
 2023-03-13 03:03



关键词:辩诉交易; 有罪答辩; 上诉权;美国; 德国

  1. 美国有罪答辩制度下被告人的上诉权


在美国的司法实践中,美国联邦和州司法系统与被告人达成的辩诉协议通常会要求作有罪答辩的被告人放弃上诉权,包括对量刑问题的上诉。经过学者的调查结果表明:在通过认罪协议处理的案件中,有近三分之二案件的被告人放弃了上诉权,因此上诉率相比于之前有了很大程度上的下降 。[1]但是允许被告人与司法系统协商放弃上诉权这一行为的正当性也面临着一些专家学者的质疑,他们认为首先,限制被告人的上诉权是一种不合法的行为,涉嫌违宪。其次,被告人对上诉权的放弃相当于放弃了挽回未来潜在错误的机会,因为被告人在放弃上诉权时不可能知道抗辩程序与最后判决中可能发生的情况,所以让被告人放弃质疑未来错误的可能性是不合理的。再次,弃权条款不是一个准确的称述,而模糊的表述不能构成合同中有约束力的条款,所以放弃上诉权的条款无法生效。最后,被告人放弃上诉条款削弱了上诉审查的监管能力,不恰当的扩大地方法院的权限。



  1. 德国辩诉交易制度下被告人的上诉权




外文文献出处:1、Bundesgerichtshof (German FederalCourt of Appeal [OrdinaryJurisdiction]): GroJ3er Senat fur Strafsachen (Great Criminal Senate)

Nancy J. King & Michael E. Orsquo;Neill

Decision of 3 Mfarch 2005: Case No. GSSt 1/04

2、Duke LawJournal VOLUME 55 NOVEMBER 2005 NUMBER 2




Bundesgerichtshof (German FederalCourt of Appeal [OrdinaryJurisdiction]): GroJ3er Senat fur Strafsachen (Great Criminal Senate)

Plea Bargaining: Waiver of Right to Appeal

Decision of 3 Mfarch 2005: Case No. GSSt 1/04

The 3rd Criminal Senate of the Bundesgerichtshof was hearing two appeals concerning drugs offences where the defendants had declaredwaivers of their right to appeal following bargains. It remitted the cases to the Great Criminal Senate of the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH), an enlarged judicial panel that decides on conflicts of opinion between the different ordinary criminal senates of the court. In the first case, the waiver was part of the deal before judgment was pronounced, and in the second case the waiver was declared after judgment, but the court had declared prior to judgment that a waiver would be considered desirable. The question for the Great Criminal Senate was whether a bargained waiverwas in principle per missible.


trial court must not in any way encourage the defendant to declare such a waiver, indeed it must not even take part in any negotiations to that effect; a court must never include a waiver in a pre-judgment bargain, such a waiver is void per se (unlike in most common law jurisdictions, the court in Germany is involved in the plea negotiations from an early stage). It must give the defendant a qualified warning after any judgment based on such a bargain, that notwithstanding the bargain he may appeal the judgment, regardless of whether the waiver was part of the

deal or not. The waiver will only become binding if the defendant declares it after he or she has been given such a qualified warning. A binding waiver by all parties concerned makes the judgment final and enforceable immediately.


The BGH is a court of final appeal in the ordinary jurisdiction (criminal and civil cases) and decides on questions of law only. (The original decisions of the BGH since the year 2000 can be accessed at and downloaded free of cost from the courts website www.bundesgerichtshof.de (accessed 29 September 2005) in the folder Entscheidungen, by entering the date and/or the case number; there is also a keyword search engine available.) There are other Federal Courts of Appeal in the following special jurisdictions: administrative, social, employment and tax courts.Cases such as the present one usually come to the BGH on appeal under

the procedural heading of whether appeal waivers by the defendants as part of the bargain were valid or not. German procedure does not know I he Journial of C;rimninal La it,guilty pleas in the common law sense (where they immediately end the trial proper as such), and especially not the phenomenon of charge bargaining. Bargains usually only pertain to matters of sentencing and are based on admissions of fact by the defendant. (For a brief overview on the German bargaining system and the previous jurisprudence of the BGH, see M. Bohlander, Plea-bargaining before the ICTY, in R. May,D. Tolbert et al. (eds), Essays on ICTY Procedure and Evidence (Brill Academic Publishers: Leiden, 2001) 151 at 159-60.) There are, however,provisions that allow a court provisionally to drop charges related to minor offences, for example, if the sentence to be expected if the more serious charges are proven is sufficiently commensurate with the overall degree of guilt of the defendant. This can be used as a form of limited charge bargaining, i.e. the co


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