基于BI数字化运营商视角的新国货品牌营销策略分析 ——以完美日记为例外文翻译资料

 2023-03-17 03:03



摘要:美国密歇根州立大学教授杰罗姆·麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)(1960)在《基础营销》一书中提出的4Ps营销组合理论,将各种营销活动分为4类,即产品(Product)、定价(Price)、渠道(Place)、渠道(Promotion)。美国服务营销学者布姆斯(Boom)和比特纳(Bitner)(1981)在杰罗姆·麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)4Ps营销组合理论的基础上,提出7Ps营销组合理论,即产品(Product)、定价(Price)、渠道(Place)、渠道(Promotion)、人员(People)、有形展示(Physical Evidence)和过程(Process)。7Ps营销组合理论构成现代营销重要理论,用于解决企业在营销过程中面临的问题,对原有理论进行了补充,拓展了营销组合理论的分析维度。同时随着品牌的逐步发展,在原有品类上进行创新同样很重要。艾·里斯(AI Ries)和劳拉·里斯(Laura Ries)(2004)所著的《品牌的起源》,系统阐述品牌创立的各个环节,并提出创建新品类对品牌发展的重要性。

关键词:营销管理; 营销组合; 整体营销; 品类创新; 品牌建设



原文作者 Philip kotler,Kevin lane keller

麦卡锡将各种营销活动分为四大类营销组合工具,他称之为营销的四个P:产品、价格、渠道和促销。然而,鉴于营销的广度、复杂性和丰富性——以整体营销为例——显然这四个 P不再是全部。更新它们以反映整体营销概念会产生更具代表性的集合,其中包含现代营销现实:人员、流程、计划和绩效。





外文文献出处:Philip kotler,Kevin lane keller. Marketing Management [M]. China Renmin University Press:2018(6):12-14.


Marketing Management

Keywords: Marketing management, Marketing mix, Holistic marketing

McCarthy classified various marketing activities into marketing-mix tools of four broad kinds, which he called the four Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion. Given the breadth, complexity, and richness of marketing, however-as exemplified by holistic marketing-clearly these four Ps are not the whole story anymore. Updating them to reflect the holistic marketing concept results in a more representative set that encompasses modern marketing realities: people, processes, programs, and performance.

People reflects, in part, internal marketing and the fact that employees are critical to marketing success. Marketing will only be as good as the people inside the organization. It also reflects the fact that marketers must view consumers as people to understand their lives more broadly and not just as shoppers who consume products and services.

Processes are all the creativity, discipline, and structure brought to marketing management. Marketers must ensure that state-of-the-art marketing ideas and concepts play an appropriate role in all they do, including creating mutually beneficial long-term relationships and imaginatively generating insights and breakthrough products, services, and marketing activities.

Programs are all the firms consumer-directed activities, encompassing the old four Ps as well as a range of other marketing activities that might not fit as neatly into the old view of marketing. Regardless of whether they are online or offline, traditional or nontraditional, these activities must be integrated such that their whole is greater than the sum of their parts and they accomplish multiple objectives for the firm.

Performance reflects, as in holistic marketing, the range of possible outcome measures that have financial and nonfinancial implications (profitability as well as brand and customer equity) and implications beyond the company itself (social responsibility, legal, ethical, and community related).



原文作者 AI Ries,Laura Ries




想想由阿道夫· 库尔斯公司在1992年推出的新饮料Zima。库尔斯公司没有告诉我们Zima是什么。事实上,库尔斯播放的广告吹嘘说这个新品类藐视给自己下定义。以下是Zima第一条广告的全文:“Zima ClearMalt是,让我们看看hellip;hellip;它含有微量的二氧化碳,但不像啤酒那么多hellip;hellip;(虽然它经过发酵);而且它,嗯,味道醇厚,但又比混合饮料淡一些;而且,嗯,易入口,但不像冰爽葡萄酒(Wine Cooler)那么甜;它颜色清透,能在饮用时看到屋子里其他地方的情况(这非常重要)以及hellip;hellip;还有什么吗?你可以直接饮用或加冰块。”




相反,来看看红牛。该产品含有微量二氧化碳和高浓度咖啡因的混合物,含有草药、复合维生素B和氨基酸。发明人迪特里希·马特施茨(Dietrich Mateschitz)在泰国偶然喝到了当地流行的健康滋补品Krating Daeng,并在此基础上发明了红牛饮料。

给这个品类取一个“古怪”的名字,是一个让人很难抵挡的诱惑。例如,马特施茨可以购买Krating Daeng这个名字的使用权,或者他也可以把这种新饮料叫做泰国茶。




“能量饮料”作为品类名生效了,尽管一罐红牛饮料中的成分和PowerBar、Balance bar、Cliff bar和Atkins Advantage bar等能量棒中的成分没多大联系。




外文文献出处:AI Ries,Laura Ries. The Origin Of Brands [M]. 机械工业出版社:2013.


The Origin Of Brands

The hardest and most rewarding job in marketing is creating a new category.

Imagine the situation a company faces as it prepares to launch a new brand into a new category. There is no definition of a new category, no market, no distribution channel, and no competitor to refer to. The first brand in a new category is really a pioneer, and a pioneer has to solve all the problems.

The first, and most important question, is what the new category will be called. If you cant simply define this new category, it cant be successful.

