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Syntax-based phonological asymmetries: The case of adjective reduplication in Mandarin Chinese

Sang-Im Lee-Kim *

Department of Linguistics, New York University, New York, N.Y., USA

Received 23 January 2015; received in revised form 30 December 2015; accepted 31 December 2015


In Prosodic Morphology, reduplication frequently targets phonological constituents such as syllables, feet, or prosodic words. In Mandarin Chinese, however, adjective reduplication targets syntactic units whose size and position depend on the morphosyntactic structure of the base. Specifically, subordinate compounds of form AB are reduplicated as ABAB, whereas coordinate compounds of the same form are reduplicated as AABB. Moreover, two reduplicated forms behave differently in terms of phonological patterning such as more neutralization in AABB and ABAB being transparent. In this article, I show that the phonological asymmetry between two reduplicated forms is a consequence of the distinct morphosyntax of the base and its mapping onto different prosodic structures at the interface. While reduplication making reference to syntax has been reported in the literature (e.g. Ghomeshi et al., 2004; Kirchner, 2010), the Mandarin data is particularly interesting as syntactic reduplication further leads to interesting phonological asymmetries, calling for an elaborated theory of the interface between morphosyntax and phonology. I discuss implications of the current data for previous models of the syntax-phonology interface.

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Keywords: Mandarin; Reduplication; Coordinate compounds; Distributed Morphology; Syntax-phonology interface; Prosodic constraints

  1. Introduction

In Prosodic Morphology (McCarthy and Prince, 1994), reduplication often targets morphological units such as stems or lexical words, whose surface form is further shaped by independent phonological constraints that prefer certain phonological units such as feet, syllables or prosodic words. This particular relation between morphology and phonology ensures that a reduplicant is often phonologically less marked than its base. However, reduplication that seems distinct in nature has also been reported in the literature. That is, reduplication targets syntactic units such as X0 or XP rather than simple morphological units. For example, in English Contrastive Reduplication (CR), reduplication may target a unit as small as X0 (e.g. GLOVE-gloves) or a unit as large as XPmin consisting of the head and its complement (e.g. TALK- ABOUT-IT-talk-about-it) to draw a prototypical reading of the base (Ghomeshi et al., 2004). Similarly, in Tamil Echo reduplication, reduplication (specified with lsquo;#kirsquo;) may target a lexical word (e.g. puli KILIEHCO tiger-ECHO lsquo;tigers and other beastsrsquo;) or an entire complementizer phrase (e.g. [kumaaru-kku kutụ-tt-een-nṇụ]-[KIMAARU-KKU KUTỤ-TT-EEN- NṆỤ]EHCO lsquo;that you gave it to Kumar, or some such nonsensersquo;) (Keane, 2001; Kirchner, 2010). In line with the literature,

* Tel.: 1 212 998 7950; fax: 1 212 995 4707.

E-mail address: sangim@nyu.edu.


0024-3841/copy; 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

2 S.-I. Lee-Kim / Lingua xxx (2016) xxx--xxx

this article presents reduplication of disyllabic adjectives in Mandarin Chinese that is syntactic in nature. Furthermore, Mandarin presents an interesting test case for the syntax-phonology mapping as reduplicated forms with distinct syntactic structure show clear phonological asymmetries.

To begin with, reduplication in Mandarin adjectives is syntactic as it is sensitive to the morphosyntactic structure of the base. Specifically, subordinate compounds of form AB (where morpheme A modifies the head morpheme B) are reduplicated as ABAB (1a), whereas coordinate compounds of the same form (where A and B both are heads of the compounds) are reduplicated as AABB (1b). Both reduplicated forms are used to add a higher degree of liveliness or intensity to the base form (Chao, 1968; Li and Thompson, 1981; Tang, 1988). All transcriptions are given in the Chinese Romanization system lsquo;Hanyu Pinyinrsquo;.

