
 2022-12-08 10:12

Managing an aging workforce: What is the value of human resource management practices for different age groups of workers?

4. Objectives of the study

Based on the assumption that HRM practices based on age have, in general, an influence on the way people of different ages behave in organizations, this study aims to evaluate the perception that workers from different ages have about what the effective HRMPs are in their organizations and, also discover the importance that workers attach to each of these practices.

For this purpose, an exploratory study, whose main goal was to assess which practices the workers are most aware of, and which they value the most, was conducted.

5. Methodology

5.1. Participants

Most of the participants are: female (60.9%), aged between 25 and 34 years (37.2%), attended higher education (52.7%), full-time workers (94.0%), in the industrial sector (47.9%), have responsibilities as an employee or staff member (38.8%) or technicians and intermediate level professionals (33.3), worked for between 6 and 10 years (18.3%), and they have been in the organization for between 2 and 5 years (25.3%) and, with a tenure of between 2 and 5 years (33.0%).

5.2. Procedure

The study took place at an individual level and the approach was quantitative, through the use of a survey. After con- tacting the companies that participated in a previous study, the Human Resource Managers were sent an email where the purpose of the study was explained, the confidentiality of the information requested assured and the link through which they could access the questionnaire provided. Sub- sequently子序列, the Human Resource Managers requested the companyrsquo;s employees to fill out the questionnaire. Data collection was made through the application of the survey developed on Qualtrics software and 528 responses were val- idated. The statistical analysis of the data was performed with SPSS version 21.0 software.

5.3. Questionnaire

Besides the usual socio-demographic information, the questionnaire comprises 48 items related to HRM prac- tices: lsquo;lsquo;Recruitment and Job Securityrsquo;rsquo;, lsquo;lsquo;Training and Progressionrsquo;rsquo;, lsquo;lsquo;Job Designrsquo;rsquo;, lsquo;lsquo;Performance Evaluationrsquo;rsquo;, lsquo;lsquo;Rewards, Recognition and Participationrsquo;rsquo;, and finally, lsquo;lsquo;Flexible Work Practicesrsquo;rsquo;. The development of the items was based on the scales proposed by Sun, Aryee, and Law (2007) and Armstrong-Stassen (2008) regarding HRM practices. The participants are first asked to identify the level of agreement concerning what they think happens in their organization (lsquo;lsquo;What happens in the organization where I work . . .rsquo;rsquo;) for all the items and, secondly, to identify the degree of importance they attached to this practice (lsquo;lsquo;To what extent it is important to me . . .rsquo;rsquo;). For each item, par- ticipants should answer on a five-point scale, ranging from lsquo;lsquo;very poorrsquo;rsquo; to lsquo;lsquo;very goodrsquo;rsquo;.

6. Analysis and discussion of results

6.1. Descriptive analysis

As a first step, a descriptive analysis of the items comprising the questionnaire concerning lsquo;lsquo;What happens in the organization where I workrsquo;rsquo; and lsquo;lsquo;To what extent it is important to mersquo;rsquo; was conducted.

Regarding lsquo;lsquo;What happens in the organization where I workrsquo;rsquo;, the variables that respondents identify as the most effective HRMP in their organizations are those related to Training and Progression, including the items lsquo;lsquo;There are training programs for newly hired employees, in order to provide them with the skills they need to perform their functionrsquo;rsquo; (3.77) and lsquo;lsquo;All employees have access to train- ing programs regardless of their agersquo;rsquo; (3.77). These results may result from the fact that training constitutes one of the key obligations to be fulfilled by employers and is enshrined in the Labor Code in Portugal. Another aspect that most respondents are aware of in their organizations is the Evaluation of Performance and, in particular, the item lsquo;lsquo;Performance is evaluatedrsquo;rsquo; (3.96). Performance evaluation is a tool for assessing and measuring the employeersquo;s performance and verifying whether it corresponds to the objectives set by the organization. Through performance evaluation the strengths and weaknesses of organizations may be analyzed and ways to improve performance and contribute to the employeesrsquo; profitability is defined, as well as reaching a better understanding of organizational processes and structure. Therefore, this is one of the most effective practices in organizations, both formally and informally. Moreover, according to the average of the respondentsrsquo; answers (3.27 on a scale of zero to five points), this is a practice that has consequences and workers are clearly aware of it.

Items that have lower values are mainly related to the variable of Flexible Working Practices and among these we highlight the item lsquo;lsquo;Options are provided for employees to work from homersquo;rsquo;, with a mean of 2.25 on a five-point scale. According to Ferreira (1999), the practices of flexibility vary between different organizations and there are companies that do not have a policy or institutionalized practice but still exercise it informally with specific groups of workers and depending on situational needs. These practices are related to the technology, science, and telecommunication areas, since they are the sectors where these practices are more widespread and at different hierarchical levels of the organization in addition, they are considered as essential to the development of the business. In contrast, organizations that do not adopt flexible working practices are those that are focused on



  1. 研究目标



  1. 方法






除了一般的社会人口统计信息,调查问卷中还包括关于人力资源管理的48条项目。包括“招聘和工作保障”、“培训与发展”、“工作设计”、“性能评估”、“奖惩、认可和参与”以及,最后还有“灵活的工作实践”等类目。该项目的发展是基于Sun, Aryee, and Law (2007)和Armstrong-Stassen (2008) 提出的关于人力资源管理的尺度。参与者首先被要求确定关于他们认为在他们的组织中发生(在我工作的组织中发生了什么)的所有项目的协议的级别。参与者将要从“非常差”到“非常好”五个选项中进行选择回答。

  1. 结果的分析和讨论






关于“在多大程度上这对我是重要的”这一问题上,对受访者来说,他们认为最重要的就是关于“奖励、认可和参与”这项,尤其是“所有员工都能在组织中受到他人的尊重”这一项,以及“招聘和工作安全”和“员工的潜在长期价值”等项目。这一发现可以在文献中关于组织支持感的内容中被证实。根据这一理论,组织支持感与员工相信他们的会重视自己的价值、关心他们的福祉以及社会需要有关。Rhoades 和Eisenberger还补充到:被组织重视还可以使员工产生被认可与尊重,获得薪酬与晋升,以及获得信息和其他形式的援助从而更好地开展工作等好处。这些互惠的规范使得雇员和雇主间不同的利益方向得到调和。








人力资源管理实践在组织承诺方面具有十分重要的作用,并且对维持工人,尤其是老年人一直处于工作岗位上是有很大帮助的(Schalk, 2007)。另外,人力资源管理者在鉴定就业能力方面也有益处,这使组织正式进行人力资源管理实践变得十分关键。从这个意义上来说,也根据Bowen and Ostroff (2004),人力资源管理者应该清晰并且一致地就什么是员工正确的行为进行交流。员工应该知道并理解人力资源管理者下达的不同的政策,实践以及信息。这份可见性和理解帮助实施人管实务。另外,它们对于工人属性的影响有助于达到组织层次想要的成就,尤其是在生产力,金融表现,竞争优势和创新行为方面 (Bowen amp; Ostroff, 2004)。最后,根据Combs et al. (2006) and Schalk et al. (2010),这些发现支持了我们的想法:人力资源管理实践影响了不同年龄的人在组织中的行为方式。



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