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Report on cross-border e-commerce in the EU

February 2009


The report identifies e-commerce trends and potential cross-border obstacles in order to analyse the direction that cross-border e-commerce is taking in the EU. The report is a follow-up to the first edition of the Consumer Markets Scoreboard, adopted on 29 January 2008, as part of the Commissions broader market monitoring initiative. In the context of the Single Market Review, the Commission is currently undertaking an in-depth market monitoring of the retail sector. The evidence set out in this report is a contribution to that exercise, providing a factual basis for the e-commerce strand of the wider exercise. As announced in the Commissions Legislative and Work Programme for 2009, the Commission will present a Communication on the outcome of the retail market monitoring in autumn 2009, which will include an analysis of cross-border e-commerce.

While e-commerce is taking off at national level, it is still relatively uncommon for consumers to use the internet to purchase goods or services in another Member State. The gap between domestic and cross-border e-commerce is widening as a result of cross-border barriers to online trade. From 2006 to 2008, the share of all EU consumers that have bought at least one item over the internet increased from 27% to 33% while cross-border e-commerce remained stable (6% to 7%). One third of EU citizens indicate that they would consider buying a product or a service from another Member State via the internet because it is cheaper or better.

Some of the barriers to cross-border online trade relate to language, demographics, individual preferences, technical specifications or standards, internet penetration or the efficiency of the postal or payment system. 33% of EU consumers say they are willing to purchase goods and services in another language, while 59% of retailers are prepared to carry out transactions in more than one language.

Other problems are the inability of consumers to access commercial offers in another Member State because of mechanisms that prevent them from placing orders. 8% of consumers who had made a cross-border purchase in the past year have been prevented from purchasing cross-border because they lived in a country other than where the trader was located (on average for all retail channels), and 33% of consumers agree that sellers/providers often refuse to sell or deliver goods or services because they are not resident in their country (on average for all retail channels).

Consumers also lack information on cross-border offers because it is difficult to make cross-border comparisons and because cross-border advertising is relatively uncommon. 39% of online buyers of ICT products thought that it was easy to compare prices cross-border compared to 77% who thought it was easy to compare prices in their own country. In 5 Europeans who have internet access at home have compared prices online — for example by visiting price comparison websites. In addition, some of the barriers preventing consumers from shopping online are the result of regulatory obstacles faced by traders and the perceived difficulty to obtain effective redress when something goes wrong. These obstacles have created a fragmented e-commerce internal market.

The problems affecting consumers are mirrored by those affecting businesses, and supply-side barriers and constraints are thus equally important. The internet has created heightened expectations on the part of consumers regarding the availability of goods and services, which are not always met by businesses. It is also a problem for consumers when some traders do not explicitly state where they are prepared to deliver in the EU. 51% of EU27 retailers sell via the internet, but only 21% are currently conducting cross-border transactions.

In addition, traders may be at present unwilling or unable to expand to other EU markets in the face of a number of practical and economic obstacles, some of which have regulatory underpinnings. Regulatory barriers result in significant compliance costs for businesses, which considerably diminish the appeal or feasibility of cross-border expansion. Although measures have been taken to foster harmonisation, regulatory barriers continue to affect a number of areas, including consumer law but also VAT, the territorial management of copyright necessary to offer legitimate online services, or the national transposition of the European legislation on electronic waste disposal, for example. It is crucial to address these potential market barriers in order that future growth is not stymied and in order to unlock the potential of cross-border e-commerce. As a result of these barriers, traders may refuse to serve new markets or may develop online business models that fragment the internal market along national lines.

Solutions to these problems may consist in streamlining regulatory hurdles that increasingly appear unfair and unjustifiable to consumers and businesses on a national and European level. Promoting the transparency and comparability of information on the internet will also have spill-over effects on retail markets in general. In addition, it will be necessary to promote online trust by strengthening online and cross-border enforcement, putting in place efficient and speedy dispute resolution, and by enhanced market monitoring, information and awareness-raising.


This report is a follow-up to the first edition of the Consumer Markets Scoreboard, adopted on 29 January 2008. This instrument was developed to monitor markets from a consumer perspective in two phases: a screening phase and an analysis phase. This should enable the Commission to identify sectors with the greatest risk of malfunctioning in terms of economic and social outcomes for consumers. These sectors are then to



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