
 2022-12-10 04:12

The Difference Effect of Environmental Regulation on Two Stages of Technology Innovation in Chinarsquo;s Manufacturing Industry


This paper divides technological innovation into two stages: technology development and technology transfer. Then the authors use the panel data of 28 manufacturing industries during 2003–2012 to test the econometric regression model for the industry of the sub stages, which is a regulation on technological innovation in the environment. The results show that: (1) environmental regulation has a significant role in promoting Chinarsquo;s manufacturing technology research patent achievements,and technology into new products, and this indicated that“Porter hypothesis” in the manufacturing sector has been verified; (2) Ramp;D and transfer expenditure have a positive impact on technological innovation. Finally, the authors put forward the corresponding policy recommendations for industry of the environmental regulation on the impact of technological innovation in phases.

Keywords: environmental regulation, technology inno-vation, manufacturing

1 .Introduction

Chinarsquo;s manufacturing output of 8.2 trillion CNY in 2003,was up to a level of 73.34 trillion CNY in 2011, an increase of over 900%. This rapid development of the manufactur-ing sector brought serious damage to Chinarsquo;s ecological environment.

Chinarsquo;s manufacturing waste water was 16.996 billion tons in 2012 (105.6% increase since 2003). Waste gas, was 42.02 trillion cubic meters (147.57%) over the same period.Solid waste emissions came up to 990 million tons in 2012,which is 215.88% as compared to the 2003 levels.

Over-reliance on extensive industry resources causes these high manufacturing waste emissions. The lack of technological innovation and industrial development drive are also big factors. However, the current study, focused on the overall impact of environmental regulations on

technological innovation. It failed to further investigate differences in Ramp;D and technology transfer between the two phases. Therefore, this paper divides technological innovation into two stages: (1) technology development and (2) technology transfer. Then the authors use the panel data of 28 manufacturing industries during 2003–2012, to test the effect of environmental regulation and technologi-cal innovation.

2 Literature review

The impact of environmental regulations on technological innovation has been the focus of academic attention at home and abroad. Porter (1991, 1995) earlier put forward the famous “

Porter hypothesis” that the appropriate environmental regulation can stimulate technological

innovation of enterprises, this innovative effect can make up the investment of pollution regulation to realize the economic growth and environmental protection


2.1 Support on “Porter hypothesis”

Managi, Hibiki, and Tsurumi (2009) found that technolo-gical innovation can expand global energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the same time.Popp, Hafner, and Johnstone (2011) found that there is a positive correlation between domestic and overseas environmental regulations and paper industry technologi-cal innovation. Dechezleprecirc;tre and Glachant (2014) used wind power industry panel data of OECD countries analysis of the impact of environmental regulations on domestic techno-logical innovation, the study found that domestic and foreign environmental regulation policies on domestic technological innovation have had a positive impact.Ford, Steen, and Verreynne (2014) used Australian oil and gas industry panel data on the relationship between environmental regulation and the impact of various types of innovative empirical analysis, the researchers found that environmental regulations to promote a variety of products and services, including technical innovation and service innovation. Zhao and Sun (2015) found that flexible application of controlled environmental regulation has a significant positive impact on business innovation.

2.2 Opposition on “Porter hypothesis”

Chintrakarn (2008) found that controlling emissions of making environmental technology patented invention lack of funds. Zhang, Yu, and Guo (2010) constructed mathematical model between environmental regulation and technological progress to analyze the environmental regulations on technological innovation affected, the researchers found that the eastern and central regions of weak environmental regulations undermine the companyrsquo;s production of

technological progress rate. Kneller and Manderson (2012) used the manufacturing panel data in UK 2000–2006 to examine the relationship between environmental regulation and enterprise techno-logical innovation, they found that strict environmental regulation reduces the technological innovation of cost, and the effect of environmental regulation on technology research is not positive.

2.3 Argument on “Porter hypothesis”

Alpay, Buccola, and Kerkdie (2002) analyzed the relation-ship between environmental regulation and productivity effect on American and Mexican food processing industry.It found that the effect of environmental regulation on US food processing industry productivity is negative, but on

Mexican food processing industry productivity is positive.Wang, G. and Wang, D. (2011) found that “Porter hypothesis” in the relatively backward central region are not supported, but in the developed eastern regions are supported.Doganay, Sayek, and Taskin (2014) have found that reasonable environmental regulation can stimulate increased research and development investment, but technological innovation can offset the compensation effect of cost-effective environmental regulation is unclear. The existing literatures were more focused on the econometric methods, rather than environmental regula-tions and technological innovation. Therefore the overall impact of the relationship does not r






摘要:本文将技术创新分为技术开发和技术转移两个阶段。作者在2003 - 2012年期间使用28个制造业的面板数据,对子阶段行业的经济计量回归模型进行了测试,结果表明:(1)环境监管在促进中国制造技术研究专利成果和技术转化为新产品方面发挥了重要作用,这表明制造业“波特假说”得到了验证;(2)研发和转移支出对技术创新有积极影响。最后,作者对技术创新影响环境监管的相关政策建议分阶段提出。

