
 2023-04-01 04:04

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A Hot/Cool-System Analysis of Delay of Gratification: Dynamics of Willpower延迟满足的热/冷系统分析:意志力的动力学

A 2-system framework is proposed for understanding the processes that enable—and undermine—selfcontrol or 'willpower' as exemplified in the delay of gratification paradigm. A cool, cognitive 'know' system and a hot, emotional 'go' system are postulated. The cool system is cognitive, emotionally neutral, contemplative, flexible, integrated, coherent, spatiotemporal, slow, episodic, and strategic. It is the seat of self-regulation and self-control. The hot system is the basis of emotionality, fears as well as passions—impulsive and reflexive—initially controlled by innate releasing stimuli (and, thus, literally under 'stimulus control'); it is fundamental for emotional (classical) conditioning and undermines efforts at self-control. The balance between the hot and cool systems is determined by stress, developmental level, and the individuals self-regulatory dynamics. The interactions between these systems allow explanation of findings on willpower from 3 decades of research.


The question that we address here is, if humans initially are driven by impulses pressing for immediate release, ruled by a pleasure principle, and largely indifferent to reason—as has long been assumed—we need to understand how they become able to control their actions and feelings, overcoming the power of stimuli to elicit automatic reactions, and exerting the self-control strategies or 'willpower' essential for the execution of their difficult-toachieve intentions. In recent years, there has been a virtual explosion of research and theorizing about self-regulatory processes that have illuminated many aspects of self-regulation relevant to willpower (Baumeister amp; Heatherton, 1996; Cervone, 1996; Cervone, Jiwani, amp; Wood, 1991; Cervone amp; Wood, 1995; Dodge, 1986, 1993; Loewenstein amp; Prelec, 1993; Marlatt, 1996a, 1996b, Marlatt, Baer, Donovan, amp; Kivlahan, 1988; Mischel, Cantor, amp; Feldman, 1996; Mischel amp; Patterson, 1976, 1978; Mischel, Shoda, amp; Rodriguez, 1989; Rodriguez, Mischel, amp; Shoda, 1989).


Nevertheless, the nature of willpower, as assessed in situations like the delay of gratification paradigm (Mischel amp; Ebbesen, 1970), remains debatable. For example, Baumeister and Heatherton (1996) discussed the underregulation that occurs when willpower fails as 'a matter of inadequacy in ones strength to override the unwanted thought, feeling or impulse' (p. 3) and described many of the conditions that may enhance or undermine such strength. They also made clear the costs of failures of self- regulatory strength evident from crime and teen pregnancy to alcoholism and drug addiction, to domestic violence and educational underachievement. Yet, the nature of that strength, and the processes that underlie it, still await a unifying theoretical account. The hot-system/cool-system framework we propose here yields specific theory-based predictions that address this theoretical challenge.


Willpower: Overcoming Stimulus Control意志力:克服刺激控制

In this article, the aspect of willpower that is our concern is the ability to inhibit an impulsive response that undoes ones commitment (e.g., to bypass dessert, to forgo tobacco or alcohol or cocaine, etc.). We illustrate how the interaction of the hypothesized two systems—one 'hot' and the other 'cool'—can enable individuals to overcome the power of stimulus control (documented and extolled in 5 decades of behaviorism) and, thus, purposefully prevent powerful stimuli from eliciting their impulsive immediate responses that quickly undo their best intentions.


We focus our analysis and predictions on the delay of gratification paradigm because it is a prototype for the study of willpower in the pursuit of difficult goals that has been researched extensively empirically, both experimentally and longitudinally (reviewed in Mischel, Ebbesen, amp; Zeiss, 1972; Mischel et al., 1989). In addition, it is proving to be remarkably diagnostic of individual differences in self-regulatory competencies that appear to have important long-term implications for social and cognitive adaptation. For example, in certain conditions of this paradigm, the number of seconds a preschooler is willing to wait for two marshmallows, rather than settling for one available immediately, is predictive of cognitive and social outcomes decades later, including Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores (Mischel, 1996; Mischel et al., 1989; Shoda, Mischel, amp; Peake, 1990).


The Delay of Gratification Paradigm延迟满足范式

In the delay of gratification paradi



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