Ownership Concentration, lsquo;Private Benefits of Controlrsquo; and Debt Financing
Abstract:Building on the fast-growing lsquo;law and economicsrsquo; literature this paper analyzescorporate governance implications of debt financing in an environment where a dominant owner is able to extract ex ante lsquo;private benefits of controlrsquo; at the expense of minority shareholders. It demonstrates that ownership concentration isassociated with a less efficient use of financial resources measured as a ratio of afirmrsquo;s debt to investment, and that this does not depend on the identity of the largest shareholder. Entrenched dominant shareholders may be colluding with fixed-claim holders in extracting lsquo;control premiumrsquo;. One of possible outcomes of this collusion is a lsquo;crowding outrsquo; of entrepreneurial firms from the debt market, and this is supported by evidence from the transition economies.
Keywords: ownership, benefits of control, debt
There is a substantial body of research in financial economics and strategic management literatures that links the pattern and amount of stock ownership with managerial behavior, and, eventually, with corporate performance (Gibbs, 1993; Hoskisson et al., 1994;Jensen and Warner, 1988). However, most of the previous research is focused on large,publicly traded corporations with diffused ownership within the framework of the conventional US/UK model of corporate control, and little is known about the corporate governance implications of concentrated ownership (Holderness and Sheehan, 1988; Short, 1994). A fast growing literature on the optimal ownership structures of firms depending on the levels of lsquo;private benefits of controlrsquo; (e.g., Bennedsen and Wolfenzon, 2000; Grossman and Hart, 1988; Harris and Raviv, 1988) has extended governance research beyond the conventional US/UK environment and has recently become a focal point of theoretical and policy debates (Bebchuk, 1994; Filatotchev et al., 2001; La Porta et al., 1998; 2000b; Modigliani and Perotti, 1997).
This research is particularly important for countries with relatively low protection of minority investors and where expropriation of minority shareholders bythe controlling shareholders is extensive. This expropriation may take various forms, such as misappropriation of investment resources, related-party transactions, use of transfer pricing, assets stripping and other forms of lsquo;tunnelingrsquo; of assets and revenue from firms (see La Porta et al, 1998, for an extensive discussion). As a result, the primary agency problem in such environment is not the failure of professional managers to satisfy the objectives of diffused shareholders, but rather the expropriation of minority shareholders by the large-block shareholders (La Porta et al., 2000a; Shleifer and Vishny, 1997). This opportunistic behavior woulddeter outside investment and negatively affect the firmrsquo;s value (Jensen and Meckling, 1976;La Porta et al., 1998; Wruck, 1989). However, despite the agency costs associatedwith large-block share ownership, concentrated shareholders may resist the dilutionof their equity stakes even in the long-run. Modigliani and Perotti (1997) suggest that, in an environment of poor legal enforcement, the value of control rights is generally greater than that which controlling shareholders could hope to gain by selling out shares to equity investors. Bebchuck (1994; 1999) develops a rent-protection theory of corporate ownership structure, suggesting that when private benefits of control are large, concentrated ownership is the only viable arrangement. In his model, controlling shareholders will tend to maintain a lock on control since surrendering control would attract attempts to assemble a controlling stak by rivals seeking to capture these private benefits.
These arguments provide a number of important theoretical and practical implications. First, a relatively high ownership concentration in many developed and developing economies may be an equilibrium response to a low level of protection of minority shareholders. Building on the agency framework developed by Jensen and Meckling (1976) a number of authors suggest that a higher equity ownership by controlling shareholders enhances their interest in non-distortionary distribution of dividends (Filatotchev et al., 2001;La Porta et al., 2000a). When expropriation of private benefits of control involves costs, an increase in the size of the equity stake of a large-block shareholder would reduce the marginal benefits of expropriation (see Bennedsen and Wolfenzon, 2000; Claessens et al., 1999, for a discussion).
