
 2023-08-30 11:08

Strategic marketing, marketing strategy and market strategy

Rajan Varadarajan


In the lead article of this issue, Hunt (2015) provides an exposition of how the resource-advantage (R-A) theory undergirds the sixteen foundational premises of marketing strategy advanced in Varadarajan (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38 (2), 119-140, 2010). Hunt notes that R-A theory and its three foundational strategies, and the sixteen foundational premises of marketing strategy complement each other in securing the theoretical foundations of the field of strategic marketing. Building on Huntrsquo;s article, this commentary provides additional insights into issues fundamental to the field of strategic marketing and R-A theory, and the foundational premises of marketing strategy and R-A theory. The commentary also provides a retrospective and prospective discussion of the domain of strategic marketing, definition of marketing strategy, issues fundamental to the field of strategic marketing, and the foundational premises of marketing strategy that I had proposed in my above referenced article. In the context of theory development, empirical research and organization of the cumulative body of knowledge in the field of strategic marketing, I highlight the conceptual distinction between marketing strategy and market strategy.

Keywords Strategic marketing. Marketing strategy. Market strategy. Marketing theory. Resource advantage theory.


Hunt (2015) addresses the question of how the resource advantage (R-A) theory relates to the sixteen foundational premises of marketing strategy advanced by Varadarajan (2010). He notes that R-A theory and its three foundational strategies, and the sixteen foundational premises of marketing strategy complement each other in securing the theoretical foundations of the strategic marketing field. In addition to providing insights into the R-A theory underpinnings of the foundational premises of marketing strategy, Huntrsquo;s article also explores how R-A theory explains the issues delineated in Varadarajanrsquo;s article as fundamental to the field of strategic marketing. Against this backdrop, the objectives of this commentary are to provide: (1) a retrospective on certain events that were instrumental in my initiating a study that culminated in my above referenced article, (2) additional insights into certain important issues addressed in Huntrsquo;s above referenced article, and (3) a prospective discussion of some of the issues addressed in my above referenced article. In reference to the last of the above stated objectives, I propose certain revisions to the statement of the domain of strategic marketing, schematic representation of the domain of strategic marketing, definition of marketing strategy, issues fundamental to strategic marketing, and the foundational premises of marketing strategy that are presented in an earlier article (Varadarajan 2010). Additionally, in the context of theory development, empirical research and organization of the cumulative body of knowledge in the field of strategic marketing, I highlight the conceptual distinction between marketing strategy and market strategy.

Strategic marketing and marketing strategy – domain, definition, fundamental issues and foundational premises: a retrospective

In the “Conclusion” section of his article, Hunt (2015) states: “Strategic marketing suffers from an identity problem because of its longstanding lack of clarity and consensus as to its theoretical foundations, its nature, and its scope. Varadarajanrsquo;s (2010) proposals contribute to resolving strategic marketingrsquo;s identity problem by articulating (1) a suggested domain statement for the field (what is inside and what is outside strategic marketing?), (2) a suggested definition of the fieldrsquo;s key construct (what is “marketing strategy”?), (3) a delineation of the fundamental issues of the field (what does strategic marketing theory and research seek to explain?), and (4) a set of sixteen foundational premises (what represents the fieldrsquo;s basic knowledge?). Because all of his proposals are thoughtful, respectful of the literature, and closely reasoned, they could, and hopefully will, prove seminal for further developing the strategic marketing field.” This section provides a retrospective of certain events that motivated me to undertake a research study that culminated in my above referenced article1.

In a 1997 call for papers for a special issue of the Journal of Marketing on Fundamental Issues and Directions for Marketing, four questions were delineated as fundamental issues that underlie the field of marketing: (1) How do customers and consumers really behave? (2) How do markets function and evolve? (3) How do firms relate to their markets? (4) What are the contributions of marketing to organizational performance and societal welfare? (Day and Montgomery 1997). It occurred to me that a similar delineation of issues fundamental to strategic marketing would be beneficial from the standpoint of stimulating debate and discussion among strategic marketing scholars concerning the boundaries of the field. Indeed, strategic marketingrsquo;s identity crisis was a shared concern of a number of scholars in the field during the 1980s and 1990s. In their introduction to the special issue, as validation for the questions they delineate as fundamental issues to the field of marketing, Day and Montgomery (1999) cite a seminal article by Hunt (Hunt 1983). In this article, Hunt describes marketing science as the behavioral science that seeks to explain exchange relationships by focusing on four inter-related sets of fundamental explananda: (1) the behaviors of buyers directed at consummating exchanges, (2) the behaviors of sel






