( 2019届)
论文题目 |
水质检测机器人的控制系统设计 |
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指导教师意见: 该选题符合专业培养目标,工作量与难度适中。该生通过网络调研等途径,参考了许多文献,确定的软硬件框架设计方案合理,设计思路基本明确,通过设计和研究可以实现水质监测机器人航行到指定地点的功能,在远程监测控制系统等方面提出了创新。本课题的研究方法和研究步骤基本合理,难度合适,学生能够在预定时间内完成该课题的设计。 同意该课题开题。 指导教师签名: 董文 2019年3月1日 |
人们总是被派到一些地区去执行从水环境中采样元素的任务。在许多情况下,需要采样的环境对于人类而言是危险的,例如受污染的水库,污染的水源或河流。 探测过程对于预防性维护环境的过程非常重要,以确保人们所用的水是安全的。 该样品将用于实验室分析,以检测环境中的危险物质。
表1 机器人船动力和物理参数
Regular |
Bold |
Speed |
2m/s (Full payload) |
Turn Angle |
zero |
Turn speed |
30 degree/s |
Battery life |
4 Hours |
Payload |
100 Kg |
Length x Width |
3.85m x 68 cm. |
Fresh water operation |
船的机械驱动系统或吊舱推进系统,由垂直安装在机构上的航向电机组成。它用于转动推进器组件。这个系统安装在皮艇的尾部。瞄准马达组件的马达是齿轮伺服马达,推进器为改进型55磅推力拖行电机。所述PD控制用于控制航向电机的角位置,并且实施另一个PD控制以控制推进器拖钓电动机的旋转速度。这两个控制回路均由ARM7单片机执行,,然后由机器人船的主控制器(Rugged PC)监控。现有的机械设计只能在淡水环境中使用,在海洋中使用的版本必须经过特殊设计,与现有的组件有很大的不同。
图1 船驱动机构或吊舱推进系统。
表2 水自动取样器规格
Maximum sampling depth |
6 m. |
Sampling speed |
1liter (bottle)/minute |
Number of 1-liter bottles |
12 |
Self flushing system |
Yes |
Weight |
3 Kg. |
Data logging |
GPS position, depth |
图2 安装在船内的水自动采样系统和伺服绞盘,用于精确部署采样头
机器人船上的主计算机是Advantech的UNO 3282,带有Win-XP Professional操作系统。监控程序使用LabVIEW 8.6编写。 监控程序的功能包括通过RS232端口从导航传感器接收/解释数据,向机械驱动系统发送控制命令,向水自动采样器发送控制命令,以及运行航路点跟踪算法。针对ARM7单片机,用C语言编写了机械传动系统和水自动采样器的嵌入式控制程序。主计算机通过RS-232串口与机械驱动系统和水自动采样机的单片机进行通信。
图3 船上水自动采样系统。
图4 机器人船控制层硬件架构
我们使用TOPCON的GPS接收器,型号是Hiper Ga,可以在实时运动模式下工作。GPS位置的更新速率为5Hz,足以以2m / s的最大速度定位机器人船。正常模式下GPS定位精度为 /- 3m。利用虚拟参考站(VRS)对DGPS进行增强,精度可达 /- 10cm。如果没有VRS网络,可以将GPS设置为与另一个单元作为基接收机对工作,以获得 /- 10cm的精度。由于我们的目标区域大多位于没有互联网信号和VRS网络的偏远地区,所以我们选择的模式是基站接收。惯性测量单元(IMU)用于控制船舶航向或偏航角。我我们使用MicroStrain型号3DM-GX1的IMU。该装置由加速度计、磁力仪和陀螺传感器组成。将所有传感器的9个轴的数据融合,以提供精确的偏航角数据到 /- 4度。 GPS和IMU都通过RS232串口直接连接到船主控制器。
3. 点跟踪控制方案
图5 直路跟踪控制中使用的坐标系和参数
; (1)
; (2)
参数分别来自矩阵,和。为实现路点跟踪控制器,在Matlab/Simulink中仿真式(5)中状态空间的表示以及距离和航向控制的两个PID控制回路,如图6所示。和 ,在方程式中给出。相应地式(1)是控制推进器电动机和航向电动机的指令信号。船头角用作PID航向控制的反馈信号。两个PID控制器为推进器电机F生成一个力命令,并为一个拖钓电机产生一个航向角命令delta;,这样船沿着直线路径被引导到期望的航点,并且具有小的交叉轨道距离。 当船接近目标航路点时,前进速度或推力减小。
图6 船舶喘振,摇摆和偏航运动的航点跟踪控制器的Matlab / Simulink模型
在仿真中给定3个指定的航路点(0,0)、(20,0)和(40,20)或模拟中的两个航路段,如图7所示,船首先从(0,0)位置释放,航向角为零。在第一个航路段中,船沿着指定的直线航行,并具有小的交叉轨道距离(y b)。当船接近目标航路点时,由alpha;计算中的反正切函数,船航向角(psi;)变大。此外,当从目标航路点到船的距离小于5米时,关闭距离PID控制,如图8所示。在第二路径部分中,用于航向控制的PID控制试图校正psi;,使得航行方向在沿着轨道操纵之前与直线路径对齐,如图7所示。
图7 轨迹跟随轨迹通过点2和点3两个路径点,指定45度转弯
图8 机器人艇沿第一和第二
Autonomous Robot Boat for Water Sampling and
Environmental Data Acquisition Tasks
Keywords: Autonomous Robot, Water Sampling, Waypoint Tracking
Abstract: In this paper we are focusing on the development of the autonomous robot for the environmental tasks, especially, water resource management. We are attempting to use the Robot boat equipped with custom-fitting auto-water sampler machine to sampling water from water resources in order to determine the quality of the water with further laboratory analysis. The robot boat is equipped with GPS and Inertial Measurement Unit. It can be operated in two modes- remotely operated by pilot and auto-mode. The payload of the boat is 100 kg with top speed of 2 m/s. The boat utilizes podded propulsion as a drive system which makes it very maneuverable with zero turn angle capability. The water sampler, with the high precision depth servo function, can sample water at the rate of 1 liter per minute. It also has line arrangement mechanism to avoid line entanglement during operation.