Second, an inadequate legislative and enforcement framework may hamper the development of equity markets and may account for the relative weight of intermediated credit as compared with direct equity financing (LaPorta et al., 1997; Modigliani and Perotti, 1997; Schleifer and Vishny, 1997). Moreover, fixed-claim holders may provide an effective counterbalance to opportunistic behavior of concentrated owners of cash-flow rights (Hart,1995; Jensen, 1986). Debt can provide ahard mechanism in the sense of the need to meet interest payments and the bankruptcy procedures which can be invoked when there is a failure to meet such payments. It can also be associated with the provision of active monitoring through bank-corporate relationships involving regular information provision, face-to-face meetings, flexible interpretation of covenant breaches, etc. (Holland, 1994; Myers andMajluf, 1984). Finally, Dewatripont and Tirole (1994) argue that there is a complementarity between debt and equity in terms of effective corporate governance.
However, despite these considerable research advances, the theory of optimal ownership structure depending on the levels of lsquo;private benefits of controlrsquo; still has a number of conceptual and empirical gaps that require further analysis. First, the main bulk of stu
有一个大量研究金融经济学和战略管理的文献显示获得控制权私人收益的方式和数量与管理行为和企业业绩有关。(Gibbs, 1993;Hoskisson et al., 1994;Jensen and Warner, 1988)然而,大多以往的研究集中于大型、公开的在传统的美国/英国公司控制模型的框架范围内分散所有权的上市公司,很少是关于所有权集中的公司治理(Holderness and Sheehan, 1988;Short,1994)。快速成长的企业所有制结构的优化取决于“控制权私人收益”的水平。(e.g., Bennedsen and Wolfenzon, 2000; Grossman and Hart, 1988;Harris and Raviv, 1988)。文献已超出传统的治理研究美国/英国环境,并在最近成为理论和政策辩论。(Bebchuk, 1994;Filatotchev et al., 2001;La Porta et al., 1998;2000b;Modigliani and Perotti, 1997)
这项研究对中小投资者受较少保护而控股股东广泛控制小股东的国家特别重要。这种对控制权的行使可采取多种形式,比如利用公司机会、关联方交易、转移定价,资产转移和其他“隧道行为”剥夺企业的资产和收入。(见La Porta等,1998年;一个广泛的讨论)。因此,在这样一种机构环境下的主要问题不是职业经理人不能满足分散的股东的目标,而是大宗股东对小股东的控制。(La Porta et al., 2000a;Shleifer and Vishny, 1997)。这种机会主义行为会阻止外来投资并对公司的价值产生负面影响(Jensen and Meckling,1976; La Porta et al., 1998; Wruck, 1989)。然而,尽管代理成本与大宗股权相关,集中股东可能抵制甚至长期进行他们的股权稀释。Modigliani and Perotti (1997)表明,在一个法律执行不健全的环境,控制权价值通常较控股股东通过出售股份进行股权投资价值更大。Bebchuck (1994; 1999)对公司所有权结构提出了“借贷-保护”理论,建议当控制权私人利益很大时,集中所有权是唯一可行的办法。在他的模型中,控股股东将倾向于保持控制权,因为放弃控制权会吸引对手组建一个控制股份来获取这些私人利益。
