
 2022-12-22 06:12

Premier Li Keqiang stated at the State Council executive meeting on April 25th that tax cuts for enterprises and increasing financial input are actually two sides of a coin. They must aim at some major scientific research projects to increase financial support and pass tax reductions, etc. Relevant policies motivate companies to innovate independently.

In theory, the inhibition of taxation obstacles on corporate Ramp;D innovation may occur through the following mechanisms: In the Ramp;D and innovation activities, the external financing channels of the enterprise are ineffective, and they need to use their own funds for endogenous financing, while the higher tax burden is reduced. The companyrsquo;s retained earnings and free cash flow have a negative impact on Ramp;D and innovation activities. This is because, from the perspective of the economic characteristics of technological activities, Ramp;D innovation is a high-input, high-risk activity. For external capital providers (such as commercial banks), if the Ramp;D innovation rate is too low, Businesses often fail to pay off their debts and the banks will face the risk of bad debts. Even if the bank can auction the companyrsquo;s mortgage assets to make up for the losses, the time and transaction costs incurred by the legal process still make the bank more harm than good; and even if the Ramp;D and innovation are successful, the bank can only obtain the principal and interest of the contract, making it difficult for the company to succeed. 'One share.' The risk of only 'bitterness' and 'unity' - the misalignment of profits and the inherent information asymmetry between Ramp;D innovations inside and outside the enterprise means that external investors lack the incentive to support Ramp;D and innovation projects. Heavy tax burden reduces the number of companies The endogenous financing space, research and innovation activities will be negatively affected.

The tax burden reduces the operating profitability of enterprises and the rate of return on investment of Ramp;D projects. Faced with the predicament of high risks and low returns, the rational decisions of owners and managers of enterprises are to stop innovation activities or cut Ramp;D expenditures and adopt a more conservative approach. Business strategy. In addition, adequate cash flow and retained earnings are not only the basis for the company to carry out endogenous financing for Ramp;D innovation, but also the “risk reserve” when Ramp;D fails. Abundant funds can enable failed companies to maintain their survival and carry out follow-up Ramp;D of “doing a good job”. The heavier tax burden invades the “risk reserve” available to the company, thus restraining its incentives for Ramp;D and innovation activities.

Entrepreneurial activities can be divided into two categories: productive and rent-seeking. Under the constraints of entrepreneurs limited time and energy budget, these two types of behaviors are mutually substitute. Rational entrepreneurs allocate time, energy, and resources to different types of activities to maximize their overall returns based on considerations of realistic institutional constraints and the marginal returns of various activities.

In Chinas macroeconomic tax burden, tax collection and management, there is a flexible operating space, entrepreneurs engaged in tax avoidance activities have higher marginal revenue, they will spend more energy and resources for rent-seeking behavior, and thus significantly Extrusion of productive Ramp;D and innovation activities, if Ramp;D expenditures can be recorded as deductible expenses when calculating corporate income tax, and patents can be depreciated as intangible assets, tax barriers may not have a negative impact on Ramp;D and innovation. Some literature points out that the tax burden may incentivize Ramp;D innovation: Ramp;D expenses can be used as tax shields when companies conduct earnings management. At this time, the heavier tax burden may even encourage companies to conduct more Ramp;D in order to avoid tax.

In the context of China, Nie Huihua and others studied the impact of the VAT transition pilot in Northeast China and found that the reduction in tax burden significantly promoted the companys fixed asset investment, but the companyrsquo;s Ramp;D expenditures instead decreased, the Ramp;D density did not increase significantly, and the companyrsquo;s production The improvement of efficiency is mainly achieved by replacing labor with capital. Zhou Yean et al. used the provincial panel data and spatial econometric model to find that a variety of macro tax burden indicators had no significant impact on innovation, but tax competition among regions had a positive effect;

Zhang Xi and others found that the heavier tax burden on the region is, the more innovative output measured by the number of invention patents. They attributed this to the governmentrsquo;s investment in infrastructure after taxation and the “back-feeding” supporting services for innovative companies. Based on this, we

Another hypothesis of competitive research is proposed: The impact of different taxes on Ramp;D innovation may also be different. The value-added tax directly related to the manufacturing enterprises in the empirical sample of this article

With regard to corporate income tax, the former is an indirect tax and the latter is a direct tax. VAT is embedded in various commodities and factor inputs. It essentially becomes the price component of the companys raw materials and intermediate product inputs, machinery and equipment procurement, and final product sales. It penetrates through the companys research and innovation activities. In contrast, corporate income tax is charged “afterwards”, although the heavier income tax expropriates the funds and “risk reserve” that the company originally could use for Ramp;D investment, but this will only reduce the companyrsquo;s income after deduc



理论上,税收障碍对企业研发创新的抑制可能通过以下几个机制发生:在研发创新活动中,企业外部融资渠道失效,需要动用自有资金进行内源性融资,而较高的税收负担减少了企业的留存收益与自由现金流,从而对研发创新活动造成负面影响。这是因为,从技术活动的经济特征来看,研发创新是一种高投入、高风险的活动,对于外部的资金提供者(例如商业银行)而言,在研发创新大概率失败的情况下,企业往往无法还本付息,银行将面临坏账风险。即使银行可以拍卖企业的抵押资产以弥补损失,法律程序所占用的时间成本与交易费用仍使银行得不偿失;而且,即便研发创新取得成功,银行也只能获取合同约定的本息,难以对企业的成功“分一杯羹”。只“共苦”不“同甘”的风险 - 收益错配以及研发创新在企业内外部间天然的信息不对称意味着外部投资者缺乏为研发创新项目提供支持的激励繁重的税收负担压缩了企业的内源性融资空间,研发创新活动将受到负面影响。











税改将对美国企业产生直接的影响,税改前美国的 企业所得税名义税率为 35%,在美国的主要竞争对手OECD(经济合作与发展组织)国家中处于最高水平,加上 各州税率后,企业实际承担的税负水平特别高,而此次税 改将企业所得税降至 15%,会让美国的跨国公司及把总部设在税率较低的其他国家和地区的企业,将海外利润 转移到美国本土,促进美国国内就业和投资等多方面的 发展,从而拉动美国经济快速提升。还有税改第二个措施这也是特朗普特别霸道的做法,如果是美国公司不回国 生产征 10%的惩罚性税收,这明摆着就是为美国企业挖 好了坑就让你往里跳没有选择余地。税改将改变美国企业在全球的竞争力和经济环境。








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