
 2023-01-11 10:01


Dragon Ionu TANASE 布加勒斯特经济研究学院




JEL代码:F52 H12 015。

REL代码:14 c。







  1. 危机的概念


很多研究人员发现,典型的危机有它的起源和系谱 (Pearson, Judith, 1998).他们认为危机不是一个随机事件的结果,而是长时间积累的最新表现。从这个角度来说,危机可能是一个积累和连续不断的组织失调过程,从而导致的结果。在附属报告中,Pauchant (1998)将危机定义为“组织作为一个整体,可能事件的任何部分的累积,这可能影响并打破其现在或将来的社会水平和人们的心理”。















它可以得出的结论是:个人、组织,是他们的经济、社会、政治、军事甚至包括他们的“高层管理人员”受到或可能的危机讨论的主题。这些组织文献,危机管理人员的经理和管理组织被称为“港口危机”(Pauchant Mitroff,1995)。类似于“护身符模式”这些港口管理者会对其管理活动造成危机和灾害。当然组织已采取一切措施,以避免受到重大危机。危机管理人员的那些危机预防的手段,即组织和管理者做出的手段被称为预防危机(Pauchant Mitroff,1995)。















Procedural and Systematic Crisis Approach

and Crisis Management

Dragon Ionu TANASE

Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

Abstract. These approaches to crisis are a fundamental aspect of the systematic process of crisis management, but they are limited and must be accompanied by the existential side of the crisis. To live a major organizational crisis experience, if you want to think of the possibility of such a situation, may sometimes cause another intense anxiety.This anxiety, although irrational in the rational sense of the term, is nevertheless as real as possible. In order to answer the deep existential questions that occur during a crisis, there were and are applied different defensive strategies.

Keywords: crisis; systematic crisis, crisis management; procedural approach to


Procedural and Systematic Crisis Approach

and Crisis Management

Dragon Ionu TANASE

Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

Abstract. These approaches to crisis are a fundamental aspect of the systematic process of crisis management, but they are limited and must be accompanied妙the existential side of the crisis. To live a major organizational crisis experience, if you want to think of the possibility of such a situation, may sometimes cause another intense anxiety.This anxiety, although irrational in the rational sense of the term, is nevertheless as real as possible. In order to answer the deep existential questions that occur during a crisis, there were and are applied different defensive strategies.

Keywords: crisis; systematic crisis, crisis management; procedural approach to

approach to the crisis; defensive strategies

JEL Codes: F52, H12, 015.

REL Code: 14C.


Today the crisis has become an everyday state and the word entered the current vocabulary of leaders of institutions, journalists and the general public.

The almost continuous presence of crises, placed in various institutions, has made that more and more political leaders, business leaders, and experts in management and public relations practitioners to talk about 'crisis management' and about 'crisis communication'.

It is almost an universally acknowledged truth that in the current era of globalization, social, economic life, labor, political, military life are affected by the crisis, regardless of how it is defined or felt. Also in the managerial field, the crisis is attached to economic social and political events or episodes, which are escaping from everyday life, having the tendency to become usual facts, customs, with various consequences on the situational aggression scale.

Rightly, it can be said that in the current human complex crises are accompanying us, they forms us, they can provide various models or symbols to us, in other words they can govern or 'manage' our work.

Any organization may face a crisis able that could jeopardize the normal functioning and the reputation they enjoyed in a particular community. Some crises are predictable and can be avoided others cannot be predicted or anticipated correctly.

1 .The concept of crisis

If the event approach features the crisiss characteristics to surprise, unpredictability and improbably, the procedural approach gives it a progression in intensity and visibility and allows it to anticipate the existence of stages: precursor signs, triggering, increase and resolution. It transpires therefore the opportunity to anticipate crisis or to find genealogy and dynamics of its appearance. In this respect, it is moving away from the simple analysis of symptoms and opens extensive lines of investigation to study crises.

Several researchers have shown that crises typically have a genesis and a pedigree (Pearson, Judith, 1998). They believe crises are not the result of a random event, but the latest manifestation of along gestation period. This way, crises would be the result of a cumulative and continuous organizational dysfunctions process. In this dependency report, Pauchant (1998) defined crisis as 'an accumulation of likely events at the level of any part or the organization as a whole and which may disrupt its present or future operations affecting individuals and

communities to a physical level, psychological and/or existential'.

This definition gives a new dimension to the concept, because the crisis is not necessarily an unexpected isolated event, but rather the result of cumulative failures and potentially iterated by the organization, but whose dynamics can brutally escape from the hands of decision makers.

In the same direction, Bowonder and Liston (1987) showed that, with a few exceptions, crises have always left their marks before the critical stage. Shrivastava(1987) illustrated this feature explaining how the accident from Bhopal in 1984 has found roots in a series of failures and strategic choices of Caribde Union as well as in a series of political and economic orientation of the Indian government of the time. Analyses of the same type are found for the explosion of Challenger spaceship or for the contaminated blood affair in France.

It seems therefore more correctly to speak of accumulation than surprise when we study the occurrence of crises. The problem is not to predict when, the probability of its appearance or the shape of the crisis in its critical phase but rather to identify latent or failure events that could lead to a crisis.

However, it is better to be cautious about this notion of precursor signs which, taken alone, is often enough to justify the positions taken by supporters of a procedural approach on the predictability of the crisis. Perrow (1994) gives us, from this point of view, a critical perspective that relates the importance given to them currently. He shows that the precursor signs are always regarded as after the crisis took place. So it makes sense only in a retrospective way.

Experience has shown that, despite all precautions taken to stop or control a crisis, usually it gets out of control and escalates.

In these circumstances, it may seriously undermine the organization, if is not managed properly, an important element in this situation being communication. In other words, good communication during the crisis can mitigate and even prevent negative public reactions.

Generally, it is considered that a crisis deeply affects the image of an organization. Typically, brand image is built in times of normality, when the set of values and representations is emerging, through which the public p



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