
 2022-12-09 03:12

Digital Investigation 9 (2012) S90–S98

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Digital Investigation

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/diin

Acquiring forensic evidence from infrastructure-as-a-service cloud

computing: Exploring and evaluating tools, trust, and techniques

Josiah Dykstra*, Alan T. Sherman

Cyber Defense Lab, Department of CSEE, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA

Keywords:Computer security;Cloud computing;Digital forensics;Cloud forensics;EnCase;FTK;Amazon EC2


We expose and explore technical and trust issues that arise in acquiring forensic evidence from infrastructure-as-a-service cloud computing and analyze some strategies for addressing these challenges. First, we create a model to show the layers of trust required in the cloud. Second, we present the overarching context for a cloud forensic exam and analyze choices available to an examiner. Third, we provide for the first time an evaluation of popular forensic acquisition tools including Guidance EnCase and AccesData Forensic Toolkit, and show that they can successfully return volatile and non-volatile data from the cloud. We explain, however, that with those techniques judge and jury must accept a great deal of trust in the authenticity and integrity of the data from many layers of the cloud model. In addition, we explore four other solutions for acquisitiondTrusted Platform Modules, the management plane, forensics-as-a-service, and legal solutions, which assume less trust but require more cooperation from the cloud service provider. Our work lays a foundation for future development of new acquisition methods for the cloud that will be trustworthy and forensically sound. Our work also helps forensic examiners, law enforcement, and the court evaluate confidence in evidence from the cloud.

ordf; 2012 Dykstra amp; Sherman. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Introduction

Discovery and acquisition of evidence in remote, elastic, provider-controlled cloud computing platforms differ from that in traditional digital forensics, and examiners lack appropriate tools for these tasks. While there are many important issues in this new field, we focus explicitly on data acquisition. Crimes that target or use cloud computing will undoubtedly emerge in this landscape, and investiga-tors will rely on their existing expertise in tools like Guidance EnCase or AccessData Forensic Toolkit (FTK) unless alternative tools and techniques are provided.

Digital forensics for cloud computing brings new technical and legal challenges. Cloud computing makes forensics different, particularly given the remote nature of the evidence, lack of physical access, and trust required in the integrity and authenticity. While the goals of the forensic examiner are the same as before, the non-conventional difficult problems include forensically sound acquisition of remote data, large data volumes, distributed and elastic data, chain of custody, and data ownership.

Seizure and acquisition of digital artifacts are the initial steps in the forensic process (Casey, 2004). Two possible scenarios exist: remote investigators could collect forensic evidence themselves from the source, or providers could deliver it. Each scenario requires a different degree of trust in the data returned. Further, each scenario uses different technical implementations to recover the data. Given years of development, acceptance by the judicial system, and expertise in the field, market leaders in the commercial

forensic tool space including EnCase and FTK are ideally prepositioned for the cloud forensic challenge (SCMagazine, 2011). One question that remained until now, however, was an evaluation of the ability of such tools to acquire and analyze cloud-based evidence.

Cloud computing is a broad, generic term with many meanings and definitions. It has infiltrated the vernacular, bastardized in marketing and media. Cloud computing is an evolution and combination of decades of technology, resulting in a model of convenient, on-demand,elastic,location-independentcomputing resources. Though some definitions of cloud computing include popular web-based services such as email and social networking, we limit the scope of this paper to computing resources that are billed as utilities. More specifically, we use the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) model (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2011). In this model, the consumer has complete control over a guest operating system running in a virtual machine (VM). The provider retains control and responsibility for the hypervisor (HV) down to the physical hardware in the datacenter. Since the Platform-as-a-Service and Software-as-a-Service models are built on IaaS, beginning with IaaS provides a fundamental basis from which to build future work.

In this paper, we assume that the target system of the forensic investigation still exists in the cloud. The elastic nature of cloud computing makes it possible for a criminal to commit a crime and then immediately destroy the evidence, but that situation is not considered here. While some cases will involve the cloud as the instrument of the crime, others will involve the cloud-hosted service as the target of the crime. The later is the scope of this paper.

