Terms definitions 专业术语及定义外文翻译资料

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Terms amp; definitions 专业术语及定义

Care has been taken so that the terms and definitions used in the current report are

in concordance with internationally accepted standards such as:


· International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC):

Details, as well as an index for all classified economic activities, can be found at

http://www.un.org/Depts/unsdold/class/isicmain.htm. When possible, revision 3

compatible classification is used, otherwise revision 2.



· International Federation of Robotics (IFR)


· International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), http://www.iso.ch/

As the whole section 4 is dedicate to shipbuilding processes, including design and

planning activities, no specific shipbuilding terms will be defined here.

国际标准化组织(ISO), http://www.iso.ch/


2.1 Robotics 机器人

2.1.1 Industrial robots 工业机器人

According to ISO 8373, a Manipulating Industrial Robot is an automatically con

trolled, re-programmable, multipurpose manipulator, programmable in 3 or more

axes, which may be either fixed in place or mobile, for use in industrial automation


根据国际标准化组织 8373,操纵型工业机器人是一个可自动控制,重新编程的多功能机械手,可编程三个或者更多的轴系,其在工业自动化的应用中可以是固定的也可以是移动的

Industrial Manipulating Robots are classified [10] by: 工业操纵机器人分为:

1. Industrial branches: according to International Standard Industrial Classification

(ISIC), rev.3, some 24 industrial branches are specified. Among them there is

no specific entry for Shipbuilding or Maritime Industry. Shipbuilding robots could

be classified under one of the following categories:


· Manufacture of other metal products, except machinery amp; equipment (No

  1. or


· Manufacture of other transport equipment 其他运输设备制造

2. Application areas: 24 main areas (IFR classification). Among the, of special in

terest for the current report are:


· Welding (No 160), further broken down in arc, spot, gas, laser welding (161

to 164) and others (169)

焊接(No 160),进一步细分为电弧、点焊、气体、激光焊接(161至164)等其他(169)

· Special processes (No 190), further broken down in laser and water jet cut

ting (191 and 192) and others (199)

特殊过程 (No 190),深度激光,分解和水流切割(191 和 192)以及其他的 (199)

· Assembling (No 200), further broken down in mechanical attachment, in

serting/mounting/cutting, bonding, soldering, handling for assembly opera

tions (201 to 205) and others (209)

组装(第200),机械附件的进一步损坏,嵌入/镶嵌/切割,黏合,焊接,对接这些对于组装性操作(201到200)以及其他 (209)

3. Type of robot: the classification is done by: 机器人类型:分类方法:

(a) Number of axes (3, 4, 5 or more) 轴线数量(3, 4, 5 或者更多)

(b) Type of control: 控制类型

· Sequence-controlled / playback point to point: Binary operation (i.e.

start/stop), no programmed control of the trajectory in between


· Trajectory operated / continuous playback: 3 or more controlled axis

motions specifying a time based trajectory


· Adaptive: robots provided with sensory1 , adaptive2 or learning3 control


· Tele-operated 遥控

· Not classified 没有分类

1 Motion or force is adjusted according the output of an external sensor


2 Control system parameters are adjusted from conditions detected during the process


3 When experience from previous cycles is used automatically to change the control pa

rameters or algorithmsAIPS study

Page 16

June 2000

(c) Mechanical Structure 机械结构

· Cartesian amp; gantry 坐标系和起重机架

· SCARA: robot with 2 parallel rotary joints to provide compliance in a



· Articulated: robot with at least 3 articulated joints


· Parallel: robot with concurrent prismatic or rotary joints


· Spherical amp; cylindrical 球形和圆柱形

The definition of the industrial robots, such as presented above, does not include

the concept of autonomous performance of even low-level tasks or operations. This

concept is fundamental for the robotisation of critical, one-of-a-kind operations such

as the ones found in typical shipbuilding environments. IFR envisages autonomy

only for the recently introduced category of service robots.



Service robots 服务机器人

There is no strict, internationally accepted definition for service robots, specially in

what distinguishes them from manipulating industrial robots and other type of

equipment. According to a preliminary definition by IFR, service robot is a robot

which operates semi or fully autonomously to perform services useful to the well

being of humans and equipment, excluding manufacturing operations. Often, but not

always, service robots are mobile.


According to the above definition, some manipulating industrial robots, when oper

ating in non-manufacturing environments, could be classified as “service robots”.



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