
 2023-06-27 09:06

附录B 外文原文

Effect of Growth, Liquidity, Business Risk and Asset Usage Activity, Toward Capital Structure, Financial Performance and Corporate Value (Study at Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2015)


This research is motivated by the thought that there is contradiction in the capital structure theory and empirical findings about the previous peneltian funding policy that can improve financial performance and corporate value. Analysis techniques, using the Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). Data sampled 84 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010 to 2015.This study aims to examine and explain the effect of the companys growth, liquidity, business risk, and asset usage activity on the capital structure, financial performance and corporate value. Test and explain the effect of the financial performance of the corporate value. Financial performance has a significant positive effect on firm value. The study concludes that company growth, liquidity, business risk, and asset usage activities can determine the capital structure, financial performance and firm value.

Key words: Growth, Liquidity, Business Risk, Activities, Capital Structure, Financial Performance


The purpose of adding investment is to supplement income in the future and have a positive impact on stock value. Firms value according to investors perceptions of companies is often linked to stock prices.Irrelevance Theory (Modigliani and Miller, 1958) explains that investment decisions and asset usage activities determine performance and impact on firm value. High asset usage activities reflect efficiency in asset management,which can improve profitability. Capital structure decisions have implications for the cost of capital, financial performance and firm value. It therefore becomes interesting to examine more about company growth, liquidity, business risk, and asset usage activities, capital structure, financial performance and corporate value. Departing from the idea that the suitability of investments to maintain or enhance the companys growth, increase asset usage activities, manage liquidity appropriately, manage business risk well, determine optimal capital structure,and then determine financial performance and firm value.It is therefore suspected that there is a comprehensive influence between corporate growth, liquidity, asset usage activities, business risk, capital structure, financial performance, and firm value. Therefore, this research model was built by involving the 7 variables, and based on previous theoretical studies and research studies. Empirically this research is development of previous research that is: Kouser et al. (2012); Oluwagbemiga (2013); Omondi and Muturi (2013); Ccedil;ekrezi (2013); Adi et al. (2013); Gathogo and Ragui (2014); Asiri and Hameed (2014); Chukwunweike etal. (2014); Siahaan etal. (2014); Masoud (2014); Barakat (2014) which assesses the impact of corporate growth, liquidity, business risk, capital structure and financial performance, on firm value. This study developed a more comprehensive concept model, by increasing the number of indicators in each variable, and also adding new variables into the previous research model, and using the 'Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA)' analysis tool capable of analyzing data To the variables studied in structure, and the number of indicators that many .

The novelty of this research is to increase the variable of asset usage activity as a variable affecting capital structure, financial performance and firm value, which in previous empirical research has not been studied. In terms of asset usage activities have an important role in determining the capital structure, financial performance and corporate value. The use of assets is an operational activity to generate income that impacts the capital structure, financial performance and corporate value. The originality of this research lies in providing empirical evidence of the influence of asset use activities, capital structure, financial performance and firm value. It is expected to provide a deeper understanding of the important role of asset usage activities to determine the capital structure that has an impact on improving financial performance and firm value.

    1. The Effect of Corporate Growth on Capital Structure

Pecking order theory (Myers and Majluf, 1984) describes the growth of companies affecting the capital structure. Companies with high growth opportunities will have a high proportion of debt capacity. Research findings conducted by Tronyeva (2013) found firm growth has a significant and positive impact on capital structure, supporting pecking order theory. The theoretical implication of the study is that the increase in corporate growth will increase the capital structure. While Gathogo and Ragui (2014) found firm growth has an insignificant and positive effect on capital structure. Agency theory (Jensen and Meckling,1976) argues that firms with high growth, are more flexible to invest and seek to reduce the costs of debt. Findings of research conducted by Nyangoro(2013),Oppong-boakyeetal. (2013),Masoud (2014),Saeedetal.(2014) found that corporate growth had a significant and negative impact on capital structure, supporting agency theory. The theoretical implications of the empirical study are that the increase in corporate growth will decrease the capital structure. While Sangeetha (2013), and Anake et al. (2014) found that corporate growth had an insignificant and negative effect on capital structure. The theoretical and empirical explanations show that company growth has a positive and negative impact on capital structure.