关键字 战略性营销 营销策略 市场策略 市场营销理论 资源优势理论


Hunt(2015)提出了资源优势(R-A)理论与Varadarajan(2010)提出的营销策略的十六个基本前提之间的关系问题。他指出,R-A理论及其三个基本策略,以及营销策略的十六个基本前提相互补充,为战略营销领域提供了理论基础。Hunt的文章除了对作为营销策略基本前提的R-A理论提供了深入的见解外,还探讨了如何用R-A理论来解释Varadarajan文章中所描述的作为战略营销领域基础的问题。在这种背景下,这篇文章的目标是提供:(1)回顾某些事件,在我发起一项研究,最终在我的上面引用的文章 (2)额外洞察关于Hunt在上述文章中提到的一些重要问题 (3)对我上面提到的文章中涉及的一些问题的前瞻性讨论。在参考上面提到的最后一个目标,我提出某些修改语句的战略营销的领域,领域的示意图表示的战略营销,营销策略的定义,战略营销的根本问题, ,在前面的文章(2010年同)提出了的营销战略的基本前提。另外,在战略营销领域的理论发展、实证研究和累积知识体系的组织背景下,我强调了营销战略和市场战略的概念区别。


Hunt(2015)在文章的“结论”部分指出:“战略营销由于其理论基础、性质和范围长期缺乏明确性和共识,因此遭遇了身份问题。同其它的(2010)建议有助于解决战略营销的身份问题,阐明(1)字段的建议建议域语句(内部与外部战略营销是什么?), (2)建议定义该领域的主要构造(“营销策略”是什么?), (3)领域的基本问题的界定(战略营销理论和研究试图解释什么?), (4)一组16个基本前提(代表该领域的基本知识是什么?)因为他的所有建议都是经过深思熟虑且尊重文献的,并且是经过严密论证的,所以它们能够,也希望能够,对战略营销领域的进一步发展产生重大影响。“本节回顾了促使我进行一项研究的某些事件,这些事件最终导致了我上面提到的第1条。

1997年,《市场营销杂志》(Journal of Marketing)特刊征集有关基本问题和市场营销方向的论文,其中有四个问题被描述为构成市场营销领域基础的基本问题: (1)顾客和消费者究竟是如何行为的? (2)市场如何运作和演变? (3)企业与市场的关系如何? (4)市场营销对组织绩效和社会福利的贡献是什么?(Day 和Montgomery, 1997)。我突然想到,对战略营销的基本问题进行类似的描述,将有利于激发战略营销学者之间关于该领域边界的辩论和讨论。事实上,在20世纪80年代和90年代,战略营销的身份危机是该领域许多学者共同关注的问题。Day和Montgomery(1999)在特刊的介绍中引用了Hunt (Hunt 1983)的一篇开创性文章,作为对他们所描述的市场营销领域基本问题的验证。在这篇文章中,Hunt将市场营销科学描述为一种行为科学,他试图通过关注四组相互关联的基本解释来解释交换关系: (1)针对完善买家交流的行为,(2)卖家的行为针对完善交流, (3)针对完善制度框架或促进交流, (4) 买方行为对社会的影响,卖方行为对社会的影响,以及完善和促进交易的制度框架。受到Hunt的著作(1983),Day和Montgomery (1997、1999)和曼昆(1997)的影响, 我开始进行一个研究项目的工作, 以下为焦点: 战略营销领域作为一个专门的研究领域在市场营销、营销策略的定义, 战略营销的基础问题的研究领域和营销战略的基本前提。将“营销策略的基本前提”作为研究目标的推动力是《财富》杂志(Norton 1997) 1997年一期上发表的一篇文章。文章中包括一个名为“经济学的十大原则”的展览,并附有以下脚注:“大多数经济学家似乎都同意的一些事情。”这十条原则摘自1997年出版的经济学教科书(Mankiw 1997),内容如下:(1)人们面临权衡。(2)某物的成本就是你为了得到它而放弃的东西。(3)理性的人考虑边际量。(4)人们会对激励做出反应。(5)贸易可以使每个人富裕起来。(6)市场通常是组织经济活动的好渠道。(7)政府有时可以改善市场结果。(8)一个国家的生活水平取决于它生产商品和提供服务的能力。(9)当政府印了太多的钱,价格就会上涨。(10)社会将面临着通货膨胀和失业之间的短期权衡。这让我想到,按照类似的思路,编制一份与营销战略相关的声明清单,可能会在战略营销学者群体中获得高度共识,这将为文献做出更大的贡献。



