学者的关注。这个类别中的实体列表可能会有所不同,并且依赖于单个组织。然而,关键的实体可能是银行、股东、原材料供应商、经销商或经销商、竞争对手等。尽管B2B企业在密切的商业网络中工作,并不经常直接服务于终端消费者,但它们仍可能影响环境和社会。社会包括大众的福祉和环境保护。Mariadoss等人(2011)证明了市场营销能力和战略在可持续环境和工业供应商社会中的相对重要性。


第三章 B2B品牌定位的概念模型

品牌定位是一种战略定位(Urde et al。2013)。战略取向是至少两个概念、方向和策略的结合。定位反映了芬恩的文化,这是一种基本的、主导的信念和价值观,管理强调的是持续的指导组织。战略包括当前和计划的资源部署和环境交互的模式,这表明组织将如何实现其目标(霍弗和施恩德尔,1978年,第25页。简单地说,Hofer和Hofer(1978年)认为,成功的战略定位是决定企业决策的关键,从而达到组织的目标和更高的绩效。因此,战略的形成过程将是:对策略的定位(奈特,2001;Slater等人,2006)。


3.1 品牌定位的3.1种心态






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