
 2022-12-19 06:12


Sagar Deo, Sachin Prakash and Asha Patil


摘要 提出了一种新型的基于Zigbee的路灯控制方案,旨在减少路灯运行中的人为误差,降低系统能耗,方便路灯网络的维护。这些目标是通过创建一个无线Zigbee街灯网络来实现的,该网络可以从基站监控街灯。设计一项新方案,在低交通时间、黄昏及黎明时,提供交替照明。此外,还包括一种自动操作模式,当光线强度低于一定水平时,利用光传感器自动打开路灯。该方案得到实施,并建立了一个小规模的工作模型。




在这里,我们提出了一个基于Zigbee的路灯网络,它将有效的控制转移到运行在基站上的Microsoft Visual Basic应用程序的PC上。由于基站PC上路灯状态的不断更新,集中控制有助于有效细致的维护。它还通过促进自动操作模式来减少人为错误。此外,我们还实施了一项节能计划,以减少路灯系统的能源消耗。


2 ZigBee技术

ZigBee是由ZigBee联盟开发的,该联盟由许多成员 (奇普康、三菱、Ember、飞思卡尔、AMI半导体、英维思、康普西) 组成。ZigBee是一套高级通信协议的规范,完全由ZigBee联盟支持,它使用基于IEEE 802.15.4个人区域网络标准的通信服务。Zigbee针对的应用需要低数据速率、较长的电池寿命以及使用小型、低功耗数字无线电的安全网络。Zigbee器件的最大数据传输速率为250 Kbps,带有2.4 GHz振荡器[2]。功率消耗大约为60兆瓦[3]。Zigbee器件采用直接序列扩频技术(DSSS),保证了信号传输的可靠性,避免了其他信号的干扰,最大工作范围可达100m。Zigbee网络可以有多达65336个设备,每个节点可以与其他节点交互,最终形成一个非常大的网络。


2.1 ZigBee网络的类型



图1 (a)星型网络图,(b)网状网络图,(c)集群网络图

2.2 ZigBee技术的优势









9)基于标准的安全性(AES 128)。




系统框图如图2所示。该方案包括:在基站上运行基于Microsoft Visual basic的应用程序的PC机,以及三个ZigBee设备:一个在基站上,一个在两个节点上。每个节点都有一个AT 89C51单片机,五个光相关电阻(LDRs),两个PCB电源继电器和四个5W灯泡模拟路灯。


基站有一台PC机,在PC机上运行基于VB的应用程序,实现对路灯系统的有效控制。ZigBee网络协调器也连接到基站PC。网络协调器将控制信号无线发送到系统中的所有节点。该系统也可以设计成一个网络,其中节点上所有的ZigBee FFD将被用来将控制信号路由到遥远的节点。基站还将能够以类似的方式接收来自网络中其他ZigBee设备的信号。这将有助于将维护特定的数据转发回基站。

图2 系统框图


控制模块由AT 89C51单片机、ZigBee FFD/RFD器件、PCB电源继电器和光传感单元组成。单片机将被编程以接收与之接口的ZigBee外围设备的控制信号。单片机将使用连接到其端口的PCB电源继电器来控制灯具。控制模块被提议存在于所有的网络节点上。ZigBee FFD/RFD能够双向传输数据,即从系统中的其他ZigBee设备之间进行数据传输[4]。光感测单元由五个基于LDR的光传感器组成,将用于两个目的:它将作为一个白夜传感器,方便自动操作模式,LDR 5在图2中,它将监视灯的状态,以方便维护工作,LDRs 1至4在图2中。


图3所示的基站GUI是在Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0的帮助下创建的,它将作为基站控制器和整个路灯网络之间的用户界面。开发的GUI有助于在各种操作模式之间切换,下一节将对此进行解释。通过对光感测单元获取的数据进行分析,显示出网络中各个路灯的状态。它还使基站能够切换为该系统开发的节能方案。

图3 本应用程序的GUI是用MS Visual Basic为基站PC开发的




图4 路灯控制系统流程图


远程控制模式采用ZigBee无线网络,作为节点控制模块与基站PC之间的接口。在基站,PC机通过在Microsoft Visual Basic平台上开发的图形用户界面(GUI)与ZigBee网络交互。与基站PC接口的ZigBee网络协调器(FFD)向控制模块发送命令,控制模块执行命令。控制模块包括微控制器和光传感单元,不断向基站反馈各个路灯的状态。从本质上讲,远程控制模式下的系统能够在物理控制模式下执行所列举的所有切换操作,从一个集中的位置进行无线操作,这为更好地维护和管理路灯提供了条件。



图5 开发的小型工作模型

表1 节点1灯泡在手动操作模式下的状态







表2 节点1灯泡在自动操作模式下的状态








提出了一种利用ZigBee技术对路灯系统进行控制和有效管理的新方法。还介绍了其他各种控制方法及其优缺点。ZigBee技术是一种相对新颖和巧妙的通信方式,随着联盟寻求将该技术与其他无线和有线网络集成的方法,该项目将享有更广泛的范围。ZigBee技术采用低功耗额定设备,便于延长电池寿命,需要的维护较少,该技术提供了如今正在寻求的节能控制方式。成功地建立了该方法的小型工作模型,并对各种运行控制方式进行了验证。使用上述ZigBee技术和MS Visual Basic应用程序,系统可以有效地响应从基站PC发送的各种命令。目前正在研究项目的进一步改进范围,增加更多的功能,并正在设计一个创新的数据库管理方案,以便自动储存各种系统有关的数据。随着LED路灯的出现,采用PWM变换器的调光技术也受到了人们的重视。


作者感谢Keshavan B K教授的指导、支持和宝贵意见。


[1] Viraktamath, S.V.; Attimarad, G.V., 'Power saving mechanism for street lights using wireless communication,' Signal Processing, Communication, Computing and Networking Technologies (ICSCCN), 2011 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.282,285, 21-22 July 2011

[2] Lee, J.D.; Nam, K.Y.; Jeong, S.H.; Choi, S.B.; Ryoo, H.S.; Kim, D.K., 'Development of Zigbee based Street Light Control System,' Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2006. PSCE 06. 2006 IEEE PES , vol., no., pp.2236,2240, Oct. 29 2006-Nov. 1 2006.

