
 2023-04-14 07:04

Employee Motivation: A Leadership Imperative

Joshua D. Jensen

Abstract Employee motivation is a topic that has been studied for nearly a century. Beginning with the Hawthorne Studies in the 1920s and continuing to the current day, researchers have explored the elusive phenomenon of employee motivation. Furthermore, researchers have attempted to understand how leaders can effectively lead their employees in a way that motivates them to reach their full potential. While employee motivation has been, and continues to be, the focus of much research among the social and behavioral sciences on an international scale, leaders today are in need of practical tools that can help them motivate employees more effectively. This paper provides a survey of some of the key research on employee motivation and highlights the important role that leaders play in motivating their employees to achieve high performance. Also included are some practical tools that leaders can implement to increase employee motivation.

Keywords human resource management, employee motivation, employee engagement, organizational leadership,management

1. Introduction

Employee motivation has been the focus of numerous research studies over the years. The essence of how to motivate employees is still, to this day, a focal point of organizational behavior experts, business scholars, and leaders alike. According to Robbins and DeCenzo (2007), motivation is “The willingness to do something conditioned upon the actionrsquo;s ability to satisfy some need for the individual” (p. 217). Therefore, to motivate employees, leaders must identify the needs employees seek to satisfy, and focus their talents in ways that will help them achieve this satisfaction.

2. Literature Review

The study of employee motivation traces back as far as the Hawthorne Studies of 1924. In 1924, Western Electric Company conducted a series of studies at their Hawthorn Works plant outside of Chicago (Sonnenfeld, 1985). The initial studies aimed to determine the relation of the lighting in the plant to production output. The research concluded that lighting was only a minor factor in the study of output (1985). However, Elton Mayo and a few others redefined the research to examine the physical factors that cause fatigue and monotony (1985). These studies resulted in a surprising outcome. “As the conditions of work were progressively relaxed, production steadily rose, and when the original, more demanding work conditions were reintroduced, the workersrsquo;productivity dropped only slightly”(1985, p. 112). The research also reported reduced absenteeism during the study (1985).

Following these studies, several other research studies ensued to confirm previous findings. Overall, these studies continued until 1933 (Sonnenfeld, 1985). In the end, significant contributions were made to the field of organizational behavior. “It was concluded that the chief result had been to demonstrate the importance of employee attitudes and pre-occupations. The friendlier, more participative style of supervision and the freedom from tight quotas and harsh discipline, seemed to correspond with increases in both morale and in productivity” (1985, p. 113).Moreover, these research studies found the significance of social stratification between different jobholders, which prompted a closer look at the status distinction and the social relations in the work setting (1985).

This research also resulted in new observations regarding the workplace setting. “An unanticipated worker culture was revealed through group norms and activities such as the restriction of output, informal leadership patterns, friendships, job trading, cooperation, and group discipline” (1985, p. 114). This research was monumental to the field of organizational behavior. Topics related to the above such as organizational culture, status and power, formal and informal organization, job sharing, teamwork, and empowerment are all areas of focus in organizational behavior today. Therefore, the studies conducted between 1924 and 1933 set the foundation for the continued study of employee motivation as it relates to organizational behavior.

2.1 Employee Motivation in the Public Sector vs. the Private Sector

Since the initial studies of the 1920s and 1930s, there have been numerous studies on employee motivation. Many of these studies have focused on comparing and contrasting motivation in the public sector and the private sector. General perception is that public employees enjoy salaries based on longevity regardless of performance, as well as generous fringe benefit packages, while private sector employees have limitless income potential if they work hard and aim straight for the top of the organization. Following is an analysis of some of these research studies, and a discussion on their implications for employee motivation.

Philip Crewson (1997) conducted a research study on public service motivation. Research from the early 1960sshowed that the reward motivations of public employees are not representative of the general workforce. Therefore, Crewson set out to investigate public employee motivation, and determine what differences exist between motivation of public sector employees and private sector employees.

