
 2023-04-14 07:04

Design Driven Innovation as a Differentiation Strategy - in the Context of Automotive Industry

Mosarrat Farhana[1] , Eric Bimenyimana[2]


Though, in the automotive industry, technology is considered as a source of innovation and development, emerging change in consumer perception has brought industry focus on design. Evolution of this industry is closely related to the convergence of technology and design. In such context, implication of design driven innovation strategy in the automotive industry has potential to be explored and to create sustained competitive advantage through balancing customersrsquo; need, technological opportunities and product meaning. The aim of this paper is to give a holistic view of design driven innovation as a differentiation strategy in the automotive industry and its implication for strategic management through some relevant research reviews and empirical information. On the contrary, this research lacks detailed description on industry practice to provide greater breadth, since it attempts to correlate the strategic concept of design with the dynamic capability of a firm in that particular industry.

Keywords: dynamic capability; design; innovation; competitive advantage; automotive industry


The global corporate culture is entering into an era where overall look of product is considered as an essential part of competitive tools (Dobson, 2007). Aesthetic appearance of the product through design is valued as one of the ways to differentiate the offerings of the company (Ravasi and Lojacono, 2005). Nowadays, design is recognized as strategic resource for the company, since customers are increasingly paying attention to the design language, i.e. the combination of aesthetic, symbolic and emotional value of the product. Moreover, many scholarly research works have emphasized on the link between design, innovation and competitive advantage which shows up the rising attention of the industrial world towards design section (Dellrsquo;Era and Verganti, 2007). From this notion, a literature based bottomup analysis will be conducted to unfold the link between the strategic approach of design and the dynamic capabilities of the company in innovation process to achieve sustained competitive advantage; and later its managerial implications will be discussed. The aim of this paper is to relate aesthetic dimension of a product to the strategic thought on innovation and to analyze its contribution to achieve and to sustain competitive advantage within the contemporary business world. Thus, the theme for the paper is:

lsquo;Design driven innovation as a differentiation strategyrsquo; in the context of automotive industry

The evolution of the automotive industry can be characterized by the convergence of technologies and designs (Grant, 2010, p. 538). This pattern is sometimes expected to breakdown and open up for certain new radical departures due to the world economic situation and rising environmental concerns (Magnusson and Berggren, 2011). Regardless of less differentiation between manufacturers due to same technological progress in process, new product segments have continued to appear for the innovation in design and applications (Grant, 2010, p. 538-539). In such context, as an integral part of this research work, relevant empirical examples will be placed based on the automotive industry.

Design – a resource for competitive advantage

“Good design is not simply about aesthetics or making a product easier to use. It is a central part of the business process, adding value to products, and creating new markets.” ~ The British Prime Minister, Tony Blair

(as cited in Dellrsquo;Era and Verganti, 2007, p.3)

A product can bring messages to the market in several ways where the aesthetic appearance of the product is just one of these ways to satisfy customersrsquo; needs (Dellrsquo;Era and Verganti, 2007). Many research works have revealed that whenever people are asked to think about peculiar nature of design considering other fields such as engineering, they think of the product form, spelled as lsquo;aestheticrsquo; and lsquo;stylersquo;. Design deals with the meanings that people give to products, and also with the product languages that one can devise to convey that meaning (Verganti, 2008). According to Krippendorff (as cited in Verganti, 2008) – “design is making sense (of things)”. Designers give meaning to products by using a specific design language, which refers to the set of signs, symbols and icons to convey the message (Verganti, 2008) and to match socio-cultural models of the user (Dellrsquo;Era and Verganti, 2007).

In the design of products, companies are manipulating the material parts of their products with the hope that customers will decode the meaning carried by those products; these particular actions have been referred to as the “meaning-making actions” by Hancock (2005). This observation is also acknowledged by Per Aring;man, Professor of Department of Management and Engineering at Linkouml;ping University, Sweden. For example, in its production, the Swiss watchmaker Rolex uses a special type of steel904L (“Rolex”, n.d.) with a clear goal of signaling good quality to customers.

cholarly research defines competitive advantage within a firm as “implementing a value creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or potential competitors” (Barney, 1991). Mooney (2007) defines competitive advantage as “a capability or resource that is difficult to imitate and valuable in helping the firm outperform its competitors”. As Grant (2010) acknowledges, the role of industry attractiveness as the primary source of firmsrsquo; profitability has decrea




