
 2023-01-05 06:01


作者:Julia Kowalewski

单位: Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), Heimhuder Str. 71, D-20148 Hamburg, Germany



  1. 介绍





高度分解是本文实证分析的优势之一(例如,Moller和Tassinopoulos 2000年的估计数; Blien和Wolf 2002年被分别限制在11个和27个部门)。Mameli等人(2008)分析了对估计当地就业增长的部门模型聚合的敏感性。它们的结果有力地支持使用高度分类的数据,特别是在分析不跨更广泛行业集团(如熟练劳动力或基础设施可用性)运作的部门特定外部性时。继续分析进一步提供了关于一般区域专业化对区域区位质量影响的发现。


  1. 理论背景与实证文献

大量的理论和实证文献表明,区域差异和增长差异很大程度上取决于地区的行业结构。传统的新古典主义方法常常忽视个别行业的作用。但 Krueger和 Summers的作品(1988)和Appelbaum 和 Schettkat(1999)的研究表明,工业在经济的结构性发展中的重要作用。这是由于工业受特定的商业周期和以特定的供求条件为特征的事实。然而,不仅是某一特定行业的整体发展,而且是该地区的这一行业的专业化程度对区域发展至关重要。


Onvergence Moller和Tassinopoulos(2000)观察到区域工业结构的趋同。根据1987年至1996年期间德国西部的11个主要工业。他们发现只有食品和饮料部门有专业化的趋势。东部的类似调查结果。德国区域由Blien和Wolf(2002)为1993年至1999年期间提供。检查27个行业,他们发现如果一个行业是本地集中的,就业率下降的幅度会更大。他们认为,新的通讯技术以及其他技术的发展使得生产组织更加分散,从而使德国东部突出的区域单一结构不再起作用。Blien和Suuml;dekum(2005) 根据德国28个行业的区域就业数据,分析了1993年至2001年经济结构的发展。作者在高价值服务(例如业务服务、教育) 找到了证据。因此,1993年基准年当地代表人数过多导致服务业增长明显加快。


动态外部性,即MAR (Marshall-Arrow-Romer)和Jacobs外部性,必须与静态位置外部性区分开来。静态外部性解释了区域经济结构,而动态外部性则被认为是内生的经济增长过程。基于产业间知识溢出对生产率有正向影响的假设,随着距离的增加,知识溢出在空间集中的产业间发生的程度增强。(Jaffe 等,1993;Graham,2009)。如果溢出主要是部门内的,则意味着行业的集中和专业化。这是与静态局部效应理论相关的马尔外部性理论所暗示的。如果溢出主要是部门间的,即发生在不同行业的公司之间(雅各布斯外部性),就会发生集中,但各行业更喜欢多样化而不是专门化的经济结构。静态城市化效应与这一理论有关(Glaeser 等, 1992)。


  1. 数据


区域就业数据根据行业分类区分了60个行业,德国联邦统计局WZ 2003(德国联邦统计局2003),而这是以欧洲各行业的统计分类为基础的社区。选择这一行业分类涉及调查期间长短,因为在1998年以前没有2003年世界经济报告的可比数据。由于数据的限制,以前对区域专门化进程的分析不得不选择一个相对较高的部门聚集水平。就业数据以地区为单位,汇总到97个规划区域由联邦建筑、城市事务和空间发展研究所定义(BBSR,2008)。



  1. 估计结果



观察期内各行业的实际发展情况一般反映在对行业效应的估计上,从而得出模型拟合良好的结论。超过一半的行业影响是显著的(36个行业影响为5%;38个在10%的水平上)。1998-2007年,本港有17个行业的增长率高于平均水平,21个行业的增长率则低于平均水平。它们既反映了从工业到服务业的结构变化,也反映了从劳动密集型到研究和技能密集型工业的变化。工业增长速度高于平均水平的主要是服务业。航空运输业实现了比平均水平高出21个百分点的巨大就业增长。相比之下,1998年至2007年的实际增长率为90%。此外,计算机及相关活动行业,以及教育、卫生、社会工作等较成熟的行业,增长速度超过了平均水平。与商业有关的活动的高增长率表明,服务的重要性日益增加不仅是由于私人家庭的需求不断增加,而且是由公司对服务的需求不断增加所推动的(DIW Berlin,2009)。在观察期间,两个技术密集的制造业也有很好的表现:其他运输设备的制造以及电机和电器的制造。




