基于SICAS模型的“县长直播带货”农产品营销策略分析 ——以山东济南市商河县为例外文翻译资料

 2023-03-17 03:03





关键词:直播; 心理距离; 感知不确定性; 购买意愿; 用户信任; 用户参与; 购物价值



原文作者: Min Zhang, Fang Qin, G. Alan Wang and Cheng Luo

单位: College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China; Department of Business Information Technology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA





第三,我们的研究表明,LVS战略的实施应根据产品类型进行区分。大多数电子零售商风格一致,缺乏2000万LVS的定制服务。张等。营销策略。虽然LVS策略在相同程度上减少了体验产品和搜索产品的心理距离,但其对客户感知不确定性的影响在体验方面比搜索产品更有效。因此,电子零售商应重视在现场视频中保持良好的个人形象。此外,他们应该为体验产品(如衣服、太阳镜和包)显示更具体的产品信息(如颜色、尺寸和材质)。在社交媒体领域,数字讲故事能够建立情感关系(Peraamp; Viglia,2016)。因此,电子零售商应该专注于通过LVS与客户进行双向互动(例如,分享技术经验、解释品牌文化和开发现场教学),以搜索产品。

外文文献出处:To cite this article: Min Zhang, Fang Qin, G. Alan Wang amp; Cheng Luo (2019): The impact of live video streaming on online purchase intention, The Service Industries Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02642069.2019.1576642

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2019.1576642

Min Zhang et al. The impact of live video streaming on online purchase intention[J]. The Service Industries Journal, 2020, 40(9-10) : 656-681.


The impact of live video streaming on online purchase intention

Keywords: Live video streaming,construal level theory,psychological distance,perceived uncertainty;,online purchase intention

Second, the mechanisms behind the relationship between an LVS strategy and online purchase behavior are investigated from the perspective of consumersrsquo; psychological distance and perceived uncertainty, which both mediate this relationship. Customersrsquo; perceived uncertainty mainly comes from using unfamiliar e-retailers and buying products online. The perceived uncertainty of online products can be decreased by obtaining more concrete product information through face-to-face and in-depth interactions with e-retailers by watching LVS. These results indicate that psychological distance and perceived uncertainty are crucial factors that affect customersrsquo; decision-making behavior in the virtual environment。


Second, e-retailers should aim to satisfy customersrsquo; psychological need for interaction and communication via LVS, as psychological distance and perceived uncertainty play significant roles in their online purchase decisions. Facing fierce competition among e-retailers, marketers should realize the influence of an LVS strategy and customer purchase intention. E-retailers can increase the opportunity for real-time communication and in-depth interaction by, for example, announcing promotion information, sending coupons, and setting up interactive games. Moreover, they should also show specific product features and details at a low construal level during LVS as well as create a friendly LVS scenario to increase customersrsquo; perception of their authenticity. More importantly, e-retailers can increase customersrsquo; loyalty and familiarity using continuous and differentiated LVS content.

Third, our study suggests that the implementation of an LVS strategy should be differentiated by product type. Most e-retailers have a consistent style and lack customized LVS marketing tactics. Although an LVS strategy reduces psychological distance to the same extent for experiential and search products, its effect on customersrsquo; perceived uncertainty is more effective for experience than search products. Thus, e-retailers should attach importance to retaining a good personal image in the live video. Moreover, they should show more specific product information (e.g. color, size, and material) for experience products (e.g. clothes, sunglasses, and bags). Within the social media realm, digital storytelling enables emotional relationships to build (Pera amp; Viglia, 2016). Thus, e-retailers should focus on making bidirectional interactions with customers (e.g. sharing technical experience, explaining brand culture, and developing live teaching) for search products via LVS.