2.2 The Effects of Corporate Growth


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  1. 文献综述


啄序理论(Myers and Majluf, 1984)描述了公司成长对资本结构的影响。拥有高增长机会的公司将拥有较高比例的债务能力。Tronyeva(2013)的研究发现,企业成长对资本结构具有显著的正向影响,支持了优先顺序理论。本研究的理论意义在于,企业成长性的提高会增加资本结构。而Gathogo和Ragui(2014)发现企业成长对资本结构的正向影响不显著。代理理论(Jensen和Meckling, 1976)认为,高成长企业在投资方面更灵活,并寻求降低债务成本。Nyangoro(2013),Oppong-boakyeetal的研究发现。(2013), Masoud (2014), Saeedetal.(2014)发现公司成长对资本结构有显著的负向影响,支持代理理论。实证研究的理论含义是,企业成长性的提高会降低资本结构。而Sangeetha(2013)和Anake et al.(2014)则发现公司成长对资本结构的影响不显著且为负。理论和实证的解释表明,公司成长对资本结构有正向和负向的影响。

2.2 企业成长对财务绩效的影响

增加投资的目标是使公司成长为更大的公司,能够在更大的经济规模上竞争,获得利润,为公司所有者提供最大的财富,实现公司的成长,提高财务业绩。公司成长对财务业绩的影响,用永久性收入假设(Friedman, 1957)解释,未来的收入预期将决定可消费的财富数量。未来的收入预期可以通过当前的投资来获得未来的收入。Chandler和Jansen (1992), Cowling(2004)认为公司成长对盈利能力有正向影响。Jang和Park(2011)认为,增加增长,也会提高收益性。Kouser等人(2012)的强化研究发现,企业成长对盈利能力有显著的正向影响。实证研究的理论含义是企业成长性的提高会改善财务绩效。Reid(1995)发现公司成长对盈利能力有显著的canrsquo;t和负向影响。实证研究的理论含义是公司增长的增加对利润下降的影响。这可能是由于高投资增长,以及大量的投资支出,并需要很长时间才能收到回报。因此,公司在短期内还不能获得足够的利润,但在未来将获得利润。


增加投资的目的是补充未来收益,对股票价值产生积极的影响。公司的价值等于股票价格,即股票的数量乘以每单市场价值加上债务的价值,价值的债务被认为是常数,然后增加股票价格将会增加公司的价值,或者降低股票价格会降低公司价值(Kamaludin和Indriani, 2012: 4)。公司的增长影响公司的价值,正如永久收入假说(Friedman, 1957)所描述的那样,未来的收入预期将决定可用于消费的财富数量。未来收益预期可以通过对未来收益进行当期投资来实现,并得到无关股利理论的支持(Miller和Modigliani,1961),该理论认为在创造企业价值方面,投资优于股利政策。延迟当前的股利支付,因为现有的资金被用来为公司的成长提供资金,而公司的高增长导致资本Myers(1977)和Kester(1986)为投资者测试了重要的收益。企业成长在创造企业价值中的作用。通过资产增长预测公司的价值,识别一些类型的内部和外部公司发展,这些类型通常被视为公司未来的投资机会,对公司进行价值评估。拥有高增长机会的公司提供了关于公司未来前景的积极信号。因此,投资者对投资具有高增长机会的公司更感兴趣,而对低增长公司的兴趣较小(Al-Najjar和Taylor, 2008)。发现公司成长对公司价值有显著的正向影响,支持永久收益假说和无关股利理论。实证研究的理论含义是,增加企业的成长性将增加企业的价值。Chowdhury和Chowdhury(2010)和(Pakpahan, 2010)的研究发现,企业增长对企业价值的负面影响不显著。企业成长性对企业价值的负面影响,意味着企业成长性的提高会降低企业价值。不重要意味着它只发生在某些公司,所以它不能乞讨。















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