ARM outlined
1.1 ARM-Advanced RISC Machines
ARM- Advanced RISC Machines is thought to be a company name, can be considered to be a type known as the microprocessor, can be considered a technical name.
ARM company was established in Cambridge in 1991, It mainly sales mandate of chip design technology. At present, the technology used ARM Intellectual Property (IP) Core microprocessors, that is, we usually refer to as the ARM microprocessor, which cover the industrial control, and consumer electronic products, communications systems, network systems, wireless systems and other products market, Based on the ARM microprocessor technology application was about a 32-bit RISC microprocessor 75% above the share of the market, ARM technology is gradually infiltrated into our lives in various areas.
ARM company specializing in technology-based RISC chip design and development company, as a supplier of intellectual property rights, it should not be directly involved in the production of silicon chips Design permits through the assignment of cooperation from the production company of special chips, the worlds major semiconductor manufacturers from the company to buy its ARM microprocessor design nuclear, According to different application areas, to add appropriate external circuit, thereby forming its own ARM microprocessor chip market. Currently, there are dozens of the worlds largest semiconductor companies are using mandate of ARM, So not only makes ARM technology to get more third-party tools, manufacture, the support of the software, so that the whole system can reduce costs, make our products more easily enter the market to be acceptable by consumers and more competitive.
1.2 ARM microprocessor application areas and features
1.2.1 ARM microprocessor application areas
So far, the ARM microprocessor technology and the application almost went to various areas :
1.Industrial control areas : as a 32 bit RISC structure, ARM-based microcontroller chips will occupy the high-end micro-controller market most of the market share. also gradually to the low-end micro-controller applications expansion, ARM microcontroller with low power consumption, high performance-cost ratio. And give a challenge to traditional 8 / 16 Microcontrollers.
2.The wireless communications field : At present, more than 85% of wireless communications equipment used ARM technology, ARM with high performance and low cost in the area of the increasing consolidation.
3.Network applications : As the technology promotion, ARM technology using ADSL chip is gradually gaining competitive advantage. In addition, the ARM in voice and video processing uplink optimization, and is widely supported, DSP is also the right application areas posed a challenge.
4, Consumer electronics products : ARM technology in the popular digital audio player, Digital Set-Top-Box and games were used extensively.
5, Imaging and security products : the now popular digital cameras and printers used most of the ARM technology. The mobile phone SIM 32 smart cards are using ARM technology. In addition, the ARM microprocessor and technology has been applied to many different fields, and in the future will be more widely used.
1.2.2 Features of the ARM microprocessor
ARM microprocessor using ARM RISC microprocessor architecture generally as Under characteristics :
1 Small size, low power, low cost, high performance;
2. Support Thumb (16) / ARM (32) - instruction set, Compatibility can be a very good 8 / 16 devices;
3, The extensive use of registers, the directive is faster;
4. Most data operations are completed by the middle of the Register;
5, Addressable flexible simple, high efficiency;
6. Fixed length instructions;
1.3 ARM microprocessor
ARM microprocessor series currently includes the following several series, and other manufacturers based on the ARM architecture processors, in addition to ARM architecture a common feature, Every one of a series of ARM microprocessors have their own characteristics and application areas.
- Series ARM7
-Series ARM9
-series ARM9E
- ARM10E Series
- SecurCore series
- The X scale Inter
- Strong ARM of Inter
ARM7, ARM9, ARM9E, and ARM10 of four generic processor series, each series provides a unique set of comparative performance to meet the needs of different areas of application needs. SecurCore series of specialized security requirements for the application of high design.
We can find out in detail the characteristics of various processors and application areas.
1.3.1 The series of ARM7 microprocessor
ARM7 series of low-power microprocessors for the 32 RIS C processor, the most suitable for the right price and power consumption demand higher consumer applications. ARM7 microprocessor series has the following characteristics :
- Embedded ICE-RT logic, developed to facilitate debugging. - Very low power consumption, suitable for higher power applications, such as portable products.
- Able to provide the three pipeline structure by 0 .9 MIPS/MHz;
- Code compatibility and high density of 16 Thumb instruction set. - Right to support a broad range of operating systems, including Windows CE, Linux, Palm OS, and so on.
- Instruction System and ARM9 series, ARM9E and ARM10E series compatible series, user-friendly to the upgrading of products.
- The frequency of up to 130 MIPS, high-speed computational processing capacity will rise to the majority of the complex application.
ARM7 microprocessor series of the main application areas : industrial
control, Internet equipment, network and modem equipment, mobile phones and other multimedia and embedded applications.