Specialization and employment development in Germany: An analysis at the regional level*

Julia Kowalewski

Abstract. This paper analyses the impact of industry specific regional specialization on employment growth in German planning regions between 1998 and 2007. The paper investi- gates Germany as a whole as well as Western and Eastern Germany separately. By using a shift-share regression approach the paper provides new findings about the existence of industry- specific localization advantages. The results show that inverse localization advantages play a major role in explaining regional disparities in Germany. This involves a process of deconcen- tration of economic activity. In addition, differences between Eastern and Western Germany can also be identified.

Key words: Regional specialization, employment development, German regions, shift-share method

1 Introduction

The number of employees subject to social insurance contribution in Germany declined between 1998 and 2007 by about 1 percent. This average development hides strong regional and sectoral growth differences. While employment in the Ingolstadt region increased by nearly 12 percent, Eastern German regions in particular suffered from job losses of up to 20 percent (Oberlausitz- Lower Silesia). The sectoral disparities are even more pronounced: they reflect the structural change in the economy that is characterized by a broad shift from industry to service sectors. This can be illustrated, for example, by comparing the growth rates of computer and related activities and the manufacture of wearing apparel. The number of employees in the former increased by a remarkable 70 percent whereas the latter showed a decline of 50 percent.

How industries – and the regions in which they are located – develop depends on diverse factors. The theoretical and empirical literature stresses that the development of industries in a region does not depend only on regional conditions – such as infrastructure – or the fact that an industry is generally growing or shrinking. It is also influenced by the degree to which a region is specialized in the respective industry. So, industries might develop differently according to their regional distribution. In this paper, shift-share regression methodology is used to analyse the relationship between regional specialization in individual industries and regional industry- specific employment growth. The regression-analytical analogue of the traditional shift-share analysis allows for the examination of causalities and the inclusion of all kinds of meaningful theoretical variables – in addition to the influence of the economic structure. The most important advantage of this method is the unit of analysis, which is the individual industry within regions. In contrast to panel models with fixed effects, which treat regions as the unit of observation, it is possible to separate the effect of industry development from the effect of location of these industries (Blien and Wolf 2002).

The aim of this paper is twofold. First, sector-specific localization advantages are investi- gated at the level of 60 industries. If it turns out that industries tend to grow in those regions where they were overrepresented and decline where they were underrepresented in the begin- ning of the observation period, the results can be taken as evidence for localization advantages and a trend towards increasing specialization. Growing structural disparities between the German regions would be associated with this. The opposite case, that industries tend to decline in regions where they were overrepresented compared to the average, would indicate decon- centration and an adjustment of the regional structures during the observation period. Thinking in the context of growth theory, this would exhibit mean reversion of regional structures[1]. To complement the findings, a subsequent analysis is carried out to test if general specialization of a region affects its capacity to generate employment growth. The result will provide insight into the effect of urbanization, such as benefits from diversified sector structures, on the path of employment development in the observation period, and can be seen as validation for the results of the specialization effects.

The high sectoral disaggregation is one advantage of the empirical analysis in this paper (e.g., the estimates of Mouml;ller and Tassinopoulos 2000; Blien and Wolf 2002, were restricted to 11 and 27 sectors, respectively). Mameli et al. (2008) analysed the sensitivity to sectoral aggregation of models, which estimates local employment growth. Their results strongly support the use of highly disaggregated data, especially when sector-specific externalities that do not operate across broader industry groups, such as skilled labour or infrastructure availability, are analysed. The continuative analysis further provides findings about the influence of general regional specialization on a regionrsquo;s quality of location.

The second aim is to analyse not only the regions of Germany as a whole but also the Eastern and Western German parts separately. Regarding the significant differences between Eastern and Western Germany, the question of the convergence of the sectoral structure is of particular interest. Former studies were restricted to one of the mentioned parts[2].Comparing the different results is always accompanied by uncertainty because of different sectoral and regional dimen-

sions as well as different observation periods and model specifications. Given the consistent analysis in the present paper, the findings can be directly compared and differences can be illustrated.

2 Theoretical background and em



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