
 2023-08-02 03:08

A Study of Strategies for Chinarsquo;s International Tourism

1. Introduction

Roughly speaking, Chinarsquo;s international tourism industry is the outcome of the implementation of economic reform and opening to the outside world. Along with the changes in Chinese political and economic systems, it has grown out of nothing, and experienced progress from small to large, from rapid growth to steady development, heading toward its maturity. This industry is playing an increasingly significant role in the countryrsquo;s national economy. Go with the entry of the WTO, it is confronted with much opportunities and challenges.

2. Main stages of development

Chinarsquo;s tourism business since 1949 has undergone, in general, the following four major stages of development.

2.1 1949-1966: tourism as a part of foreign affairs of the state

From 1949 to 1966, tourism was only a form of special political activity. Travel services (similar to tour operators or travel agents) were set up right after the new government formed, but only provided services for visiting overseas Chinese nationals and for foreigners with special permission to visit the country. And outbound travel was limited almost exclusively to diplomats and government officials at public expense.

2.2 1966-1978: a standstill period

The Great Cultural Revolution started from early 1966 and lasted for a decade through to 1976 and forced the infant travel business to be almost entirely suspended. During this period, China shut her doors and was busy with internal political struggles; hardly any overseas tourists in the proper sense were allowed to visit the country.

2.3 1978-1985: tourism as an important economic activity

1978 was a year of great significance for China. In that year, an epoch-making decision was made by the CPC Central Committee to shift its emphasis from political struggle to economic construction of four modernizations Encouraged by the governmental political and economic policy, tourism developed rapidly during this period.

2.4 1986 onwards: tourism as a significant contribution to the national economy

In 1986, China put the tourist industry into the national plan for social and economic development for the first time. With the deepening reform, tourism has been placed among service industries enjoying priority in the national industrial policy, and by the end of 1998, the governments of 24 out of all 31 municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions in China had made the tourist industry one of the leading or pillar industries in their locality. The CPC Central Committee at its conference on the economy in late 1998 identified the tourist industry as one of the new growth points of the national economy in the years to come. The tourist industry has been drawing much more attention from various governments, industries and the general public as well.

3. Opportunities and Challenges

During the past 20 years, Chinarsquo;s tourism has witnessed a quick increase, with an annual growth rate surpassing the world average. Looking to the future, Chinarsquo;s international tourism will encounter both opportunities and challenges.

3.1 Opportunities

The opportunities that Chinarsquo;s international tourism may encounter are various, and include at least the following:

3.1.1 Great potential of an international market

For all destination countries the international tourism markets are beyond their own boundaries. Therefore, the real and potential tourism demand outside relies not only on the social and economic development of the tourist generating countries, on the entire world political and economic situation, but also on the political and economic relationship between the tourist generating and receiving countries.

3.1.2 Steady growth of Chinarsquo;s economy

The reform has promoted Chinarsquo;s economic development, and changed the way of thinking of the Chinese people. There might be a host of knotty problems to deal with in the long course of reform, though sufficient supply and low inflation may further stabilize the countryrsquo;s political and economic situation. And political and economic stabilization may not only provide good conditions for tourism development, but also create a new attractiveness for outsiders.

3.1.3 Joined World Trade Organizations

China has joined the WTO and become a member of it. The two-way openness will reduce entry-exit barriers for international visitors, and make the tourist flow much easier. As a result, the flow of commodities, people, capital etc, will be more frequent and smooth. China will obtain more technology and know-how from the developed countries, easy access to the international distribution channels and information network, and compete freely in the world market. The introduction of international competition will help improve the efficiency of service industry, upgrade service quality, and cut service costs, then further lower the prices of various tourist services, expand tourist markets, and promote the development of international tourism.

3.1.4 Capability of holding many great activities

China is drawing on more and more visions of the whole world. Now China has many large activities to hold every. The “99 wealth forum” the forum of APCE of 2001, the Asia forum in Bo Ao, The Trade Fair in Guangzhou every year, the 2008 Beijing Olympic and the 2010 EXPO in Shanghai. All of these show the image of China to the world and also draw on the large quantity of tourists interested in Chinese culture. We should make use of these large opportunities, letting the world know the new China and to develop the Chinese tourism.

3.2 Challenges

Chinarsquo;s international tourism development may also meet the following serious challenges in the future.