Mosarrat Farhana,Eric Bimenyimana

摘 要


关键词 动态能力;设计;创新;竞争优势;汽车产业


全球的企业文化正在进入这样一个时代,产品的整体外观被认为是竞争工具的一个重要部分(Dobson,2007)。通过设计使产品的美学外观被认为是区分公司产品的方法之一(Ravasi和Lujacono,2005)。如今,设计被认为是公司的战略资源,因为客户越来越关注设计语言,即产品的美学、象征和情感价值的结合。此外,许多学术研究工作报告都强调了设计、创新和竞争优势之间的联系,这表明工业界对设计部分的关注度不断提高(DellEra 和Verganti,2007)。从这个概念出发,我们将进行一个基于文献的自下而上的分析,来揭开设计的战略方法和公司在创新过程中的动态能力之间的联系,以实现持续的竞争优势;随后我们将讨论其管理意义。本文的目的是将产品的美学维度与创新的战略思想联系起来,并分析其对当代商业世界中实现和保持竞争优势的贡献。因此,本文的主题是汽车行业背景下的 “设计驱动创新作为差异化战略”。



“好的设计不仅仅是关于美学或使产品更容易使用。它是业务流程的核心部分,可以为产品增加价值,并创造新的市场”。 ~英国首相托尼-布莱尔 (引自DellEra和Verganti,2007,p.3)

一个产品可以通过多种方式将信息推向市场,其中产品的美学外观只是满足客户需求的方式之一(DellEra 和Verganti,2007)。许多研究表明,每当人们被要求思考其他领域的设计的特殊性时,如工程领域,他们会想到产品的形式,拼写为“美学”和“风格”。设计涉及到人们赋予产品的意义,以及人们可以设计出的传达这种意义的产品语言(Verganti,2008)。根据Krippendorff(引自Verganti,2008)的说法—“设计使(事物)有意义”。设计师通过使用特定的设计语言来赋予产品意义,这种语言指的是一套用来传达信息的符号、象征和图标(Verganti,2008),并与用户的社会文化模型相匹配(DellEra 和Verganti,2007)。

在产品设计中,公司正在操纵他们产品的物质部分,希望客户能够解读这些产品所承载的意义;这些特殊的行为被Hancock(2005)称为“意义制造行为”。瑞典林雪平大学管理和工程系教授Per Aring;man也认同这一观点。例如,瑞士手表制造商劳力士在其生产中使用一种特殊类型的钢904L(“劳力士”,n.d.),其明确的目标是向客户传递良好的质量信号。






我们将动态能力定义为企业整合、建立和重新配置内部和外部能力以应对快速变化的环境的能力。因此,动态能力反映了一个组织实现新且创新的形式的竞争优势的能力。一些研究学者,如Teece,Pisano和Shuen(1997)、Bowman和Ambrosini(2003)、Zollo和Winter(2002)、Zahra和George(2002)、Eisenhardt和Martin(2000)讨论了动态能力观点的某些关键命题;其中大多数人认为动态能力在利用公司资源打造新业务和引入创新以刺激任何与外部快速变化相一致的战略变化中发挥了作用。关于“动态能力”这一术语的新兴研究和文献都对其应用给予了极大的重视,来稳定企业在快速变化的行业中和全球经济中的持续地位。基本上,动态能力指的是企业实现持续竞争优势和盈利能力的独特能力(Teece,Pisano和Shuen,1997;Barney,1991),这取决于企业具体而且独特的过程和常规程序以及历史途径和传统(Zollo和Winter,2002)。一个企业的运营能力包含了它的学习过程以及创新过程的转变,因此,动态创新能力这个词被演化出来(Zollo和Winter,2002;Davenport,Leibold和Voelpel,2006)。一旦一个公司拥有了动态创新能力,它就开始在产品开发上投入大量的资源(Afuah,2002)。其结果要么是渐进式创新,即现有技术和性能的微小变化;要么是突破性创新,如新技术或与现有产品相关的更大客户利益(Chandy和Tellis,2000;OConnor和De Martino,2006;De Visser等人,2010)。在这一点上,一些研究工作明显显示,一旦公司由于某种资源而获得成功,他们的自然倾向就会促使他们反复利用这种资源,因此他们经常被突然的反击所击垮(DAveni, Dagnino和Smith,2010;Prahalad和Hamel,1990)。在另一种战略管理研究中,这种颠覆性或快速变化的动态市场被研究人员Richard A. Drsquo;Aveni(DAveni,1998)定义为“超竞争”市场,他和其他研究人员一起质疑“持续”竞争优势的存在(DAveni,Dagnino和Smith,2010)。根据他们的研究工作种指出(DAveni,Dagnino和Smith,2010),持续的竞争优势是罕见的,而且正在下降,正在被临时优势所取代来面对超级竞争对手的攻击性行动。虽然不同的研究者对持续竞争优势和临时优势的共存或相互排斥进行了持续的争论,但人们一致认为,无论哪种方式,动态能力对公司在激烈的市场竞争中的生存都是至关重要的(DAveni,Dagnino和Smith, 2010)。在当今的买方市场中,竞争优势的持久性或可持续性在很大程度上取决于公司的动态能力,即通过积极的创新和反击行动为现有和未来的客户创造价值和实现愿景。公司的长期成功在于与利益相关者(即客户和员工)的满意关系,这可以通过对市场的深入定性研究和基本的销售趋势分析来衡量(DAveni,Dagnino和Smith,2010;DAveni,1998)。