  1. Some examples of Mandarin adjective compounds and their reduplicated forms a. Subordinate compounds and their ABAB reduplicated forms

Base Gloss Translation Reduplicated form xue-bai snow-white lsquo;whitersquo; xue.bai.xue.bai

tong-hong entirely-red lsquo;redrsquo; tong.hong.tong.hong si-ying die-hard lsquo;hardrsquo; si.ying.si.ying

b. Coordinate compounds and their AABB reduplicated forms













More interestingly, two reduplicated forms show a clear asymmetry with respect to phonological processes; ABABs are fully faithful to their underlying specification, but AABBs are subject to various phonological processes. Several variable rules apply in AABB compounds: (i) tone neutralization in the second syllable (e.g. qin55qin0mi51mi51 lsquo;intimate [ int]rsquo;),1

(ii) optional deletion of the second syllable (e.g. da51(da0)fang55fang55 lsquo;generous [ int]rsquo;), (iii) infixation of a place holder bu into the second syllable (e.g. suan55bu0liu55liu55 lsquo;sour [ int]rsquo;), and (iv) high tone on BBs (e.g. re51re0huo55huo55 lsquo;pally [ int]rsquo; from /re51huo0/). N




Department of Linguistics, New York University, New York, N.Y., USA Received 23 January 2015; received in revised form 30 December 2015; accepted 31 December 2015


摘要:在韵律的形态,重叠经常目标语音成分如音节,脚,或韵律词。然而在汉语中,形容词重叠式的句法单位,目标的尺寸和位置取决于基础的形态句法结构。具体来说,形式为ABAB重叠AB下属的化合物,而化合物是相同形式的坐标重叠为AABB。此外,两重叠形式表现的不同方面的语音模式,如中和在AABB和ABAB是透明的。在这篇文章中,我表明两重叠形式之间的不对称是一个语音的基础及其映射到不同的韵律结构的界面不同的句法后果。而重叠参考语法已经在文献中报道(如国梅西et al.,2004;基什内尔,2010),汉语句法重叠数据为进一步导致有趣的语音不对称特别有趣,呼吁建立一个完备的理论形态句法和语音之间的接口。我讨论了目前的数据的语法音韵接口的当前数据的影响。


在韵律形态学中(麦卡锡和王子,1994),重叠往往针对形态单元如词干或词汇词,通过独立的语音限制进一步形成其表面形式,倾向于选择一些特定的语音单位,如底部,音节和韵律词。形态体系与音韵体系之间的特殊关系保证了叠词在音韵上往往比其原来形式具有更明显的标记性。但是,实际上叠词在文献中似乎更具有区别性。这就是说,叠词研究针对的是句法单位如X0或XP而不是简单的形态单位。例如,在英语的对比重叠(CR)中,叠词的研究对象可能是用一个跟X0一样小的单位(如GLOVE-gloves)或者是一个跟小型XP一样大的单位(如TALK-ABOUT-IT-talk-about-it)来绘制的基础原型阅读(郭梅西等人,2004)。同样,在泰米儿回声重叠中,叠词(用lsquo;#kirsquo;规定)的研究对象可以是词汇词(如puli KILIEHCO tiger-ECHOlsquo;tigers and other beastsrsquo;),或者是一个完整的标词句短语(如 [kumaaru-kku kutụ-tt-een-nṇụ]-[KIMAARU-KKU KUTỤ-TT-EEN- NṆỤ]EHCO lsquo;that you gave it to Kumar, or some such nonsensersquo;) (Keane, 2001; Kirchner, 2010)。与文献一致的是,这篇文章介绍了本质上属于语法范畴的汉语双音节形容词重叠式。此外,普通话提出了一种有趣的测试案例,在语法中通过不同的句法结构描述重叠形式以显示语音的不对称现象。


  1. 汉语形容词重叠形式的合成词和它们的一些例子


基础形式 注释 翻译 重叠形式

雪白 snow-white lsquo;whitersquo; 雪白雪白

通红 entirely-red lsquo;redrsquo; 通红通红

死硬 die-hard lsquo;hardrsquo; 死硬死硬


亲密 close-intimate lsquo;closersquo; 亲亲密密

高兴 high-prosperous lsquo;cheerfulrsquo; 高高兴兴

辛苦 laborious-bitter lsquo;hardrsquo; 辛辛苦苦

更有趣的是,两个重叠形式表明相对于语音过程明显不对称;ababs完全忠实于自己的基本规范,但AABB受各种语音过程限制,几个变量的规则适用于AABB合成词:(i)第二音节声调中和(如qin55qin0mi51mi51 lsquo;亲密[ int]rsquo;),(ii)第二音节选择性删除(如 da51(da0)fang55fang55 lsquo;大方[ int]rsquo;),(iii)第二音节是“不”的变形,(如suan55bu0liu55liu55 lsquo;sour [ int]rsquo;),(IV)高音 (如re51re0huo55huo55 lsquo;要好[ int]rsquo; from /re51huo0/)。这些规则都不适用于ABAB形式。