Crewsonrsquo;s (1997) study included a comprehensive review of several past studies of public and private sector employee motivation. In short, Crewsonrsquo;s study confirmed several findings. First, Crewson found that public employees place greater value on helping others and being useful to society than do those in the private sector. In turn, Crewson found that private sector employees place greater value on promotions and job security. Of most significance, Crewson reports, “Although there is no significant difference between sectors in the importance placed



Joshua D. Jensen

摘要 员工激励是一个研究了近一个世纪的话题。从20世纪20年代的霍桑研究开始,直到今天,研究人员已经探索了难以捉摸的员工激励现象。此外,研究人员试图了解领导者如何有效地领导员工,激励他们充分发挥潜力。虽然员工激励已经并将继续成为国际范围内社会和行为科学研究的焦点,但当今的领导者需要实用的工具来帮助他们更有效地激励员工。本文概述了一些关于员工激励的重要研究,强调了领导者在激励员工实现高绩效方面的重要作用。还包括一些领导者可以用来提高员工积极性的实用工具。

关键词 人力资源管理;员工激励;员工敬业度;组织领导力;管理


多年来,员工激励一直是众多研究的焦点。直到今天,如何激励员工的本质仍然是组织行为专家、商业学者和领导者们关注的焦点。根据Robbins和DeCenzo (2007),动机是“愿意做某事,但条件是该行为能够满足个人的某种需求”(第217页)。因此,为了激励员工,领导者必须确定员工寻求满足的需求,并以有助于他们实现这种满足的方式集中他们的才能。





    1. 公共部门与私营部门的员工激励


Philip Crewson (1997年)进行了一项关于公共服务动机的研究。20世纪60年代早期的研究表明,公共部门雇员的奖励动机并不代表全部的员工。因此,Crewson着手调查公共部门员工的激励,并确定公共部门员工和私营部门员工的激励之间存在哪些差异。

Crewson (1997)的研究包括对过去几项公共和私营部门员工激励研究的全面回顾。简而言之,Crewson的研究证实了几个发现。首先,Crewson发现,与私营部门的员工相比,公共部门的员工更看重帮助他人和对社会有用。反过来,Crewson发现,私营部门的员工更看重晋升和工作保障。Crewson报告称,最重要的是,“虽然不同部门对高薪的重视程度没有显著差异,但公共部门的员工对其他外在奖励的重视程度低于私营部门的员工。反过来,内在奖励对公共部门的雇员比对私营部门的雇员更重要”(1997年,第503页)。

进一步的研究支持这样一个事实,即与公共和私营部门员工激励相关的发现在国际上广泛存在。Bullock, Stritch, 和Rainey (2015)对30个国家的公共和私营部门员工进行了调查,以确定员工激励因素。研究结果表明,公共部门雇员更加关注其工作的社会影响,将其作为主要的激励因素。“我们发现有证据表明,与私营部门的员工相比,公共部门的员工较少受到金钱利益的激励”(2015年,第486页)。与Crewson (1997)的研究结果相似,Bullock,Stritch, 和 Rainey指出,公务员的动机更多的是工作的意义,而不是报酬。

    1. 内在激励与外在激励

激励有两种基本类型:内在激励和外在激励。 Newstrom and Davis (2002)讨论了内在激励因素和外在激励因素之间的差异。“内在激励因素是一个人在完成工作时感受到的内在奖励,因此工作和奖励之间有着直接且往往是即时的联系”(2002年,第109页)。这种类型的激励通常会导致员工变得自我激励或从内部激发,以尽最大努力为组织或社会做出有价值的贡献。

外在激励因素不同于内在激励因素。“外在激励因素是与工作性质无关的外部奖励,在工作进行时不提供直接的满足感”(Newstrom 和 Davis,2002,第109页)。外在激励因素的例子包括加薪、附加福利和休假时间。尽管员工重视这些外在奖励,但Newstrom 和 Davis认为它们不是有效的激励因素。然而,根据Crewson (1997)的研究,外在激励因素确实对员工的动机产生影响,特别是在私营部门。

