Research on Investment Efficiency and Policy Recommendations for the Culture Industry of China Based on a Three-Stage DEA
Abstract: The China State Council promulgated the “Culture Industry Promotion Plan” on 26 September 2009, raising the status of the culture industry to that of a strategic industry. This paper applies a three-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) model to investigate the efficiency of investments made in the culture industry in 2011 in China. The results show that the overall efficiency of the culture industry in China is still at a relatively low level. The scale of companies in the culture industry is a key factor restricting development. The external environment has a great influence on this efficiency; the efficiency gap between the eastern, central and western areas is obvious and reflects the degree of the environmental impact on the culture industry in these regions. The western region will experience progress if the environment changes. In contrast, the central and eastern regions will see less progress. This paper proposes the following corresponding policy recommendations based on the analysis. (1) China should focus on expanding the scale of culture industry enterprises. (2) We need to accelerate the market-oriented reform of cultural institutional mechanisms. (3) We should pay attention to the efficiency gap between cultural industries in the eastern, central and western areas. We should use government power to support the development of cultural industries in the western region.
Keywords: culture industry; investment efficiency; three-stage DEA model
1. Introduction
Since China implemented its reform and “opening up” policy thirty years ago, the rapid development of its economy has drawn the worldrsquo;s attention. Currently, China is the worldrsquo;s second-largest economy. However, when we study Chinarsquo;s growth pattern, we find that China has always followed a straightforward development path. Culture, which can be an industrial or an economic attribute, has substantial development potential and connects the economic base with superstructures. Developing the culture industry can drive Chinarsquo;s economy and expand its international influence. Therefore, the culture industry represents an advanced mode of economic development. In this period of economic transition, the Chinese government has gradually realized the economic development potential of the culture industry; it is considered a “soft power” that could boost economic transition. Therefore, the culture industry has been promoted as a key industry and a low-carbon industry, and corresponding investments have been increased.
In recent years, the government has introduced a variety of policies to encourage the development of the culture industry. The State Council initiated the “Culture Industry Promotion Plan” on 26 September 2009, raising the status of the culture industry to that of a strategic industry. The Peoplersquo;s Bank of China, together with the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Culture and nine other departments, jointly issued the “Guiding Opinions on Financial Support for Culture Industry Development and Prosperity” on 19 March 2010. This document is the first guidance supporting the development of the culture industry, and it means that cooperation between the financial and culture industries has finally gained policy support. In 2012, the Ministry of Culture issued a “Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period Culture Industry Doubling Plan”, which proposed that, during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the average annual value added of the culture industry should grow at a rate higher than 20%; this means that culture industry development should finally be enacted. However, few empirical studies are available to help Chinese policy makers to understand the investment efficiency in the culture industry. The purpose of this study is to investigate the following mysteries.
Given this background of policy support, this paper addresses two problems: how much will the development of the culture industry be improved, and can large-scale investment lead to efficiency improvement? This paper applies a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model to study the operational efficiency of culture industry investment in China in the year 2011. The model eliminates environmental and random factors. Therefore, the results reflect the real level of operational efficiency.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews the literature of culture industry investment and the literature of culture industry investment efficiency. Section 3 introduces the three-stage DEA model. The selection of variables and the source of data are provided in Section 4. Efficiency measurement using the three-stage DEA model and an interpretation of the results are given in Section 5. Section 6 analyzes efficiency in the culture industry by province, and the last section concludes the paper.
2. Literature Review Cultural regeneration and cultural industries are widely investigated in different countries and cities [1–5].
The literature on cultural industries can be confusing. Several authors refer to cultural industries, while others refer to cultural product industries or creative industries. Collectively, these industries take many names: cultural industries, creative industries, cultural product industries, the creative economy, and the cultural economy [6–9]. Gonzalez et al. [10] confirm that social networks can influence the flow of cultural goods and services from providers to consumers. We believe that culture creative industry and culture industry are the same and include technological innovation.