Human are always sent out in the field to perform the task of sampling element from the water environment. In many cases, the environment that needs to be sampled is not suitable, dangerous, and not comfortable for human presence, e.g., contaminated water reservoir, polluted water source, or river. The probing process is very important to the process of preventive upkeep of the environment to make sure that it is safe for general public usage. The sample will be used for lab analysis to test for dangerous substance in the environment.
Buoy system has been used for monitoring water-quality and atmospheric parameters continuously or periodically in Fraser River Estuary [1]. But, the buoy system encounters with the risk of colliding with other vessels and with the sensor maintenance problem because of continuous operation. Also, static data, observed from the buoy, lacks dynamic range.
We propose using a mobile robot or a group of mobile robots to act as a smart vehicle that can be manually teleoperated by the pilot or autonomously controlled to bring the probe head or sample container into desired position. The mobile robot boat not only increases the level of comfort for human users but also helps human operator performing the task of collecting sample or positioning the sensor to acquire sample or sensor data effectively and precisely. Using the podded propulsion with the robot boat provide advantages [5] in maneuvering flexibility, reduce operating noise, as well as maintenance, e.g. small turning radius, motion control precision, and shaft alignment.
A robot equipped with sensor is very useful for two main reasons – 1) the mobility of the robot can extend the capacity of the on-board sensor(s) and may present the scientist with different point of view according to the data obtained from the mobile platform. 2) the versatility of the mobile sensor systems means that it needs no basic construction like in a case of a structural dependence static sensor system. Therefore, users can deploy a system anywhere and anytime they want. They can have a choice of deploying it as a static data collection point or as a mobile unit or as a platoon of robot.
This paper is divided into four sections. Section II introduces the hardware and the low level control scheme that are involved in the robot boat system. Section III discusses about the tracking control scheme for the boat to travel along a straight path. Section IV is the summary of the paper.
Regular |
Bold |
Speed |
2m/s (Full payload) |
Turn Angle |
zero |
Turn speed |
30 degree/s |
Battery life |
4 Hours |
Payload |
100 Kg |
Length x Width |
3.85m x 68 cm. |
Fresh water operation |
A. Boat Mechanical Drive System
The boatrsquo;s mechanical drive system, or a podded propulsion system, is composed of the heading motor installed vertically on the mechanism. It is used to turn the thruster assembly. This system is assembled at the rear of the kayak boat. A motor of the heading motor assembly is a gear servo motor and the thruster is the modified, 55-pound thrust, trolling motor. The PD-control is implemented to control the angular position of the heading motor and another PD-control is implemented to control the rotational speed of the thruster trolling motor. Both control loops are performed by the ARM7 microcontroller, where they are, in turn, supervised by the Robot boatrsquo;s main controller (Rugged PC). The existing mechanical design can only be used in the fresh water environment. The version that can be used in the sea has to be specially designed with components much different than the existing one.
Fig. 1 The boat drive mechanism or the podded propulsion system. The
heading motor is installed vertically to turn the thruster left or right
B. Water auto-sampler
The water auto-sampler system is composed of the servo winch, a pump, the manifold, and water bottles in the storage bin. The servo-winch is custom design to accommodate the cable management system. The system help preventing the water cable from entanglement in the process of releasing and retracting water cable. A DC motor is used to power the servo winch. This motor is controlled by the microcontroller with position feedback control algorithm. A DC diaphragm pump is used to provide suction power to the system. The manifold is triggered by the microcontroller digital output ports in order to s