    1. 组织承诺

Crewson (1997)的研究得出了另一个重要的发现。研究表明,员工的积极性与组织承诺直接相关。“组织承诺是根据个人对特定组织的认同和参与程度来定义的”(1997年,第507页)。Crewson认为,组织承诺是三个不同因素的结合:对组织目标和价值观的坚定信念和接受,为组织努力工作的渴望,以及继续成为组织成员的愿望。这有力地表明,与工作满意度等其他态度指标相比,组织承诺可以更好地预测员工行为。

Jurkiewicz、Massey和Brown (1998)对公共和私人组织中的激励进行了比较研究。Jurkiewicz等人认为激励是管理者的首要任务。“据说,一个管理者有10%的时间花在制定激励策略上”(1998年,第230页)。人们普遍认为,如果管理者能够准确地确定激励员工的因素,他们就能够更有效地最大限度地提高生产率和绩效。






Moon (2000)同意Crewson (1997)关于组织承诺对员工激励的影响的观点。Moon认为员工动机与组织承诺直接相关。Moon进行了一项关于新公共管理(NPM)中的组织承诺的研究。“NPM运动强调了公共部门市场效率的价值,并刺激了联邦、州和地方层面的各种管理创新”(2000,第177页)。因此,NPM在公共部门复制了许多私营部门的理念和方法。Moon开始在NPM运动的框架内调查组织承诺和员工动机。

例如,按业绩付酬的想法是私营部门发明的一种薪酬哲学,现已被许多公共机构采用,作为提高积极性和改善组织业绩的一种手段(Moon,2000年)。然而,正如以前的研究表明,公共部门员工的激励因素与私营部门员工的激励因素有很大不同(Crewson,1997;Jurkiewicz,Massey amp; Brown,1998年;Moon,2000年)。具体来说,绩效薪酬是一个外在的激励因素。研究表明,私营部门的员工往往受到外在因素的激励。因此,绩效工资可能是私营部门员工的有效激励手段。然而,研究也表明,公共部门的员工往往有内在的激励。因此,绩效工资制度虽然在私营部门可能有效,但很可能不会成为公共部门员工的激励(Moon,2000)。


进一步的研究从国际视角探讨了组织承诺和员工激励之间的关系(Bullock, Stritch, amp; Rainey 2015;Gagne等人,2014;Cerase amp; Farinella,2009年)。Bullock, Stritch, 和Rainey对30个国家的员工进行了研究,发现公共部门和私营部门员工的组织承诺各不相同。具体而言,在所研究的大多数国家中,公共部门雇员比私营部门的同事有更高水平的组织承诺。“在30个国家中的22个国家,政府工作人员报告的组织承诺水平高于私营部门工作人员”(第484页)。此外,Cerase amp; Farinella (2009年)和Gagne等人(2014年)探讨了员工激励和组织承诺之间的关系,其结果肯定了这两种现象之间的积极关系。

    1. 组织文化

McGregor和Doshi (2015)最近的研究通过考察组织文化如何推动绩效,进一步完善了员工激励。他们从人们工作的主要原因开始。改编自Deci和Ryan之前的研究(1985),McGregor和Doshi确定了人们工作的六个主要原因:游戏、目的、潜力、情绪压力、经济压力和惰性。“许多研究人员的工作发现,前三种动机往往会提高绩效,而后三种则会损害绩效”(2015年,第3页)。具有强大组织文化的公司是那些关注前三个动机并努力将它们嵌入组织文化纤维的公司。

“游戏就是你被工作本身所激励。你工作是因为你乐在其中”(McGregor amp; Doshi,2015,第3页)。对工作的热爱,对工作如何完成有发言权的机会,以及尝试和应对挑战的机会,都凸显了游戏的重要性。“目的是工作的直接结果符合你的身份。你工作是因为你重视工作的影响”(McGregor amp; Doshi,2015,第3页)。当一个人的价值观与一个组织的价值观一致时,他们会有一种使命感,并可能体验到更高的绩效和组织承诺。“潜力是指工作成果对你的身份有益。换句话说,工作增强了你的潜力”(McGregor amp; Doshi,2015,第3页)。增强的动力来自于在一个组织内成长的能力,经历了更高水平的责任和清晰的职业道路。




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