In the following, we will review the literature on investment in culture creative industry invest
摘 要
关于文化产业的文献可能令人困惑。一些作者指的是文化产业,而另一些作者则指文化产品产业或创意产业。综合起来,这些产业有许多名称:文化产业、创意产业、文化产品产业、创意经济和文化经济[6,7 ,8 ,9]。冈萨雷斯等人[10]确认社会网络可以影响文化商品和服务从提供者流向消费者的流动。我们认为文化创意产业和文化产业是相同的,包括技术创新。
2.1 文化产业投资文献综述
2.3 DEA不同的文献综述
DEA在不同的研究中得到了广泛的应用。Simotilde;es和Marques(2012年)[24]总结指出,DEA是评价废物效用效率的最具代表性的方法。马克斯等人(2014) [25]应用DEA研究影响日本水务效率的制度因素和环境因素。
李及林(2016)[26]利用DEA研究节能政策对中国制造业绿色生产力的影响。斯图尔特等人 (2016) [27]应用DEA研究越南银行系统的效率。
DEA模型用于研究效率[28-31],特别是投资效率[32-35]。Charnes、Cooper和Rhodes(1978)[32]由其创建者缩写为CCR Model。Banker,Charnes和Cooper(1984)[33]的创建者缩写为BCC模型。
3.1 第一阶段:传统的DEA模型:从CCR模型到BCC模型
3.1.1 CCR模型
Charnes等[36]提出了规模不变收益模型。根据DEA模型,假设有n个决策部门(DMU),每个决策部门代表文化产业中的上市公司。输入向量X =(x1,x2,。,ym)T,而输出向量Y =(y1,y2,。,ym)T.基于任何DMU都是凸的,微妙的,无效的和最小的假设,生产可能性集为
Min[theta;minus;ε(sum;i=1msminus;i sum;r=1ss r)
]s.t.sum;nj=1xijlambda;j sminus;i=theta;xijoemsp;iisin;(1,2,hellip;,M)
sum;nj=1yrjlambda;jminus;s r=theta;yrjoensp;risin;(1,2,hellip;,S)
theta;,lambda;j,sminus;i,s rge;0emsp;j=1,2,hellip;,N(2)
公式中的s'i和s`r是松弛变量; m和s分别代表输入和输出索引。以我们的研究样本为文化产业的上市公司为例,xijo和yrjo代表jo文化产业公司的I输入项和r输出项,可以用(x0,y0)表示。 ε是非阿基米德非整数,表示计算中的非整数。
3.1.2 BBC模型
min[theta;minus;ε(sum;mi=1sminus;i sum;sr=1s r)]
s.t.sum;nj=1yrjlambda;jminus;s i=theta;yrjoemsp;risin;(1,2,hellip;,s)
sum;nj=1xijlambda;j sminus;r=theta;xijoemsp;iisin;(1,2,hellip;,m)
sum;nj=1lambda;j=1theta;,lambda;j,sminus;i,s rge;0,j=1,2,hellip;,N(3)
3.2 第二阶段:随机前沿分析模型的相似性分析
从第一阶段开始,我们可以得到决策单元的效率值和投入差异,即实际投资和最有效投资之间的差异。在第一阶段分析的基础上,进行了油炸试验。Fried 等人[38]使用随机前沿分析(SFA)对一组环境变量进行第一阶段绩效度量的回归。Fried 等人[38]发现输入输出松弛变量受环境因素、随机因素和管理效率三个因素的影响。
Sni=fn(zi beta;n) vni uni;ensp;n=1,2hellip;,N; i=1,2hellip;,I (4)
Sni是n个DMU中i样例投资的松弛变量。zi=(z1i,z2i,hellip;,zki)是k个可观测的环境变量。beta;n为环境变量估计的参数。fn(zi beta;n)表示环境变量对冗余变量的影响。Sni.vni uni是混合错误。我们假设vni~N(0,sigma;2vn)表示随机变量的影响,以及unige;0代表管理效率低下。
xAni=xni [maxi{zibeta;^n}] [maxi{v^ni}minus;v^ni], n=1,2,hellip;,N; i=1,2,hellip;,I(5)
3.3 第三阶段:调整后的DEA模型