
 2023-08-01 10:08

Taxi App Market Analysis in Hong Kong

Jacky W. Y. Chan, Vicky L. N. Chang, William K. Lau, Lawrence K. T. Law, and Corrine J. Lei

Abstract—This paper proposes a framework of how current Taxi Apps evolve in the market structures of Hong Kong based on the analysis of the corresponding markets in China, Europe and the United States. Researches are conducted to show the difference and uniqueness of the Hong Kong Taxi App market from the global ones. In addition, conventional taxi-calling systems and methods of Hong Kong are assessed in order to reveal the challenges and opportunities in the future development of this market in Hong Kong. In this paper we also describe in Hong Kong what the transition processes of taxi calling methods are. We concluded with a discussion that to project the market potential in Hong Kong and to support the growth in the Hong Kong Taxi App Market.

Index Terms—Hong Kong, HK taxi, market analysis, taxi app


A.Background Introduction

In recent years, with the progress and development of information technology, smart phone is playing a more and more important role in daily life. Different kinds of apps in the smartphone change the ways of life in many ways. Taxi calling app, which we will call taxi app below, is one of the most popular and revolutionary kinds among them. With a taxi app, users can search for the available taxi around them or make a pre-order. They can fix their locations by GPS or typing in the target location, by which drivers can easily reach them. Passengers have better consuming experience using a taxi app and taxi drivers can benefit from getting more business as well.

Reducing information asymmetry between passengers and drivers, Taxi apps help facilitate resource allocation [1]. They really make taxi hailing more efficient, especially during peak time in traffic, when passengers feel hard to find an empty taxi along the street. Taxi apps are creating value while solving the mismatch between demand and supply, directing idle taxi to people in need [2]. Traffic problem, at the same time, is becoming more and more serious in the large cities all around the world. Addressing this problem, taxi apps are getting increasingly attention and being widely used. They are firstly popularized in U.S. and UK for years, and then have a booming development in eastern Asia in recent years, especially in Mainland China. These markets will be discussed in depth in the following parts.

In contrast to the boom in the markets mentioned above,taxi apps are still not remarkable in Hong Kong. There are already some taxi apps existing in Hong Kong now, however, they donrsquo;t get as much attention as they do in other regions.

B. Goals and Objectives

Sharing many similarities with regions where taxi apps are playing a significant role, it seems unreasonable that Hong Kong is an exception. We would like to find out the reasons behind through comparisons between regions and studying the characteristics of taxi market in Hong Kong. It is hoped to give a better understanding of current situation and future opportunities and threats facing this market.


In order to get more insights about both taxi app and Hong Kong market, we use secondary and primary research to gain useful information and analyze the target in detail. Next the brief introduction of our research will be shown, and the findings we get will be used in the report respectively.

A. Secondary Research

We use secondary data and information to learn about the situations of taxi apps in other countries. We want to get some useful points to support our own taxi app development. The analysis of Hong Kong taxi market and SWOT analysis of the existing taxi apps in Hong Kong are also conducted.

B. Global taxi App Market

The global market research contains the taxi apps in U.S., UK and Mainland China, where taxi apps are extremely popular. We will pick typical taxi apps in these markets, search for their advantages and characters based on some essays and data, in order to make some help to the design and launch of our new taxi app.

C. Hong Kong Taxi and Taxi App Market

In this part we will show the analysis of Hong Kong taxi market. It contains some basic data and some characters of this market, such as the total amount of taxi in Hong Kong, the competitors (taxi-calling channel/taxi radio). The SWOT analysis for Hong Kong taxi app market is also going to be conducted based on some secondary research results we find.

D. Methodology-Primary Research

The purpose of the primary research is to gain opinions and suggestions from potential consumers, as well as to know their demands. According to these results we can make the new taxi app more efficient and easy to be accepted by the market. To achieve these goals, we design a questionnaire that contains 11 related questions. The kinds of questions are specified as follows:

1)Popularity and recognition questions. For example, do you know there are taxi apps in HongKong market?

2)Questions about competitor. For example, what problem have you found when calling taxi radio?

3)Function related questions. For example, have you ever get some credits/refunds by using taxi apps?

4)Using concern questions. For example, what do you concern most about the using of taxi apps?

5)Promotion related questions. For example, where will you prefer to see the promotion activities/advertisements of a taxi app?

Both of the complete version of questionnaire and the conclusion of questionnaire results will be offered in the appendix.

We distribute the questionnaire both online and offline. For the offline distribution, we also choose more than one place to ensure the useful of the sample. By now we have received 118 valid responses.


The global taxi app markets, especially t


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