ARM7 microprocess
ARM-Advanced RISC Machines
ARM(Advanced RISC Machines),既可以认为是一个公司的名字,也可以认为是对一类微处理器的通称,还可以认为是一种技术的名字。
ARM-Advanced RISC Machines
- 片进入市场。目前,全世界有几十家大的半导体公司都使用ARM公司的授权,因此既使得ARM技术获得更多的第三方工具、制造、软件的支持,又使整个系统成本降低,使产品更容易进入市场被消费者所接受,更具有竞争力。
1.2 ARM微处理器的应用领域及特点
1.2.1 ARM微处理器的应用领域
2、无线通讯领域:目前已有超过85%的无线通讯设备采用了ARM技术, ARM以其高性能和低成本,在该领域的地位日益巩固。
1.2.2 ARM微处理器的特点
1.3 ARM微处理器系列
- ARM7系列
- ARM9系列
- ARM9E系列
- ARM10E系列
- SecurCore系列
- Inter的Xscale
- Inter的StrongARM
1.3.1 ARM7微处理器系列
- 具有嵌入式ICE-RT逻辑,调试开发方便。
- 极低的功耗,适合对功耗要求较高的应用,如便携式产品。
- 能够提供0.9MIPS/MHz的三级流水线结构。
- 代码密度高并兼容16位的Thumb指令集。
- 对操作系统的支持广泛,包括Windows CE、Linux、Palm OS等。
- 指令系统与ARM9系列、ARM9E系列和ARM10E系列兼容,便于用户的产品升级换代。
- 主频最高可达130MIPS,高速的运算处理能力能胜任绝大多数的复杂应用。
T: 支持16为压缩指令集Thumb;
D: 支持片上Debug;
I: 嵌入式ICE,支持片上断点和调试点;
1.3.2 SecurCore微处理器系列
- 带有灵活的保护单元,以确保操作系统和应用数据的安全。
- 采用软内核技术,防止外部对其进行扫描探测。
- 可集成用户自己的安全特性和其他协处理器。
SecurCore系列微处理器包含SecurCore SC100、SecurCore SC110、SecurCore SC200和SecurCore SC210四种类型,以适用于不同的应用场合。
1.3.3 StrongARM微处理器系列
Inter StrongARM SA-1100处理器是采用ARM体系结构高度集成的32位RISC微处理器。它融合了Inter公司的设计和处理技术以及ARM体系结构的电源效率,采用在软件上兼容ARMv4体系结构、同时采用具有Intel技术优点的体系结构。
Intel StrongARM处理器是便携式通讯产品和消费类电子产品的理想选择,已成功应用于多家公司的掌上电脑系列产品。
1.3.4 Xscale处理器
Xscale 处理器是基于ARMv5TE体系结构的解决方案,是一款全性能、高性价比、低功耗的处理器。它支持16位的Thumb指令和DSP指令集,已使用在数字移动电话、个人数字助理和网络产品等场合。
Xscale 处理器是Inter目前主要推广的一款ARM微处理器。
1.4 ARM微处理器结构
1.4.1 RISC体系结构
传统的CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computer,复杂指令集计算机)结构有其固有的缺点,即随着计算机技术的发展而不断引入新的复杂的指令集,为支持这些新增的指令,计算机的体系结构会越来越复杂,然而,在CISC指令集的各种指令中,其使用频率却相差悬殊,大约有20%的指令会被反复使用,占整个程序代码的80%。而余下的80%的指令却不经常使用,在程序设计中只占20%,显然,这种结构是不太合理的。
基于以上的不合理性,1979年美国加州大学伯克利分校提出了RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computer,精简指令集计算机)的概念,RISC并非只是简单地去减少指令,而是把着眼点放在了如何使计算机的结构更加简单合理地提高运算速度上。RISC结构优先选取使用频最高的简单指令,避免复杂指令;将指令长度固定,指令格式和寻地方式种类减少;以控制逻辑为主,不用或少用微码控制等措施来达到上述目的。
- 采用固定长度的指令格式,指令归整、简单、基本寻址方式有2~3种。
- 使用单周期指令,便于流水线操作执行。
- 大量使用寄存器,数据处理指令只对寄存器进行操作,只有加载/ 存储指令可以访问存储器,以提高指令的执行效率。
- 所有的指令都可根据前面的执行结果决定是否被执行,从而提高指令的执行效率。
- 可用加载/存储指令批量传输数据,以提高数据的传输效率。
- 可在一条数据处理指令中同时完成逻辑处理和移位处理。
- 在循环处理中使用地址的自动增减来提高运行效率。
1.4.2 ARM微处理器的寄存器结构
- 31个通用寄存器,包括程序计数器(PC指针),均为32位的寄存器。
- 6个状态寄存器,用以标识CPU的工作状态及程序的运行状态,均为32位,目前只使用了其中的一部分。
1.4.3 ARM微处理器的指令结构
1.5 ARM微处理器的应用选型
从前面所介绍的内容可知,ARM微处理器包含一系列的内核结构,以适应不同的应用领域,用户如果希望使用WinCE或标准Linux等操作系统以减少软件开发时间,就需要选择ARM720T以上带有MMU(Memory Management Unit)功能的ARM芯片,ARM720T、ARM920T、ARM922T、ARM946T、Strong-ARM都带有MMU功能。而ARM7TDMI则没有MMU,不支持Windows CE和标准Linux,但目前有uCLinux等不需要MMU支持的操作系统可运行于ARM7TDMI硬件平台之上。事实上,uCLinux已经成功移植到多种不带MMU的微处理器平台上,并在稳定性和其他方面都有上佳表现。