
 2023-01-11 10:01


The use of event marketing management strategies



Events have evolved and developed with the development of the mankind. Thus events may be part of the economic - social -cultural, business environment, part of the tertiary sector. Events can be described as non-standard services in which the knowledge, behaviour and commitment to such service providers are crucial. Satisfaction of the participants at an event consists of a complex interaction of customers, event venue, and design, the management system flow, volunteers, staff, making the quality assessment a complex task, as the role and place in the management system of the organizations. Organizations should take into account the types of customers that they address with new events, so they have to develop new events or to diversify the actual ones. In order to provide viable instruments two quantitative researches were deployed, the first quantitative research was deployed among organizations that communicate with stakeholders through events, the second among participants regardless of the type of event. The results obtained allowed on one hand to make the proposal of instruments in event marketing management applied in specific events.



Keywords: Event management, marketing management, strategies, event marketing ;




  1. 设计,启动过程和决定事件是否被开展或者开展到最后;
  2. 结果是决定事件的推迟或者取消;
  3. 详细计划;
  4. 实现包括监控进展,在事件中和发布事件时建立不可预期的和可预期的程序;
  5. 评价不仅是必要的,而是为了从经验中学习如何做,事件可能会做得更好。




[Source: Rutherford, J. S. Risk Management for Meetings and Events, Publishing House, Oxford, UK, 2008] Figure 1. Event Management Process

这个过程始于研究,接着是活动策划、组织和实施,在过程中进行控制,以此在事件结束后进行评估,然后以此为根据再进行一个新的研究,循环使用。在管理、运作、市场营销和风险管控等过程中,所有部门参与更多或者更大的执行任务。因为他们在建立一个事件中都遇到过不同的问题,他们可以提出各种解决方案或建议。在新的领域不断地汇集各种创造性的学科的体验,将任何事件转换成一个独特的体验。这取决于结合创造性的学科,不仅仅类似于管理和营销,每个事件代表一个独立的任务。当结合不同的感官印象,受体在其他领域,识别因素和事件体验的因素很难被克服。他们的巨大的吸引力和深刻的印象,以此确定合适的事件成为营销传播的重要方面。他们创造客户忠诚度,提高团体的感觉,或者“我们”,这是指一个团队的成员(Daab, 2007)。潜在客户参与的增加和事件数量的增加,说明他们在广告中意义重大(菲利普,2011)。最近,开始关注研究和定义作为事件营销的一个独立的学科。组织一个事件包含许多学科(作为一个跨学科的领域),但是我们可以说这是为了一个事件良好的发展和实施,实现其目标,我们必须结合两门以上的学科(如果不结合,事件就不会出现),这两门学科就是市场营销和管理。

  1. 事件营销

事件营销已经尝试了广大地区的一般的方法,在客户和组织的业务合作伙伴以及组织所有的员工,总之所有的利益相关者中建立联系。随着两个研究的进行,一方面,建立使用过的大多数类型的事件,重点在于利益相关者和为了事件的有效实施将事件外包给其他公司的程度。另一方面,员工关于事件的有效性的意见和建议,成为真正完美的营销事件,这类似于参与者(Olteanu, 2005)。因此,能得出结论:怎么样的事件可以被使用,事件应该怎么发生,依据正在参与事件的受众,为了充分受益于组织中使用事件营销的优势,应该考虑以下方面:正在参与事件的利益相关者,针对目标客户的事件和其他业务合作伙伴(Davidson amp; Rogers, 2007):事件必须进行互动,尽可能的有吸引力,这非常依赖于事件的特征和类型。


流程可以更灵活,调整整个事件的流程,让事件合适目标受众的需求,事件在本周发生,在晚上或者在周末(Kilkenny, 2006)。


在组织事件方面,重点放在客户和其他业务合作伙伴上,组织(Moise, 2009)表示:可到达的地方,有足够多的停车位,足够大的空间;更注重细节,在提供的地图展示给所有的参与者;创新和令人兴奋的想法,接近更广泛和更复杂的主题,主题拥有高度的新奇性;遵守程序和具体的开始和结束步骤。毋庸置疑的,根据严格的时间安排,菜单也考虑到素食者的所有参与者的需要。


The best possible sound system, enjoyable music, more prepared speakers; The use of translators, because not every participant may know the international language spoken; The events to be the most concise possible and to be transmitted only the most important, late minute information concerning the specified domain; The guests to be successful people at least in the certain domain, either from abroad or national ones, and the contact information of the speakers for a subsequent collaboration or for an explanation of some problems; The events to be unique, in order to catch the attention of the participants, but also to have a direct approach and the message to be a simple one; A proper environment to be created for the networking development, by organizing some some sessions between the participants in order to exchange experience. For events addressed to the employees (Midddelton amp; Fyall. amp; Morgan, 2009):


the employees to be implied and not considered only viewers, an emphasis to be put on relationships, a good communication to be held between the top management and the employees.


financial incentives to be offered to the employees, events to be free of charge for the employees, promotional gifts to be offered, raffle prizes to be organized, participation diplomas.


the event addressed to the employees to be held during the working time, or the working schedule before and after the event to be reduced, or that certain day to be off.



the personnel to be announced in advance about: the location, the lenghth and the program. The invitations to be personalized, if they are sent via Intranet.


reducing bureaucracy should be tried out within the organization and the utilization of unpolluting and harmless objects for the natural environment.