In draft guidance (Federal CIO Council, 2011, p. 21) on the secure use of cloud computing, the Federal Chief Information Officers Council states that “incident response and computer forensics in a cloud environment require fundamentally different tools, techniques, and training.” In this paper, we evaluate the validity of that statement with respect to data acquisition. Contributions of our work include:

Results from three experiments that exercise existing tools for persistent and non-persistent data collection in


数字调查9(2012)–s98 S90

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网络防御实验室,中国电机工程学报,马里兰大学、巴尔的摩县(UMBC),1000HillTop算法,巴尔的摩,MD 21250,美国






从远程弹性供应商控制云计算平台发现和采集证据与通过传统的数字取证来发现和采集证据不同,审查员缺少执行这些任务所需的适当工具。虽然该新领域存在很多严重问题,但我们明确致力于数据采集。该场景中确实出现了以云计算为目标或使用云计算的犯罪活动,除非配备备用工具和技术,否则调查员将依赖于现有的专业工具,如Guidance EnCase或AccessData Forensic Toolkit (FTK)。


数字伪像的捕获和采集为取证过程的起始步骤(Casey, 2004)。存在两种可能的方案:远程调查员自身可从源头收集法庭证据,或者供应商提供法庭证据。各方案对返回的数据有不同的可信度。此外,各方案采用不同的技术措施来恢复数据。鉴于多年的发展、司法系统的验收及此领域的专业知识,将包括EnCase和FTK在内的商业取证工具领域的市场领导者理想地预定为云取证的挑战(SCMagazine, 2011)。但是现在仍存在的一个问题是对此类工具采集和分析云证据的能力的评估。









  1. 之前的相关作品

美国联邦政府对部分使用最广泛的取证工具进行了评估,以确保可靠性。国家标准技术局(NIST)的计算机取证工具测试(CFTT)项目负责测试数字取证工具、测定其效力并进行认证(国家标准技术局,2003)。其于2009年9月对EnCase 6.5进行了评估,2008年6月对FTK Imager进行了评估(国家标准技术局,2009,2008)。其从来不会对这些产品的企业版(包括远程取证能力)进行测试和认证。NIST还发表了数字数据采集工具规范,其“指出了数字媒体采集工具在计算机取证调查中的要求”(国家标准技术局,2004)。该规范的最新版本制定于2004年,在我们知道云计算之前就已存在。

几个研究员指出证据采集是云取证(Dykstra和Sherman,2011a;Ruan等人,2011; Taylor等人,2011))的一个前沿问题。Dykstra和Sherman对两种假设案件研究的分析阐明了从云犯罪收集证据的重大问题(Dykstra和Sherman,2011a, b)。Ruan等人 (Ruan等人,2011)建议虽然不清楚收集易失和非易失云数据的人员和方法,但是证据采集应遵从“明确定义的客户和供应商的职责划分”。 Taylor等人(Taylor等人, 2011)也对缺少从云采集数据的适当工具表示遗憾,其指出“在当代计算环境下,这些工具中的大部分是标准化工具,如EnCase或Forensics Tool Kit [sic]。”

虚拟机自省(VMI)为一门技术,观察员可凭借此技术通过管理程序从外部与虚拟机客户端进行相互作用。2003年,Garfinkel和Rosenblum (Garfinkel和Rosenblum, 2003)首次证明了使用VMI在虚拟客户端进行入侵检测的技术。2009年,Symantec使用虚拟机的VMSafe证明了通过虚拟机管理程序在虚拟机内添加反病毒代码(Conover和Chiueh, 2008)。从那时起,研究员提出了VMI在取证存储分析中的各种应用(Nance等人,2009;Dolan-Gabitt等人,2011)。Santana (Santana, 2009)报告显示Terremark将自省用于vSphere云计算供应端的监测、管理和安全性。到目前为止,尚未尝试通过管理程序在虚拟机内增设取证工具(如EnCase小服务程序)。

2009年,Gartner(Heiser, 2009)发表了针对企业环境的远程取证工具概述及其使用指南。其将EnCase和FTK作为最广泛使用的产品,具有最强的国际支持。但是,这些工具有其自身的缺点:2007年,在远程EnCase代理和服务器之间的认证中发现了易损性(Giobbi和McCormick, 2007)。从法律角度来看,2011年Guidance Software公司自己的“EnCase法律杂志”(关于电子举证的法律问题和裁决的综合测验)中未提及针对远程数据采集的复杂法律问题相关的司法裁决或成文法(Guidance Software, 2011)。我们将对云计算取证的交集及用于搜索和捕获的合法状态交集进行分析。










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