Ravasi和Rindova(2004)已经确定了将情感和象征价值附加到产品所需要的不同资源和过程。考虑到其他学者的意见,他们一致认为产品设计是用来产生象征性价值的基本工具之一。他们借鉴了社会学和人类学的不同理论,确定了在生产意义中所需要的不同的无形资产。几项关于消费者行为和消费人类学的研究表明,消费的情感和社会文化维度与功利主义的观点一样重要(Verganti,2008)。文化资本是重要的资源之一,被定义为“企业掌握和解读文化意义的能力”(Ravasi和Rindova,2004)。换句话说,它是在一个社会中发现新的社会和文化趋势的能力。根据Verganti(2003),在这个社会和文化环境中,设计师的技能和能力是最需要的。此外,设计师“通过在几个不同的社会和行业环境中捕捉、重组和整合有关社会文化模式和产品语义的知识”参与意义的生产(Verganti, 2003)。


Ravasi和Rindova(2004)进行了进一步的研究,提出了一种整合看不见的趋势信息的方法。根据他们的说法,通过与所谓的“主导文化”—“某些社会趋势在市场其他地方变得明显的社区”(Ravasi和Rindova,2004)建立关系,企业可以在把握那些未被揭示的社会和文化趋势方面获得优势。一旦企业能够抓住那些不可见的趋势,并将其纳入其产品设计中;它不仅会超越顾客的期望,而且还会影响这种新现象。例如,在许多发展中国家或最不发达国家,如印度、孟加拉国或尼泊尔,妇女赋权正处于高峰期,但由于缺乏社会保障,妇女的流动性被认为是障碍之一。这个社会问题一直被像TVS汽车公司这样的汽车公司所关注,他们于1994年在印度率先推出了TVS Scooty--专门为妇女设计的滑板车(http://www. tvsmotor.com)。这些滑板车不仅将妇女从摩托车的后面移到了驾驶座上,而且还通过一部分新设计的产品重新定位了妇女的社会地位(Brunson,2013)。

然而,这里有一个关键问题需要被解决,那就是设计师的技能和能力作为持续的竞争优势。Barney(1991)总结说,一个公司要想拥有持续的竞争优势,应该满足四个标准;它的资源必须是有价值的、稀有的、不可模仿的和不可替代的。如今,设计师已经成为国际猎物,他们中的一些人正在公司之间流动。一个很好的例子是法国汽车制造商雷诺的前设计总监Anne Asensio在2000年5月转到了通用汽车公司(Bouchenoire,2003)。


在技术密集型产业中,对竞争优势的追求促使企业投资于创新,这反过来又使企业在产业中占据主导地位(Grant,2010,p.297)。尽管传统上,公司都认为技术是创新和发展的源泉,但近年来他们已经将重点转移到了设计上。设计可以通过使产品对顾客更有意义来改善产品,这反过来又会给公司带来巨大的增长和利润。因为,当产品更有意义时,它们对顾客的感知价值就会变得很高(Verganti,2009,转引自“丹麦设计”,2011,P.16)。实际上,工程师使用技术使产品具有功能性,而设计师使用形式使产品具有美感,对用户有意义,给他们(用户)带来无形的心理满足感,从而在市场上创造差异(Verganti,2009, p.20)。因此,如果技术不受版权保护,技术在长期时间内是可以被模仿的。但是考虑到相关的品牌价值和客户体验,设计是很难被复制的,也没有价值。产品独特和差异化的设计增加了技术型公司的竞争力,从而获得持续的竞争优势。审美和情感价值加上技术产品的新含义,不仅能确保竞争优势,而且能给顾客带来新的体验;这在工业设计师Raymond Loewy重新设计的Searss Coldspot冰箱的例子中得到了最好的体现--1934年,工业设计师Raymond Loewy将当时丑陋且喧闹的电冰箱改造成了一台可以放在厨房里的室内设计机器(Vogel,2009)。

根据Roberto Verganti(2008)的说法,有三种可能的



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