Consider Zima, a new drink launched by the Adolf Coors company in 1992. Coors didnt tell us what Zima was. In fact, Coors ran an ad that boasted that the new category defied self-definition. Heres the full text of Zimas first ad: 'Zima ClearMalt is, lets see...it contains trace amounts of carbon dioxide, but not as much as beer...(though its fermented); and its, um, mellow, But its lighter than a mixed drink; and, well, it




摘要:美国密歇根州立大学教授杰罗姆·麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)(1960)在《基础营销》一书中提出的4Ps营销组合理论,将各种营销活动分为4类,即产品(Product)、定价(Price)、渠道(Place)、渠道(Promotion)。美国服务营销学者布姆斯(Boom)和比特纳(Bitner)(1981)在杰罗姆·麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)4Ps营销组合理论的基础上,提出7Ps营销组合理论,即产品(Product)、定价(Price)、渠道(Place)、渠道(Promotion)、人员(People)、有形展示(Physical Evidence)和过程(Process)。7Ps营销组合理论构成现代营销重要理论,用于解决企业在营销过程中面临的问题,对原有理论进行了补充,拓展了营销组合理论的分析维度。同时随着品牌的逐步发展,在原有品类上进行创新同样很重要。艾·里斯(AI Ries)和劳拉·里斯(Laura Ries)(2004)所著的《品牌的起源》,系统阐述品牌创立的各个环节,并提出创建新品类对品牌发展的重要性。

关键词:营销管理; 营销组合; 整体营销; 品类创新; 品牌建设



原文作者 Philip kotler,Kevin lane keller

麦卡锡将各种营销活动分为四大类营销组合工具,他称之为营销的四个P:产品、价格、渠道和促销。然而,鉴于营销的广度、复杂性和丰富性——以整体营销为例——显然这四个 P不再是全部。更新它们以反映整体营销概念会产生更具代表性的集合,其中包含现代营销现实:人员、流程、计划和绩效。





外文文献出处:Philip kotler,Kevin lane keller. Marketing Management [M]. China Renmin University Press:2018(6):12-14.


Marketing Management

Keywords: Marketing management, Marketing mix, Holistic marketing

McCarthy classified various marketing activities into marketing-mix tools of four broad kinds, which he called the four Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion. Given the breadth, complexity, and richness of marketing, however-as exemplified by holistic marketing-clearly these four Ps are not the whole story anymore. Updating them to reflect the holistic marketing concept results in a more representative set that encompasses modern marketing realities: people, processes, programs, and performance.

People reflects, in part, internal marketing and the fact that employees are critical to marketing success. Marketing will only be as good as the people inside the organization. It also reflects the fact that marketers must view consumers as people to understand their lives more broadly and not just as shoppers who consume products and services.

Processes are all the creativity, discipline, and structure brought to marketing management. Marketers must ensure that state-of-the-art marketing ideas and concepts play an appropriate role in all they do, including creating mutually beneficial long-term relationships and imaginatively generating insights and breakthrough products, services, and marketing activities.

Programs are all the firms consumer-directed activities, encompassing the old four Ps as well as a range of other marketing activities that might not fit as neatly into the old view of marketing. Regardless of whether they are online or offline, traditional or nontraditional, these activities must be integrated such that their whole is greater than the sum of their parts and they accomplish multiple objectives for the firm.

Performance reflects, as in holistic marketing, the range of possible outcome measures that have financial and nonfinancial implications (profitability as well as brand and customer equity) and implications beyond the company itself (social responsibility, legal, ethical, and community related).



原文作者 AI Ries,Laura Ries




想想由阿道夫· 库尔斯公司在1992年推出的新饮料Zima。库尔斯公司没有告诉我们Zima是什么。事实上,库尔斯播放的广告吹嘘说这个新品类藐视给自己下定义。以下是Zima第一条广告的全文:“Zima ClearMalt是,让我们看看hellip;hellip;它含有微量的二氧化碳,但不像啤酒那么多hellip;hellip;(虽然它经过发酵);而且它,嗯,味道醇厚,但又比混合饮料淡一些;而且,嗯,易入口,但不像冰爽葡萄酒(Wine Cooler)那么甜;它颜色清透,能在饮用时看到屋子里其他地方的情况(这非常重要)以及hellip;hellip;还有什么吗?你可以直接饮用或加冰块。”




相反,来看看红牛。该产品含有微量二氧化碳和高浓度咖啡因的混合物,含有草药、复合维生素B和氨基酸。发明人迪特里希·马特施茨(Dietrich Mateschitz)在泰国偶然喝到了当地流行的健康滋补品Krating Daeng,并在此基础上发明了红牛饮料。

给这个品类取一个“古怪”的名字,是一个让人很难抵挡的诱惑。例如,马特施茨可以购买Krating Daeng这个名字的使用权,或者他也可以把这种新饮料叫做泰国茶。




“能量饮料”作为品类名生效了,尽管一罐红牛饮料中的成分和PowerBar、Balance bar、Cliff bar和Atkins Advantage bar等能量棒中的成分没多大联系。




外文文献出处:AI Ries,Laura Ries. The Origin Of Brands [M]. 机械工业出版社:2013.


The Origin Of Brands

The hardest and most rewarding job in marketing is creating a new category.

Imagine the situation a company faces as it prepares to launch a new brand into a new category. There is no definition of a new category, no market, no distribution channel, and no competitor to refer to. The first brand in a new category is really a pioneer, and a pioneer has to solve all the problems.

The first, and most important question, is what the new category will be called. If you cant simply define this new category, it cant be successful.

Consider Zima, a new drink launched by the Adolf Coors company in 1992. Coors didnt tell us what Zima was. In fact, Coors ran an ad that boasted that the new category defied self-definition. Heres the full text of Zimas first ad: 'Zima ClearMalt is, lets see...it contains trace amounts of carbon dioxide, but not as much as beer...(though its fermented); and its, um, mellow, But its lighter than a mixed drink; and, well, it



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