[3] Ramya, C.M.; Shanmugaraj, M.; Prabakaran, R., 'Study on ZigBee technology,' Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT), 2011 3rd International Conference on , vol.6, no., pp.297,301, 8-10 April 2011.

[4] Chun-ling Fan; Yuan Guo, 'The application of a ZigBee based wireless sensor network in the LED street lamp control syste


ZigBee-based Intelligent Street Lighting System

Sagar Deo, Sachin Prakash and Asha Patil Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering PES Institute of Technology

Bangalore, India

E-mail: deosagar7@gmail.com; sachinprakashsp@gmail.com; ashaullas@gmail.com

Abstract – A novel scheme for a Zigbee-based street light control is proposed with an aim to reduce the human error in the operation of street lights, decrease the energy consumption of the system, and ease the maintenance of the street light network. These objectives are achieved by creating a wireless Zigbee network of street lights that can be monitored from a base station. A new scheme that provides for the operation of alternate lights during low traffic hours, dusk and dawn has been devised. Additionally, an automatic mode of operation that utilizes light sensors to automatically switch ON street lights when light intensity falls below a certain level, has also been incorporated. The scheme was implemented, and a small scale working model was developed.


With an increase in the level of urbanization in India, there has been a continual demand for a better street light management system. A lack of automation in the current system is the root cause of high levels of human error in street lighting system. A complete absence of energy saving alternative schemes, and a lack of proper maintenance further reduces the number of street lights available in the already depleted system. The following Zigbee-based street light control is aimed at finding a solution to these sometimes fatal predicaments.

Street light management is currently being achieved primarily by orthodox methods relying on complex cable networks that provide for Physical Control, Timed Control and Power Line Carrier Control (PLCC) of the network. Wireless control via short messages is being achieved by employing the Global System of Mobile Communication (GSM) technology [1]. Control methodologies employing cable networks have some advantages over the contemporary wireless techniques [2], in terms of an ease of design akin to the lack of obstacles, and an absence of a control specific network due to the use of PLCC technology, but it has been observed that during short circuiting of the power lines, the control of the street light management system is lost. GSM technology though wireless requires mobile phone communication, which is prone to disruptions and has a high operation cost.

Here we propose a ZigBee-based street light network that transfers the effective control to a PC running a Microsoft Visual Basic application at the Base Station. The centralization of control aids in effective and meticulous maintenance due to the constant update of the street light status on the base station PC. It also reduces the human error by facilitating an automatic mode of operation. Moreover, an energy saving scheme is implemented to reduce the energy consumption of the street light system.

The various modes of operation and control are covered in detail in the III section. The II section describes the working of ZigBee technology and the IV section covers the details of the prototype development and operations of the small scale working model.


ZigBee was developed by ZigBee alliance comprising many members (Chipcon, Mitsubishi, Ember, Freescale, AMI Semiconductor, Invensys, CompXs). ZigBee is a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols supported solely by ZigBee Alliance that uses communication services based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard for personal area networks. Zigbee is targeted at applications that require a low data rate, long battery life, and secure networking using small, low-power digital radios. The maximum data transfer rate of Zigbee devices is 250 Kbps with a 2.4 GHz oscillator [2]. The approximate power consumption is of 60 mW [3]. Zigbee devices employ the technique of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), which ensures the reliability of signal transmission, avoiding interference from other signals and thus extending the maximum operating range of up to 100m. Zigbee network can have up to 65336 devices, and each node can interact with every other node, which ultimately results in a very big network.

Due to the advantages highlighted in the following passage, ZigBee networks are a powerful alternative and can be used effectively to frame and control an intelligent street lighting system. Zigbee devices are of two types, namely Full Function Devices (FFD) and Reduced Function Devices (RFD). FFDs are devices that help in further propagation of signals into the network. The RFDs do not have the ability to route the signal further in the network and are usually used as network end points.

  1. Types of ZigBee networks

ZigBee is used in 3 modes of operation namely Star- structured, Mesh-structured and Cluster Tree network. In star network, shown in Figure 1(a), there is a server point i.e. ZigBee Router (FFD) and other ZigBee End Devices (RFD) are operated using this router. All these routers and end devices are in turn controlled by a Network Coordinator (FFD). End Devices can interact only with the coordinator. It is suitable for point-to-point, point-to-multipoint communication.

In Mesh network, shown in Figure 1(b) there is a Network Coordinator (FFD), which directly interact with very few Router cum End Devices. This network uses “multi-hop”

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routing to reach far distance. This network is more complex, but it is also more robust and tolerant to faults. A Cluster Tree network shown in Figure 1(c) is similar to the Star network but has more nodes that can interact with each other; as a result more RFD/FFD can be coordinated with other FFDs.

Star Network



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