目前的语法体系研究认为,语法是主要模块,每个模块都是由独立动机的规则架构而成的语法。由于在连接处必要的相互映射,但是,一个较早的词源输出形式往往是理解后来的派生输出形式的关键。在这方面,上述的普通话的数据有利于解释文献中的一个有趣的案例研究,这个研究试图寻找充足的理论和假设来解释涉及形态句法和语音行为模式的方式。具体来说,本文的主要要求是两种重叠形式语音之间的不对称现象是在其界面基础上映射出不同句法结构的后果。尤其是我将提供证据表明下位合成词的重叠形式是一个整体,而一个小于词的单位重叠而成下位合成词。在基础形式AB中的语素不再彼此相临的AABB形式里,语素顺序的表面分裂被分析成形态句法案例的削减(Embick and Noyer, 2001; Idsardi and Raimy, 2013) 和随后的语素复制(Ackema and Neeleman, 2004, 2005; Walker and Feng, 2004) ,由基础形式的双重中心性推动形成。一个重复的词缀与毗邻以上分类头下面,分别两叠形式将被映射到不同大小的韵律单位的接口:从属物重叠将包括两个韵律词(即[公司] [公司])而配合物重叠将包括一个单一的韵律词(即[式])。一个较长的韵律词、AABB更容易受到比ababs语音还原。



  1. 正文前书页:现代汉语形容词的复合构词法




  1. 普通话中的从属形容词复合词

Compounds Gloss Translation Composition 雪-白 snow-white lsquo;white (like snow)rsquo; N A

笔-直 pen-straight lsquo;straight (like a pen)rsquo; N A 死-硬 die-hard lsquo;hard (like dead)rsquo; V A f飞-快 fly-fast lsquo;fast (like flying)rsquo; V A t通-红 entirely-red lsquo;red (entirely)rsquo; Adv A

然而,配位复合词不像从属复合词那样具有统一的一些特质类型(如马虎“careless”,很大程度上是单语素的,虽然其书面形式代表马-虎),(3A)。但主要是以下两个亚型鉴定:冗余式复合词和交互式复合词。冗余式复合词是指复合词其中的成员传达着相似的意义(如亲-密 intimate-close lsquo;intimate, closersquo;)。相比(如矮-胖short-fat lsquo;both short and fatrsquo;) (3B)。

  1. 汉语普通话的配位形容复合词
  2. a. Redundant compounds

Base Glosse Translation Composition

qin-mi intimate-close lsquo;intimatersquo; A A

ji-mang urgent-busy lsquo;hurryrsquo; A A

b. Intersective compounds

矮胖 short-fat lsquo;short and fatrsquo; A A

细长 thin-long lsquo;thin and longrsquo; A A

热闹 hot-noisy lsquo;livelyrsquo; A A

而交互式复合词证明在其他语言(例如learner-driver在英语中。Spencer,1991)中也是如此,冗余式复合词是比较罕见的跨语言现象。汉语普通话是独特的,在于在许多词汇种类以及形容词领域,冗余的结构被证明出是一个多产的复合方式。在许多词汇类别以及形容词(如 (e.g. 煤炭 coal-coal lsquo;coalrsquo;; 树木 tree-tree lsquo;treersquo;; 购买 buy-buy lsquo;buyrsquo;; 学习 study-study lsquo;studyrsquo;)。有学者推测,冗余复合词的发展是出于在现代汉语双音节音韵强烈要求(端木,1993;陈,2000)。

值得注意的是,并列复合词,在其他语言中是一种常见的配合物类型,也是汉语普通话在形容词领域的常见类型。并列复合词指的是两个成对的连接副词的混合,并且具有严格的直指性。普通话有一些这样的例子(如. 夫妻 husband-wife lsquo;a (married) couplersquo;,姐妹 older.sister-younger.sister lsquo;sistersrsquo;,刀枪 sword-spear lsquo;weaponsrsquo;),,但他们大多局限于名词。





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