原文作者: Apiradee Wongkitrungrueng, Nuttapol Assarut

单位: Business Administration Division, Mahidol University International College, 999 Phutthamonthon 4 Road, Salaya, Nakhonpathom 73170, Thailand Marketing Department, Chulalongkorn Business School, Phyatai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10100, Thailand









关键词:直播; 心理距离; 感知不确定性; 购买意愿; 用户信任; 用户参与; 购物价值



原文作者: Min Zhang, Fang Qin, G. Alan Wang and Cheng Luo

单位: College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China; Department of Business Information Technology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA





第三,我们的研究表明,LVS战略的实施应根据产品类型进行区分。大多数电子零售商风格一致,缺乏2000万LVS的定制服务。张等。营销策略。虽然LVS策略在相同程度上减少了体验产品和搜索产品的心理距离,但其对客户感知不确定性的影响在体验方面比搜索产品更有效。因此,电子零售商应重视在现场视频中保持良好的个人形象。此外,他们应该为体验产品(如衣服、太阳镜和包)显示更具体的产品信息(如颜色、尺寸和材质)。在社交媒体领域,数字讲故事能够建立情感关系(Peraamp; Viglia,2016)。因此,电子零售商应该专注于通过LVS与客户进行双向互动(例如,分享技术经验、解释品牌文化和开发现场教学),以搜索产品。

外文文献出处:To cite this article: Min Zhang, Fang Qin, G. Alan Wang amp; Cheng Luo (2019): The impact of live video streaming on online purchase intention, The Service Industries Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02642069.2019.1576642

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2019.1576642

Min Zhang et al. The impact of live video streaming on online purchase intention[J]. The Service Industries Journal, 2020, 40(9-10) : 656-681.


The impact of live video streaming on online purchase intention

Keywords: Live video streaming,construal level theory,psychological distance,perceived uncertainty;,online purchase intention

Second, the mechanisms behind the relationship between an LVS strategy and online purchase behavior are investigated from the perspective of consumersrsquo; psychological distance and perceived uncertainty, which both mediate this relationship. Customersrsquo; perceived uncertainty mainly comes from using unfamiliar e-retailers and buying products online. The perceived uncertainty of online products can be decreased by obtaining more concrete product information through face-to-face and in-depth interactions with e-retailers by watching LVS. These results indicate that psychological distance and perceived uncertainty are crucial factors that affect customersrsquo; decision-making behavior in the virtual environment。


Second, e-retailers should aim to satisfy customersrsquo; psychological need for interaction and communication via LVS, as psychological distance and perceived uncertainty play significant roles in their online purchase decisions. Facing fierce competition among e-retailers, marketers should realize the influence of an LVS strategy and customer purchase intention. E-retailers can increase the opportunity for real-time communication and in-depth interaction by, for example, announcing promotion information, sending coupons, and setting up interactive games. Moreover, they should also show specific product features and details at a low construal level during LVS as well as create a friendly LVS scenario to increase customersrsquo; perception of their authenticity. More importantly, e-retailers can increase customersrsquo; loyalty and familiarity using continuous and differentiated LVS content.

Third, our study suggests that the implementation of an LVS strategy should be differentiated by product type. Most e-retailers have a consistent style and lack customized LVS marketing tactics. Although an LVS strategy reduces psychological distance to the same extent for experiential and search products, its effect on customersrsquo; perceived uncertainty is more effective for experience than search products. Thus, e-retailers should attach importance to retaining a good personal image in the live video. Moreover, they should show more specific product information (e.g. color, size, and material) for experience products (e.g. clothes, sunglasses, and bags). Within the social media realm, digital storytelling enables emotional relationships to build (Pera amp; Viglia, 2016). Thus, e-retailers should focus on making bidirectional interactions with customers (e.g. sharing technical experience, explaining brand culture, and developing live teaching) for search products via LVS.



原文作者: Apiradee Wongkitrungrueng, Nuttapol Assarut

单位: Business Administration Division, Mahidol University International College, 999 Phutthamonthon 4 Road, Salaya, Nakhonpathom 73170, Thailand Marketing Department, Chulalongkorn Business School, Phyatai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10100, Thailand






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