
 2022-12-18 04:12

2018 3rd International Conference on Society Science and Economics Development (ICSSED 2018) ISBN: 978-1-60595-031-0

Innovation and Efficiency of Scientific Research Management in Colleges and Universities

Xiao-yong CAO

Tianjin University of Finance and Economics Email: cxy031058@126.com

Keywords: Scientific Research Management; Colleges and Universities; Innovation and Efficiency

Abstract: As an essential component of the administrative department in college, the scientific research administrative organization plays an important role in scientific research strength improvement. This article analyzed the reasons behind inefficient scientific research administration in college, indicating that to improve scientific research administrative efficiency, attain the objectives for rapid and sustainable development of college scientific research, establish a good system of using and sharing of scientific research resources, itrsquo;s essential for colleges to significantly accelerate the transformation of research administration pattern to service-oriented, and make solid connections with enterprises.


The scientific research management department of a university is a key department responsible for formulating and implementing the scientific and technological development plans of all units in universities and colleges, and undertakes the organization and management of scientific research projects, research funding, and scientific research achievements of the whole university. The school shoulders the responsibility of formulating, organizing and implementing school scientific research and development plans, managing scientific research resources, and externally as an important window for scientific exchanges between schools and the state, society and other institutions. As the state attaches great importance to scientific research, the growth of scientific research in colleges and universities, the number of scientific research projects undertaken by colleges and universities also increases sharply, putting a lot of pressure on scientific research management. Improving the efficiency of scientific research management has become the key to promote the rapid and sustainable development of scientific research in colleges and universities.

Efficient scientific research and management mechanism can mobilize teachers enthusiasm for research within the country and can speed up the conversion of scientific research results from schools to actual productive forces. This is an important guarantee for improving the overall scientific research level of the country and strengthening the scientific research capability of schools.

Hinder the improvement of scientific research management efficiency of the main issues

    1. The transition to service-oriented research and management has not yet completed Chinas university scientific research management has entered a period of rapid development is mainly about 30 years of things, affected by the planned economy at that time, the early scientific research management model is the executive-led, this model of scientific research management The clear distinction between personnel and scientific research personnel is the relationship between management and management.

The main work of scientific research management personnel is uploaded, the content of the work is only the declaration of the project, reimbursement of funds, the results of identification and other conventional management work, scientific research management is in a higher level what instructions to do what the work of the passive state, management efficiency low.

News has repeatedly reported that there are semesters in colleges and universities at the end of

the student queuing reimbursement for teachers in the early morning. This is mostly because research projects are generally implemented on a semester, school year, or natural year cycle, and scientific research authorities require reimbursement at the end of the project for management. This has caused no peacetime reimbursement, reimbursement ends up at the end of the problem.

    1. Research direction and business needs docking is not close enough Some teachers in scientific research, not only to apply for the National Natural Science Fund, provincial and municipal natural funds and other vertical projects, but also applied for some horizontal cooperation projects with enterprises. Most of the fund project is theoretical research. The horizontal project is to cooperate with the business, to make some practical products, or to solve the actual needs of some enterprises. Due to the more adequate funding for horizontal projects, researchers may choose to do research that is not what they are most interested in and may be most interested in, for the needs of laboratory development. And the research they are most interested in may not translate into productivity and bring economic benefits to the lab.

An important task of scientific research management is to convert scientific research achievements into productive forces so that it will have tangible economic benefits and promote the economic development of the country. The most efficient management of scientific research is in the early stages of scientific research, and guide the research direction of researchers, and business or market demand to form a seamless docking. Most research and management departments can not do this yet, which is one of the reasons for the inefficiency of scientific research management.

Research resources can not be effectively managed and utilized

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the resources for scientific research of colleges and universities in our country are increasing at an annual rate of m






摘 要

科研管理机构作为高校行政管理部门的重要组成部分,在科研力量的提高中发挥着重要作用。 本文分析了高校科研管理效率低下的原因,指出提高科研管理效率、达到高校科研快速持续发展的目标、建立良好的科研资源利用和共享体系,是必不可少的。 大学要大力加快研究管理模式向服务型转变,与企业建立稳固的联系。

关键词:科研管理; 高校; 创新与效率














据教育部统计,我国高校科研资源年均增长率超过10%。 2015年,普通高校总建筑面积为891.4138万平方米,比上年增加2830.77万平方米。













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