这些论点提出了一系列重要理论和实际影响。首先,这在所有权集中度相对较高的发达国家和发展中国家的经济中对受保护程度低的小股东来说可能是一个平衡反应。在Jensen and Meckling(1976)提出的机构框架上一些作者提出更高的主权控制会增强他们对不可分配的分散股份的兴趣。(Filatotchev et al., 2001;La Porta et al., 2000a)当获取控制权私人利益涉及产品成本,大宗股东股权的增加将减少获取的边际收益。(see Bennedsen and Wolfenzon, 2000; Claessens et al., 1999, for a discussion)。
第二,不适当的立法和执法框架可能妨碍股票市场的发展,并且和直接股权融资相比占用相对大量的信用中介。 (LaPorta et al., 1997; Modigliani and Perotti, 1997;Schleifer and Vishny, 1997)此外,固定股权持有人可以提供拥有现金流量权的机会主义行为的集中业主一个有效制衡。(Hart,1995;Jensen, 1986)债务可以为需要进行利息支付和因不能支付这些利息而要进行破产调用程序的时候提供一个硬机制。它也可以是通过银行积极监管定期提供信息、面对面的会议、对违反公约的灵活解释等。(Holland, 1994;Myers and Majluf, 1984)最后,Dewatripont and Tirole (1994)认为,负债与公平有效的公司治理存在互补性。
以往的研究已证实一些大股东对公司治理的作用,其中一些可能会有价值提升,而其他有可能产生负面影响。(see Filatotchev et al., 2001; Shleifer and Vishny, 1997, for an extensive discussion)
这两个战略和机构观点往往都集中在分析可能的与集中股权相关的激励效应上。Jensen and Meckling (1976)例如,解释了提高企业家/经理的现金流量权对消费额外津贴的制约,从而对企业的估值产生积极的影响。进一步研究表明,大宗外来所有权可能也是一个对管理机会主义的有效制衡。公司可能由很大、单一的股东发挥重要的领导和监督作用。他们有鼓励机制和手段抑制自我服务的管理人员的行为。(Maug, 1998; McConnel and Servaes, 1990; Zeckhauser and Pound, 1990)。此外,他们与雇员和其他利益相关者私下签订有利于价值提升的合同。(Shleifer and Summers, 1988)从战略管理角度来看,大股东可能不允许不完善的战略,如由多样化演变成业绩不佳,因此减少结构调整的幅度。(Gibbs, 1993; Hoskisson et al., 1994)
一些研究人员指出集中持股可能建立除了激励效应外的堑沟效应。(McConnell and Servaes, 1990;Mikkelson and Partch, 1989; Morck et al., 1988)不是强加一种有效监测和管理权控制,大股东可能产生他们自己提供的代理成本(Roe, 1990)。特别是,缺乏多样化意味着大股东都受到该公司的个别风险的影响。(Maug, 1998)这种风险降低了其主观价值投资,他们可以利用机会勾结经理把少数股东财富转移到自己那。Gibbs(1993)认为,无党派股票持有者通常是被动的,支持管理人员对其发展的追求,而不是剩余价值。Pound (1988)也表明,股票持有者很可能与经营者持同样观点,(战略性调整假说)或者受经营者现有的商业关系的影响(受冲突假说)。
在这项研究的基础之上,一些创办人指出,当多数股东有可能以牺牲少数股东利益为代价来滥用自身的主导地位,特别是当少数股东的法律保护很弱时,股权集中本身可能对企业的价值带来负面影响。(Bebchuk,1994; Stiglitz, 1985)这种滥用可能得益于特定的法律安排,如特定的选举权。(Grossman and Hart, 1988; Harris and Raviv, 1988)它可以有多种形式,从现金流量拨款、资产剥夺到以交叉持股和以金字塔的方式进行的资产倒卖。(La Porta et al., 1998)现金流量权的集中可能伴随选举权的增长比例。因为它降低了少数股东有效沟通对抗控股股东的几率,这种集中的股票控制权可以使剥夺代价更小。此外,在某种程度上的股权集中度与外界人士之间的界限变得模糊了。股票持有者不管他们的身份是什么,他们都有强烈的动机去转移资源,以牺牲其他股东利益为代价使自己获利。(Wruck, 1989)。
