
 2023-06-19 03:06

E-Commerce Financial Management Innovation

[Abstract] With the advent of the Internet age, e-commerce transactions of this new way quietly into our lives, and in the commercial arena plays an important position. The traditional financial management has been unable to respond to e-commerce challenges characteristic of the times, it is based on this situation, the major study of electronic commerce on the impact of traditional financial management and the implementation of the network of financial means and methods. [Keywords:] E-commerce Traditional Financial Management Network Financial A, e-commerce environment, the traditional financial management problems E-commerce is based on the Internet as a framework, as the main parties to the transaction, the bank payment and settlement as a means to the customer database as a new business model relies on [1]. It is not only a kind of advanced information technology, trading in the market is also a virtual venue for the exchange. Traditional corporate financial management can not meet the settlement of commercial transactions based on e-commerce. Specifically manifested in the following areas: (1) network security issues Network Financial Management System is based on the network platform, while the network of global, open and shared so that anyone can freely access to Internet to obtain information or engage in business activities, have greatly changed the way businesses in the past closed - under the operating environment, increased the financial risks. The financial management of most of the traditional stand-alone or LAN-based financial software, without taking into account the security threats from the Internet. At the same time e-commerce as a new form of trading, the current lack of financial management and e-commerce system suited to the legal norms. (B) the traditional financial management and backward E-commerce trade in the entire process of trading parties are completed via the Internet, the traditional financial management does not implement online office, electronic payments, electronic money and other means to make financial projections, planning, decision-making and other links work, a relatively long time and can not meet E-commerce development. Vertically, the e-business requirements of its subordinate branches of enterprises through the network data processing and financial resources to implement centralized management, financial management, however, the traditional network technology due to the restrictions, had a decentralized management style, resulting in feedback regulatory lag. Second, the impact of electronic commerce for financial management E-commerce, due to the tremendous changes in the environment outside the enterprise, business and so many aspects of financial management are a huge influence and impact. (A) the financial management tools of advanced technology The arrival of the new economy, the financial management of the enterprise for further information and digital technology, computer technology, especially networking technology has been widely applied to financial management, thereby effectively in real-time financial analysis, financial decision making to improve the accuracy of [2]. Compared with the traditional financial management, e-commerce financial management under the condition of the full use of Internet technology, real-time enterprise financial management, and enriched the content of accounting information and increase the time value of accounting information, resulting in a variety of businesses more effectively reflect the operating and financial status of dynamic financial statements and financial reports. At the same time the connection with Internet banking, banks can always check the latest corporate financial information to maximize the increased flow of funds for the ever-changing market, timely and first-hand information and respond to the deployment of business activities and make financial arrangements. (B) The diversification of financial management objectives The traditional financial management objectives in order to “profit maximization”, “shareholder wealth maximization” or “enterprise value maximization” as the representative, which is based on physical capital dominated era of industrial economy of scarcity of material resources and use of the exclusive produced by other reasons, embodies the principle of supremacy of shareholders. However, in the age of electronic commerce, human resources, knowledge resources in the enterprise resource dominated, business-related interests of the main body has changed, companies must rely on innovative employee work in order to obtain the survival and development. Employeersquo;s labor is no longer like the industrial economy and society in order to be repeated in the labor force, so companies must also be a new era of “the maximization of employee benefits” into its financial management objectives. A new era of enterprise financial management objectives of industrial economic times of financial management objectives of development, rather than negate the original objective, diversification of financial management objectives, enterprise financial management, the ultimate goal of achieving win-win goal. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download ..com (C) financial management emphasis on risk management awareness of E-business conditions, customer demand gave rise to many new changes, mainly for the personalization and consumer trends in the timing arbitrary locations. These links do not necessarily reflect the final uncertainty for the enterprise financial management, uncertainty, an increase of enterprise financial management, risk factor. The same time, e-commerce environment, information technology, due to become fully involved in a variety of innovative financial instruments, transaction costs reduced, driv


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