In what concerns the organization of events that address to employees, they should take into account the following issues

Choosing the location in turistic areas when possible, depending on the budget and of the eve


The use of event marketing management strategies


Events have evolved and developed with the development of the mankind. Thus events may be part of the economic - social -cultural, business environment, part of the tertiary sector. Events can be described as non-standard services in which the knowledge, behavior and commitment to such service providers are crucial. Satisfaction of the participants at an event consists of a complex interaction of customers, event venue, and design, the management system flow, volunteers, staff, making the quality assessment a complex task, as the role and place in the management system of the organizations. Organizations should take into account the types of customers that they address with new events, so they have to develop new events or to diversify the actual ones. In order to provide viable instruments two quantitative researches were deployed, the first quantitative research was deployed among organizations that communicate with stakeholders through events, the second among participants regardless of the type of event. The results obtained allowed on one hand to make the proposal of instruments in event marketing management applied in specific events.

Keywords: Event management, marketing management, strategies, event marketing ;

1. Introduction

Event management is the design and coordination of an event. Management of events application can be done with the help of lending a management framework for identifying and disseminating the five stages of evolution of an event, and that is (Yeoman amp; Robertson amp; Ali-Knight amp; Drummond amp; McMahon-Beattie, 2004):

I. Decision - initiates the process and determines whether the event will be done or not eventually;

II. The result is the decision to make the event, to postpone or cancel it;

III. Detailed planning;

IV. The implementation which is realized through monitoring progress, establishing procedures for the unexpected and expected, during and post event;

V. Evaluation is more than necessary in order to learn from experience how the event could be done better.

2. Event management process

Other specialists (Rutherford, 2008) consider that the event marketing management process is a cross complex of flows of management processes with management and marketing functions. As shown, the functional units -grouped by subject area, form the fabric to manufacture an event. Processes are intertwined with the management functions for each event, with the thread of the assessment ending any event, which will continue to lead research for another event, shown in Figure 1.

[Source: Rutherford, J. S. Risk Management for Meetings and Events, Publishing House, Oxford, UK, 2008] Figure 1. Event Management Process

This process starts with research, continues with the event planning, the organization and implementation, unfolding control operations so that at the end of the event to carry out the evaluation, and that the cycle to be repeated by making a new research. All the departments from the administration, operations, marketing and risk management and not only, are involved in a greater or less matter of carrying out the tasks. As all of them have met different problems in setting up an event, and can come with various solutions or proposals. Constantly bringing together the various creative disciplines in new areas of experience transforms any event into a unique experience. Depending on the combined creative disciplines, and not only like management and marketing, each event represents an independent work. When combining different sensory impressions, receptors are taken in other worlds, identifying factors and factors of the event experience can hardly be overcome. Their enormous power of attraction combined with deep emotions, determine harmonious events to become important aspects of marketing communication. They create customer loyalty and enhance the sense of group, or 'we', members of a team (Daab, 2007). The increase of involvement of commercial customers and the increase of number of events, illustrate their significant importance in advertising (Filip, 2011). Quite recently, started a concern for the study and definition as an independent discipline of Event Marketing. Organizing an event incorporates many disciplines (as an interdisciplinary field), but we can say that for a good development and implementation of an event, that achieves its objectives, we must combine at least two subjects (without which the event wouldnrsquo;t not exist), and they are marketing and management.

3. Event marketing

It has been tried a general approach of this vast area represented by Event Marketing, which addresses both to customers and business partners of the organization and also to its employees, in a word, to stakeholders.

Following the two conducted researches, it was followed on one hand, establishing the most types of used events,

That address to stakeholders and the extent to which it outsources or moves to other companies for their effective implementation of these events, and on the other hand, the employees opinion about the effectiveness of events, and also proposals, to really become perfect Marketing Events, in terms of participants (Olteanu, 2005). Therefore, can be drawn conclusions about how events can be used and how should these take place, depending on the audience that they are addressing, and in order to fully benefit from the advantages of using event marketing in the organization, there should be considered the following aspects depending on the stakeholders to whom they address the event to For the events that target customers and other business partners (Davidson amp; Rogers, 2007): Events must be as interactive and engaging as possible, depending very much on the characteristics and type of event.

At the end of the event to give partic



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