A.R. Davis
Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, Vol.12 (1977): 69–87.
Any anthology of the shih-poetry of Su Shih (1037–1101) will select at least one of the three poems which he wrote for the midshy;-autumn moon of 1078; any anthology of his tzrsquo;u poems will certainly contain the “Water Music” of the mid-autumn of 1076. The list of Su Shihrsquo;s inspiration from the moon may be lengthened, but these indisputably famous works alone would suffice as testishy;mony to the potent magic of moonlight for him.
The particular treatment of the mid-autumn moon naturally embraces much of the general Chinese vision of the moon. It is necessary, therefore, to show something of the sources of the conventions for representing the moon at any season as well as looking at the traditions for celebrating the mid-autumn. I hesitate to add the word “festival” and I must explain why. In books which describe Chinese festivals in their recent form one may find the Mid-Autumn Festival standing with other annual festivals as a regular part of the moon-year.
Since my concern is with literature, I make no attempt in general to join in the speculation on the possible antiquity and origins of the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I believe that I can state that in the literary tradition the fifteenth of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is a later arrival than the Double Third and Double Ninth. These latter are well-established festal days to be celebrated with poems in the period between Han and Trsquo;ang, but the Mid-Autumn is not. It is significant that the Trsquo;ang encyclopedias which draw so much of their material from the pre-Trsquo;ang period, as well as the Trsquo;ai-prsquo;ing yuuml;-lan of the beginning of Sung, do not include entries for the fifteenth of the eighth month. This day, or rather night, seems only to become established in the poetrsquo;s calendar during the Trsquo;ang period. A Sung writer named Chu Pien (d. 1148; he was uncle to the great Neo-Confucian philosopher Chu Hsi, 1130–1200) in his Chrsquo;uuml;-yu chiu wen places the beginning of the tradition with Tu Fu (712–770).While one must take away the historical priority from Tu Fu and give it on the evidence I have seen thus far to an earlier minor Trsquo;ang poet Li Chrsquo;iao (645–714), if one has regard for the greatness of Tu Fursquo;s influence, Chu Pienrsquo;s statement may not be substantially incorrect. A poet who was very important in carrying forward the tradition was Tu Fursquo;s admirer, Po Chuuml;-i (772–846). We should first, however, look on earlier appearances of the moon and begin at the beginning with the Book of Songs. In fact, I would say that the Book of Songs contributed very little to the conventions of Chinese moon poems. Yet being what it is, the first anthology of Chinese poetry and later one of the books which Confucianism made canonical, there was always the possibility of a kind of nodding reference, in particular to Songs 99 and 143. Both of these are love-songs and the moon may have a symbolic value here, though in the first case it would represent the beauty of the lover, while in the second, rather more appropriately, the beauty of the beloved. Whether this is really so or not, the Han Confucianists turned these love-songs into a quite different symbolism of ruler and minister, and as such they were less useful in the tradition of moon poems, which began thereafter to grow.
When we come to the second corpus of Chinese poetry in the Chrsquo;u-tzrsquo;u, which contains work from the third century B.C. to the second century A.D., the moon has now acquired its conventional epithet of “bright” and also something of its overtones of melanshy;choly which will become apparent in the tradition I am tracing here; e.g. in the third poem of the series Chiu pien: “I look up at the bright moon and deeply sigh”. But besides these beginnings of emotional colouring, we also find in the Chrsquo;u-tzrsquo;u, in the Trsquo;ien wen, a word which propounds questions on the apparent riddles of the universe, mention of certain of the characteristics and of the fauna of the moon, which were to become constant reference in later moon poems.
Even if the Trsquo;ien wen were younger than its traditional dating in the beginning of the third century B.C., the list of the fauna and other inhabitants of the moon is largely completed by the second century A.D. in the Han works, Huai-nan tzu and Ling hsien. The former was produced by Liu An, prince of Huai-nan, and his court in the later part of the second century B.C. and the latter by Chang Heng (A.D.78–139). Besides the Trsquo;ien wenrsquo;s hare, which in a third century A.D. imitation of the Trsquo;ien wen is said to pound drugs of immortality, there is another animal, a toad. In the Huai-nan tzu[8] the toad in the moon appears as a counterpart to the three-legged crow in the sun, while in the Ling hsien toad and hare appear together and are described as being produced from the concentrated essence of the yin, of which the moon itself is made. They are thus a very reasonable part-for-whole substitute and so they are already found to be functioning in the seventeenth of the anonymous series of Han lyrics, theNineteen Old Poems:On the fifteenth night the bright moon is full;On the twentieth night the toad and hare are waning.From here on they are used singly or together in moon poems as recurrent vocabulary.
The Huai-nan tzu also provides us with a moon goddess, Heng O (later more commonly Chrsquo;ang O), who stole the drug of immortality which her husband, the archer I (famous for his removal of nine of the original ten suns when they came out together and threatened to burn up the world) had obtained from Hsi-wang-mu, fled to the moon and became moon essence. The final recurri
这个故事的某些版本一定为苏轼所知,这影响了他对月球地形的概念,月宫的极度寒冷给他留下了深刻的印象。这似乎是一个中国大诗人的一个很好的例子,他尝试在自觉继承传统的同时,开发新资源以拓展传统。现存苏轼词中,涉及“月”意象的词作凡 88 首,其中“月”意象出现的频率更是高达 121 次以上。这些“月”既是词人托意寄怀、惜别思乡的寄托,又是词人抒发人生哲悟的感悟,还是我们寻觅词人仕途踪迹的向导。