- 每个科学学科都必须反映自己的基础;认识论和方法论是科学学科基础的重要组成部分。这适用于许多涉及对人类认知能力进行科学调查的学科。认识论对我们的人类认知模型有影响。
- 每一种科学理论都隐含地反映了理论家的认识论观点。我赞成要求明确这一要求,以便使其他人能够讨论它。
- 实际上,有一个关于认识论问题的讨论,在我看来,这个讨论在某些方面是错误的。讨论本身揭示了教学设计领域和哲学领域之间的矛盾。
- 真实实体的特征不依赖于我们的认知能力或心理过程,如感知、推理、思想或语言。
- 这些实体是可知的,也就是说,在一般情况下,我们对现实的了解是可靠的。
1. 有一个世界,它的存在和自然独立于我们和我们对它的感知体验;
2. 感知一个物体必然涉及与它的因果相互作用(感知的因果理论);
3. 在感知物体时获得的信息是间接的。
Constructivism in lnstructionarsquo;l DesignTheory
Dtesdelsaquo;n Unlvetaity of Technology. Germany
In this article, I will argue in favor of a basic constructivism foundation for instructional design theory by putting forward common sense arguments. By doing so, I intend to clarify some issues of the ongoing discussion on constructivism among instructional theorists and instructional designers. This article is neither criticizing any specific viewpoint held by some instructional designers nor is it advertising for a particular brand of constructivism. My concern is with epistemological arguments which are relevant to every scientific discipline related to the field of instructional design. An additional concern is methodological consideration on the status and function of epistemological arguments. Methodological and epistemological considerations should go hand in hand for the simple reason that all participants in the discussion can recognize immediately which kind of argument is presented and which kind of argument would be an adequate counter argument.
Keywords: Constructivism; methodology; epistemology
The contemporary discussion on constructivism in the field of instructional design is similar to theoretical discussions in other scientific disciplines. The discussion on constructivism concerns the fundamental question of whether scientific work needs an explicit epistemological foundation or can do without it. Interestingly, the recent discussion did not originate in philosophy, but in the workings of the neurobiologist Maturana and his collaborators. Scientific research on the functioning of the nervous system and of cognition as a biological phenomenon led to the fundamental epistemological question how living organisms (and humans among them) acquire a representation of their environment. Maturanas answer is: 'The organism in its operation does not act upon an environment, nor does the nervous system operate with a representation of one in the generation of the adequate behavior of the organism.' (Maturana, 1990, p. 103). At first glance, this assumption appears nonsensical but within the framework of Maturanas elaborated theory of cognition (and autopoiesis) and the epistemological conclusions Maturana derived from it, the proposition cited above makes perfect sense. Highly sophisticated epistemological assumptions (of more or less radicality) are hard to grasp without the theoretical context from which they are derived. Unfortunately, in the field of instructional design the discussion on constructivism has developed (almost) irrespectively of Maturanas theoretical framework. However, I do not want to expound Maturanas theory. I only mention it because, historically, it was one of the main reasons for the discussion on constructivism in so many scientific disciplines in the past two decades. Perhaps for the reason that the results of empirical scientific research led to epistemological questions, scientists cannot refuse the related discussion as a 'mere philosophical' one (in the sense of 'without any interest for science').
Thus, we are confronted with a specific situation in instructional design: on the one hand some curtailed, simplified radical constructivist assumptions entered the discussion (like, 'There is no external world.'). Considered in isolation and without further explanation, such assumptions weaken every reasonable constructivist standpoint, because they lead to the wrong impression that a refutation of these assumptions means a refutation of constructivist epistemology. On the other hand the neglect of the theoretical background of radical constructivism simplifies the discussion in a certain way. It spares us some detailed interpretations of radical constructivist perspectives. Instead, I will argue in favor of a 'basic' constructivism by putting forward common sense arguments. By doing so, I intend to clarify some issues of the ongoing discussion on constructivism among instructional theorists and instructional designers.
Epistemology and methodology serve the function of setting the foundations of a scientific discipline. In contrast to some philosophers o of science (e.g., Salmon, 1992) who think that methodology includes heuristic considerations or other aspects of the context of discovery, I think that methodology concerns the logic of science (especially the logic of scientific method). Methodology concerns the context of justification. Epistemology concerns questions on how knowledge is acquired and what knowledge represents. In history, epistemology focused on human perceptual abilities. In our century (since the so-called 'linguistic turn'), philosophers recognized language -- or more precisely: human conceptual abilities -- as an important factor for our epistemic access to reality. Thus, epistemological and methodological considerations always include conceptual considerations.
For reasons of space, the scope of this article is restricted to conceptual arguments. Empirically validated facts concerning the functioning of the brain and the mechanisms of perception can justify severe objections against the realist idea of a 'mapping' of the external world into the brain/mind. These objections will not be further discussed but taken for granted. Many scientists, including instructional theorists and designers, are not concerned with epistemological questions. Therefore, questions like, 'Why do we discuss such questions at all?' 'Why dont we leave epistemological issues to the philosophers and return to really important problems?' sometimes are raised among instructional designers, who are bored of the more or less philosophical nature of the constructivism debate. Such questions are intended to end the discussion and to return to an epistemologically unreflected view that we are used to in our everyday lives.