3.2.1 Increasingly fierce international competition

Today, more and more countries pay great attention to the development o


A Study of Strategies for Chinarsquo;s International Tourism

1. Introduction

Roughly speaking, Chinarsquo;s international tourism industry is the outcome of the implementation of economic reform and opening to the outside world. Along with the changes in Chinese political and economic systems, it has grown out of nothing, and experienced progress from small to large, from rapid growth to steady development, heading toward its maturity. This industry is playing an increasingly significant role in the countryrsquo;s national economy. Go with the entry of the WTO, it is confronted with much opportunities and challenges.

2. Main stages of development

Chinarsquo;s tourism business since 1949 has undergone, in general, the following four major stages of development.

2.1 1949-1966: tourism as a part of foreign affairs of the state

From 1949 to 1966, tourism was only a form of special political activity. Travel services (similar to tour operators or travel agents) were set up right after the new government formed, but only provided services for visiting overseas Chinese nationals and for foreigners with special permission to visit the country. And outbound travel was limited almost exclusively to diplomats and government officials at public expense.

2.2 1966-1978: a standstill period

The Great Cultural Revolution started from early 1966 and lasted for a decade through to 1976 and forced the infant travel business to be almost entirely suspended. During this period, China shut her doors and was busy with internal political struggles; hardly any overseas tourists in the proper sense were allowed to visit the country.

2.3 1978-1985: tourism as an important economic activity

1978 was a year of great significance for China. In that year, an epoch-making decision was made by the CPC Central Committee to shift its emphasis from political struggle to economic construction of four modernizations Encouraged by the governmental political and economic policy, tourism developed rapidly during this period.

2.4 1986 onwards: tourism as a significant contribution to the national economy

In 1986, China put the tourist industry into the national plan for social and economic development for the first time. With the deepening reform, tourism has been placed among service industries enjoying priority in the national industrial policy, and by the end of 1998, the governments of 24 out of all 31 municipalities, provinces and autonomous regions in China had made the tourist industry one of the leading or pillar industries in their locality. The CPC Central Committee at its conference on the economy in late 1998 identified the tourist industry as one of the new growth points of the national economy in the years to come. The tourist industry has been drawing much more attention from various governments, industries and the general public as well.

3. Opportunities and Challenges

During the past 20 years, Chinarsquo;s tourism has witnessed a quick increase, with an annual growth rate surpassing the world average. Looking to the future, Chinarsquo;s international tourism will encounter both opportunities and challenges.

3.1 Opportunities

The opportunities that Chinarsquo;s international tourism may encounter are various, and include at least the following:

3.1.1 Great potential of an international market

For all destination countries the international tourism markets are beyond their own boundaries. Therefore, the real and potential tourism demand outside relies not only on the social and economic development of the tourist generating countries, on the entire world political and economic situation, but also on the political and economic relationship between the tourist generating and receiving countries.

3.1.2 Steady growth of Chinarsquo;s economy

The reform has promoted Chinarsquo;s economic development, and changed the way of thinking of the Chinese people. There might be a host of knotty problems to deal with in the long course of reform, though sufficient supply and low inflation may further stabilize the countryrsquo;s political and economic situation. And political and economic stabilization may not only provide good conditions for tourism development, but also create a new attractiveness for outsiders.

3.1.3 Joined World Trade Organizations

China has joined the WTO and become a member of it. The two-way openness will reduce entry-exit barriers for international visitors, and make the tourist flow much easier. As a result, the flow of commodities, people, capital etc, will be more frequent and smooth. China will obtain more technology and know-how from the developed countries, easy access to the international distribution channels and information network, and compete freely in the world market. The introduction of international competition will help improve the efficiency of service industry, upgrade service quality, and cut service costs, then further lower the prices of various tourist services, expand tourist markets, and promote the development of international tourism.

3.1.4 Capability of holding many great activities

China is drawing on more and more visions of the whole world. Now China has many large activities to hold every. The “99 wealth forum” the forum of APCE of 2001, the Asia forum in Bo Ao, The Trade Fair in Guangzhou every year, the 2008 Beijing Olympic and the 2010 EXPO in Shanghai. All of these show the image of China to the world and also draw on the large quantity of tourists interested in Chinese culture. We should make use of these large opportunities, letting the world know the new China and to develop the Chinese tourism.

3.2 Challenges

Chinarsquo;s international tourism develo



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