
 2023-08-29 09:08


A Field Study of New Employee Training Programs: Industry Practices and Strategic Insights

J. Bruce Tracey, Timothy R. Hinkin, Michael Kingra, Jona than Taylor

Abstract:Given the importance of well-designed and well-executed training programs, it is important to learn more about the content and design of effective training programs for new employees, particularly those that have been implemented in the hospitality industry. Through a field study assessment of pre-opening training programs that have been implemented by fifteen hotel firms and sixteen restaurant companies, we found that hotels and restaurants spend approximately the same time on pre-opening training for new staff, with the exception of restaurant managers, who receive significantly more days of training than do their hotel counterparts. In addition, there were substantive differences in the amount of pre-opening training based on firm size and whether the company was publicly traded or privately held. We also found that the majority of pre-opening training is designed and delivered by corporate staff, and a balance of active and passive training methods are used for facilitation. Finally, although our survey methodology did not allow us to determine the costs associated with pre-opening training (and therefore the return on these efforts), we noted that the firms used guest satisfaction measures and measured the employeesrsquo; content mastery, among other metrics.

Keywords:pre-opening training; new employees; flexibility

For the first time in three-plus years, we are seeing predictions for strong increases in revenue growth and new development in the hospitality industry. Moreover, notable companies such as Marriott, Four Seasons, and Starbucks have been showing strong sales performance since 2010, and the trajectory of new property development and store growth around the globe has been increasingly positive and steep.1 One of the primary reasons why the companies noted above (and others) have performed comparatively well during the recent financial decline is because they have implemented an integrated set of highly effective human resources (HR) policies, practices, and systems that are designed to create and sustain high levels of employee engagement and performance. This contention is supported by a burgeoning body of evidence that supports the link between HR (as a system, as well as the specific functional activities therein) and various indicators of individual and organizational performance. For example, the HR best practices research by Hinkin and Tracey (2010) found that the “most-admired” companies in their study placed a strong emphasis on learning and development, particularly for new staff. For example, the new employee programs established by the top hospitality and service-related companies address not only job-specific requirements, but also cover strategic knowledge (e.g., the firmrsquo;s core values) and interpersonal skills (e.g., behaviors that support cross-functional coordination and teamwork) that are required for sustaining high levels of service quality and efficiency. These companies also offer ongoing learning opportunities that address the various professional development needs of all employees at all levels of the organization. Perhaps the most distinguishing factor is that all of the most-admired companies shared a strong culture of continuous improvement in which training and development is an integral part of everyday work life.

Similarly, while a few studies have examined socialization and new employee training in hospitality contexts (e.g., Yang 2009; Young and Lundberg 1996), the focus has been primarily on employee perceptions regarding their initial training experiences. In that regard, similar to research on socialization, these findings do not provide any substantive prescription—conceptually or practically—regarding pro- gram content and design. Moreover, an exhaustive search of the hospitality research literature failed to reveal any details regarding the content or design of new employee programs. Finally, we could not identify any studies that have examined the ways in which new employee training programs may account for or adapt to the dynamic nature of internal and external environmental conditions. This is a particularly salient gap, especially in light of the hospitality industryrsquo;s change-oriented and competitive nature (cf. Enz 2010). Therefore, the objectives of this exploratory study are twofold: (1) to identify the key content, design, and implementation features associated with arguably one of the most important types of hospitality training—pre-opening training for new employees, and (2) to enhance our understanding about the ways in which such training programs may be adaptive to account for the dynamic nature of internal and external work settings. We will begin by presenting a brief overview of the characteristics that are associated with effective training programs. We will then present an analysis of the recent research on HR flexibility, which provides some insights about the adaptive nature of the HR system components, including new employee training programs. Next, we present the results from a case study that examines new employee training programs that have been implemented by a sample of thirty-one “most admired” hotel and restaurant companies. We conclude with a discussion about the ways in which learning and development programs can be designed and implemented to maximize impact and account for the dynamic influences associated with hospitality settings.

Effective Training

In their recent review of the research literature on training and development, Aguinis and Kraiger (2009) reiterated the importance of four fundamental requirements for designing and implementing effective training programs: (1) conducting a thorough needs assessment to just




J. Bruce Tracey, Timothy R. Hinkin, Michael Kingra, Jona than Taylor



在过去三年多的时间里,我们第一次见证了酒店行业收入的强劲增长和酒店行业新发展趋势。此外,自2010年以来,万豪(Marriott),四季(Fours Seasons)和星巴克(Starbucks)等著名公司就一直表现出强劲的销售业绩,它们在全球布局的轨迹也越来越积极。上面提到的公司(及其他公司)在最近的财务下滑期间表现相对较好,这是因为它们实施了一套旨在创建和维持高水平员工敬业度的高效人力资源(HR)政策。这一论据得到了验证和支持,这些证据表明了人力资源(作为一个系统以及其中的特定职能活动)与个人和组织绩效的各种指标之间的联系。例如,希金和特西(2010)进行的人力资源最佳实践研究发现,研究中“最受赞赏”的公司非常重视学习和发展,特别是对于新员工。例如,由顶级酒店和服务相关公司设立的新员工计划不仅解决了需要特定工作技能要求的问题,而且涵盖战略知识(例如,公司的核心价值)和人际交往能力(例如,支持跨职能部门的行为协调和团队合作),以维持高水平的服务质量和效率。这些公司还提供持续的学习机会,以满足组织各个级别的所有员工的各种专业发展需求。也许最显着的因素是,所有最受尊敬的公司都拥有一种持续改进的强烈文化,在这种文化中,培训和发展是日常工作中不可或缺的一部分。