关键词:环境规制 技术创新 制造业


中国2003年制造业产值8.2万亿元,2011年达73.34万亿元,涨幅居高不下,超过900%。 制造业的快速发展,对中国的生态环境造成严重破坏。中国制造废水为169.96亿(自2003年以来增长105.6%),废气是同期的42.02万亿立方米(147.57%)。2012年固体废物排放量达9.9亿吨,比2003年的水平高215.88%。过度依赖广泛的行业资源这些高的制造废物排放。 缺乏技术创新和产业发展动力也是很大的因素。 但是,目前的研究,重点在于环境法规的总体影响技术创新。 没有进一步调查研发与技术转移的差异两个阶段 因此,本文划分技术创新分为两个阶段:(1)技术开发和(2)技术转让。 然后作者使用面板2003-2012年28个制造业数据-,测试环境监管和技术的效果,


环境法规对技术的影响创新一直是学术重点的焦点国内外。 波特(1991,1995)早些时候提出有名的“波特假说“那适当的环境监管可以刺激技术企业创新,这种创新效果可以做到实施污染治理投资经济增长和环境保护“双赢“。





根据内生增长理论,技术创新是一种经济现象,其表现形式是产品,技术创新活动企业代表生产功能可用。因此,本文构建了Cobb-Douglas生产函数y = f(K,P,O)进展建立经济计量回归模型,其中K是技术创新的基金投资,P是劳动投入的技术创新,O是另一方面因素可能有利于技术创新的产出。所以在经济计量回归模型的阶段技术研发和技术转让见如下:



本文使用的研究样本是中文制造2003年- 2012年面板数据,包括废物水,固体废物污染减排成本数据来自“中国环境年鉴”2004,“中国环境统计年鉴”。专利授权,新产品研发内部支出,行业科学活动,行业产出数据来自“中国科技统计年鉴”2004- 2013。特别值得注意的是,为了消除影响,本文行业产出数据,利用价格经合组织提供的转换当前价格数据的指数进入2003年的价格。

  1. 实证结果与分析




从环境法规估计,结果技术创新研发阶段显示:弹性系数环保的环境制造技术规范为0.285。这表明对中国的环境监管的制造技术研发有一个意义不可推卸的作用。 2012年我们制造的污染控制运营成本行业1279亿元。 年均增长在二零零三年为166%。2012年,与制造商相比,产量,产业平均年均GDP增长19%。 运营成本增加会增加污染运行成本,迫使公司寻找技术通过新的专业研究和开发增长以抵消污染成本。 研发弹性支出是积极的。不能看出技术研发研发支出,在推动行业中发挥重要作用发展。 弹性系数人力资本在技术开发阶段是负面的,但不是不能弹性系数,国内生产总值是有意义的。

从环境法规,估算结果技术创新进入阶段显示:弹性有关技术环境法规的系统转换0.168。这是非常积极的符合早期的数学推导,这种环境监管将会鼓励企业加快技术专利转化。通过转换新产品,这将增加价值企业。但与技术研究相比发展阶段,环境监管的影响技术转让少。这表明现行政策重点,环境监管制造技术研发缺乏政策效果制造技术转让。技术的影响,技术转让的转移资显着正。另外,投资人力资本和技术进入弹性系数是负数,但不是显着的研究专利成果对技术转让具有重大的积极影响。 GDP影响行业技术转移阶段显着正面;表明工业规模制造业的增长我国技术转移活动有一个显着的推动作用。



决策者要充分注意差异阶段技术研究和技术转让。在里面技术开发阶段,制造企业应加大力度加强环境保护规。他们也应该继续改进研发资金的有效性,指导开发研发资金,实施绿色技术专利流淌。加强制造技术投入人力资本研究与开发改革人才激励,评估机制,改进制造绿色独立技术专利研发能力。 第一,地方政府在制定环境保护措施时,要充分考察地方经济发展的实际情况,环境规制措施并非“严”字最优。因此,地方政府部门既能制定出适宜的环境规制措施,又能有效执行这些环境规制措施,才能实现环境改善与经济发展的良好效果。第二,针对目前地方政府、各类企业面临较为严峻的治污压力,环境规制会挤占企业的研发资金,影响企业技术创新,而大企业规模效应能够缓解自身资金压力,因此,政府应该鼓励中小企业实施技术创新,给予它们更多资金和政策方面的支持。 第三,积极引导企业提升投资质量和水平,鼓励一些优势、示范型企业积极采用先进生产技术和科学管理方式,坚决抵制以牺牲环境为代价片面追求经济发展的行为,要特别重视地方经济的长远和可持续发展。在技术上转让阶段,制造企业应该由税收优惠方式和财政补贴。 鼓励企业为此创造绿色技术专利产品。



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