然而,控股股东剥夺少数股东权益的意愿可能受囿于财政激励。Jensen and Meckling (1996)在由Jensen和Meckling (1996)发起的机构框架基础上,大量的创办人将这些激励机制跟控股股东的资本所有权联系起来以提高他们对非扭曲股息分配的兴趣。假设对剥夺私人利益的控制牵涉到诸如法律操纵,设定金字塔等的代价,那么大量股东股权的增长将减少资产剥夺的净收益。(see La Porta et al., 2000a, for a discussion)。和其他事情一样,既然激励机制与管理机制相互抵触,股权集中应该导致资产剥夺的减弱。因此,大量的股权控制被少数股东作为好企业被认可的一种信号。(Bennedsen and Wolfenzon, 2000)并且这些观点和在建立贸易公司的过程中股权集中是法律保护在提供公司管理方法的作用上的一种替代是一致的。(La Porta et al., 1998)换句话说,一个企业的股权结构可以是一个企业经营特点以及它所处的竞争性、合法性环境的一种平衡的响应。(Demsetz and Lehn, 1985; Jensesn and Warner, 1988; Roe, 1990)。
在这项研究的基础之上,大量的学者提出拥有现金流量权的控股股东应减缓对少数股东资产剥夺的刺激,但不必消除这种做法。(Filatotchev et al., 2001; La Porta et al., 1999)结果,普通股市场在从GNP中获利的水平更大、有好的合法保护小股东的国家的市场结构中发展更深(La Porta et al., 1997; 1999)。而且,公司需要更多依赖于获得的利润和银行贷款作为投资经济的主要途径(Modigliani and Perotti, 1997; Rajan and Zingales, 1995)。
在法律、管理机制无力,相对大量的中介信用机构指挥世界上许多国家的企业产权融资的情况下,日本或者德国的关系治理模式或许可以取代美国和英国模式的资本市场。很多作者提出关于债务和持债者的管理角色的问题。(Hart, 1995; Jensen, 1986)债务在某种意义上需要在偿还利息时能够提供一个中间机构,当不能够偿还类似的利息时,破产程序将被启动。它能和包括正规信息提供,面对面会谈,违约的灵活解释等方面的通过银行企业关系主动监测到的规定相联系)。(Both and Deli, 1999; Myers and Majluf, 1984),Dewatripont and Tirole(1994)在更一般的意义上指出根据企业管理的作用,债务和产权具有互补性。
这些由西方银行完整监测的方面在强制执行上的表现比默认的简单依靠显得更为重要。(Franks and Mayer 1997)银行和其他关系股东通常会和企业领导建立亲密的、信息灵通的关系,这将促进应企业发展。这个过程是特别适合在应急情况下公司的活动,对外人是不透明的,由于技术的复杂性高(e.g. evidenced by high levels of Ramp;D expenditure, see Zeckhauser and Pound,1990; Roe, 1997)或该公司关键取决于与客户或供应商的特殊的个人关系,从而阻碍了外来投资者的积极监测。
另外还有关于欠发达国家多元化集团的突出研究。这些集团也许有创建私有资本市场的作用,这样小企业才能够有自己的融资渠道。Modigliani and Perotti (1997)提出一个控股公司的能力或者一个内部银行对利润获取的控制将确保一个稳定的资金供给。这些集团也可能和债权人建立长期合作关系以减小风险。实验证据表明,日本企业与财政部门的合作并没有因为他们是私有企业而在做出投资选择时被降低信用度。Khanna and Palepursquo;s (2000)的制度化理论提出在新兴市场上的多元化集团的发展是对因市场和法律上的缺陷导致外部资金的交易成本上涨的一种响应。
因此,在国家发展的特殊时期控制银行和工业企业的所有权成为在一定范围内保证显著经济发展的关键。然而,尽管他们乐意为企业的发展壮大提供必要的资金,有关联的投资人还是会因为有失败企业巨头的加入而受到批评,尤其是在一揽子救市计划出现的地方。(Macey and Miller, 1997)特别是Harris and Raviv (1990) 提供证据表明德国的银行不愿意采取措施惩罚客户公司的经理,尤其是当他们牵涉到相互之间持股的公司时。银行控股的企业往往被认为通过暗地里转移大量的资金来主张保护自己的投资利益,那样可以减缓危机中的经济收入的波动。这些意味着银行形成了一个管理者联盟,以此减少外部股东的应得收益。除此以外,另有证据表明银行控股公司影响改变着投资决策:Thomas and Waring (1999) 报道大额投资、日本和德国的银行控股企业受到经济波动的影响会大于预期经济收益,这在美国也是如此。