同样,虽然一些研究在接待环境中研究了社交和新员工培训(例如,Yang 2009; Young and Lundberg 1996),但重点主要在于员工对其最初培训经验的看法。在这方面,类似于社会化研究,这些发现并未在概念上或实践上提供任何关于程序内容和设计的实质性规定。此外,对酒店研究文献的详尽搜索未能揭示有关新员工计划内容或设计的任何细节。最后,我们无法确定任何研究了新员工培训计划如何解释或适应内部和外部环境条件的动态性质的研究。这是一个特别明显的差距,特别是考虑到酒店行业的变革导向和竞争性质(参见Enz 2010)。因此,本探索性研究的目的有两个:(1)确定与最重要的款待培训类型之一相关的关键内容,设计和实施功能-新员工的开业前培训,以及(2)加深我们对此类培训计划可以适应内部和外部工作环境动态性质的方式的理解。我们将首先简要介绍与有效培训计划相关的特征。然后,我们将对人力资源灵活性的最新研究进行分析,从而提供有关人力资源系统组件的适应性的一些见解,包括新员工培训计划。


Aguinis and Kraiger(2009)在最近对培训与发展研究文献的评论中,重申了设计和实施有效培训计划的四个基本要求的重要性:(1)进行全面的需求评估,以证明培训投资的合理性;(2)使用多种教学方法让参与者参与学习过程,这些教学方法说明了不同的学习者态度,动机和能力;(3)使用多层次的标准和纵向程序评估培训影响;(4)适应除内容和设计之外的各种个体和上下文因素,这些因素可能减轻或提高实现培训目标的程度。


一些学者认为适应性是管理竞争环境的关键要求(例如Chakravarthy 1982; Eppink 1978; Sanchez 1995,1997; Sanchez and Heene 1997)。此外,组织必须能够获取和利用包括人力资源在内的各种资源,以有效地管理竞争威胁和机遇(例如,Barney 1991; Priem and Butler 2001; Teece,Pisano和Shuen 1997)。最初的假设是,经理根据对外部竞争环境的看法来决定使用公司可用的人力资源(例如Teece 2007; Way和Johnson 2005)。因此,感知到的环境动力的程度将决定可能需要的人力资源灵活性的性质和程度。人力资源灵活性构建的当前概念是基于Wright和Snell(1998)的模型,该模型认为人力资源灵活性包括两个通用方面:资源灵活性和协调灵活性。当公司当前的人力资源实践和员工能力(即技能和行为)可用于多种目的时,人力资源的灵活性就显而易见。人力资源灵活性的第二种通用类型与人力资源实践和员工能力的协调相关。当企业可以快速有效地利用或实施替代性的人力资源实践以应对环境变化(包括竞争对手的人力资源变化)时,便出现了人力资源实践中的协调灵活性示例。迄今为止,基于赖特(Wright)和斯内尔(Snell)提供的概念模型进行的六项实证研究表明,对人力资源灵活性与公司绩效的各种主观和客观指标之间的联系(贝尔特兰·马丁,罗卡·普伊格,埃斯里格·特纳和布- Llusar,2008; Bhattacharya,Gibson和Doty,2005; Ketkar和Sett,2009,2010; Ngo和Loi,2008; Way等人,即将出版。针对新员工培训(尤其是开业前培训)的人力资源灵活性的研究表明,在内容,方法和评估上广度的重要性。

关于内容,可以说,新员工培训计划应涵盖可应用于广泛目的的广泛知识和技能。例如,与Hinkin和Tracey(2010)报告的发现一致,我们希望此类计划强调战略内容(例如,公司的使命,核心价值和文化,以及有关主要竞争对手,市场状况,需求的信息司机,客户特征),以及人际交往能力(例如,在团队环境中工作的行为要求,尤其是那些需要跨职能协调的行为)以及技术和任务要求(例如,操作物业管理或销售点)系统)来有效地履行核心和非核心工作职责。但是,与人力资源灵活性框架至关重要的权变概念一致,这些各种内容主题的相关性可能会根据组织的需求而变化。例如,与那些拥有广泛地理区域的大型公司相比,战略知识(侧重于公司的总体业务目标和价值以及与每个公司业务部门相关的条件)可能更相关。在更多本地或区域范围内运营。这种争论是基于一项研究,该研究表明支持组织知识(可以通过新员工培训得到部分促进)与公司的业务战略(理论上可以解释外部和内部竞争影响和需求)之间的关系。 Nag,Corley和Gioia 2007)。因此,规模差异可能会影响与各种类型的员工知识相关的相对权重,这些知识可以(并且很可能应该)在开业前的培训计划中解决。





基于对上面讨论的有关培训有效性和人力资源灵活性的先前研究的分析,以及Hinkin(1998)提供的调查发展程序,我们设计了一个问卷调查表,以评估新员工开业前的培训政策和程序。 参与公司。 所有问题均按管理人员或直属人员的级别进行了细分,并检查了各种概况特征(例如,细分,规模,分散性)之间的相似性和差异性趋势。 收到问卷后,我们通过电话采访了每个受访者,以审查和澄清调查答复。








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