在我的邮件调查中,我向战略营销学者提出的第一个开放式问题是关于战略营销领域的以下问题: 您认为营销战略的一般领域和其领域内的主要实质性领域是什么?可以注意到,这个问题的措辞涉及到营销战略的研究领域。直到后来,我才开始意识到,开始使用,并提倡使用术语“战略营销”来指代研究领域,“营销战略”指的是该领域的核心组织结构。我为研究领域和该领域的核心组织结构提出的术语受到了管理学科中“战略管理”一词指专门研究领域的影响,而“企业战略”和“商业战略”指的是两个组织结构的核心。


  • 研究组织和组织间的问题,这些问题影响企业设计和交付客户重视的产品的能力,并为企业提供竞争优势和可接受的回报。
  • 在竞争激烈的市场中创造和维持向客户提供高价值产品的原则。
  • 研究企业为客户创造价值的策略。
  • 研究参与交易的实体的价值创造过程。
  • 研究影响企业与客户、竞争对手和渠道成员关系的决策和行动。
  • 研究企业与客户和营销中介机构互动过程中涉及的资产、能力、流程和惯例。
  • 利用组织中营销职能部门的独特能力和资源,来实现可持续的竞争地位优势。
  • 通过预测和满足客户需求来追求客户优势。



如前所述,Hunt(1983)将营销学描述为一种行为科学,通过关注四组相互关联的基本解释来解释交易关系。Day和Montgomery(1999)列举了四个问题作为营销领域的基本问题。Schendel(1991)将以下五个问题描述为战略的基本问题:(1)企业为什么会有所不同?(2)公司该如何表现?(3)决策过程如何影响政策结果?(4)公司总部在多家企业中的作用是什么?(5)什么解释了公司在国际上的成功和失败?Meyer(1991年,第828页)指出,战略是围绕一个明确的研究问题而形成的,即“是什么导致某些公司在持续的基础上超越竞争对手?Teece等人(1997)指出,战略管理领域的基本问题是,“企业如何取得和保持竞争优势?”在这种背景下,我在Varadarajan(2010年,第132页)提出了以下战略营销的基本问题:(1)是什么解释了市场中竞争企业营销行为的差异?(2) 是什么解释了竞争品牌、产品线、业务在市场和财务表现上的差异?





在R-A理论(Hunt 2015)中,资源被定义为“公司可利用的有形和无形实体,使其能够有效地生产或有效地提供对某些细分市场有价值的市场产品”。资源被广泛地分类为财务、有形、法律、人力、组织、信息,关系型的。R-A理论认为,企业通过有效地利用其在资源上的比较优势,在市场上进行竞争,从而获得竞争地位优势,从而获得优异的财务业绩。根据其资源比较优势的性质和范围,企业将能够实现(1)在成本维度上的竞争优势地位和在成本差异维度上的竞争平价,(2)沿成本维度的竞争平价和沿差异维度的竞争优势,(3)沿成本和差异维度的竞争优势。


虽然在R-A理论中,相对资源成本和相对资源生产价值代表了竞争地位矩阵的维度(参见:Hunt 2015,图2),但这里的讨论是在相对成本和相对差异化的基础上提出的。在这方面,Hunt(2015)指出:然而,包括Varadarajan(2010)在内的许多研究人员经常使用“差异化战略”来表示类似于R-A理论所认为的“卓越价值”战略的东西。关于“差异化战略”背景下“差异化”含义的文献模糊性,Hunt(2015,脚注#4)指出:“事实上,如果研究人员在推荐“差异化”战略时并不是指“高价值”战略,那么他们的真正含义并不清楚。当然,这并不意味着企业应该简单地让他们的产品与众不同,正如“差异化”一词字面上所暗示的那样。”






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