
 2023-02-01 03:02




Design and Analysis of Paver

Leveling Control System

Jie Deng1, a, Ye Li1, b,*

1 School of Mechanical Manufacture and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Heilongjiang 150001, P.R. China

adjgxyx@qq.com, b1192242788@qq.com

Keywords: Paver, Automatic Leveling, Towing Arm Deformation, Model Improvement

Abstract. Asphalt paver is the main machinery and equipment for asphalt paving job, the performance of its automatic leveling control system is the key factors of the pavement. This paper analyzes the effect of deformed arm on paver leveling control system and the main factors influencing leveling system performance. On the basis of that, it proposes structural adjustment programs of paver leveling system to enhance its performance.


Due to advances in modern technology, the quality requirements of construction of modern road construction continue to increase, the performance of the paver also faces increasing demands. Pavement Roughness is one of the very important technical indicators about road construction, it is concerned with paver paving speed, conveying speed, vibration frequency and compaction, etc. The matching relationship of the screed elevation angle of screed, paving speed, paving materials and paving thickness is the most important factor. So paver automatic leveling system with large delay, nonlinear, multivariable and other features, is a complex control system. The self-leveling capability of paver floating screed can not meet the requirements of modern high-grade road construction. To this end, the automatic leveling control system design of modern paver is especially important. There are several major issues on previous research about paver leveling system: use rigid arm to create a system model ignoring its deformation, never consider the effect of sensor position on the leveling performance.

Deformation Analysis of the Arm

As the important connecting parts between boom cylinder and ironing board, arms can not be ignored in the control system. Previously, the arm was always seen as a rigid body to create a control system model. Is that assumption right? Now, let us talk about the effect of arm deformation on the system in the following. Because screed is relatively heavy, in order to simplify the model and keep some accuracy, we can derived formula about arm deformation based on the cantilever model in the material mechanics. The formula uses the screed as reference. Using superposition method, the arm deformation caused by force of cylinder and armrsquo;s gravity can be calculated.

The Effect of Arm Deformation on the Sensors. Fig. 1 shows the effect of arm deformation on the position of cross slope sensor and longitudinal sensor. In the Fig. 1, the forces are from the hydraulic cylinders. Based on the Eq.1, we can calculate the displacement of longitudinal sensor caused by the arm deformation.

∆ = h (0.000000130614*F - 0.000005342960)m (2)

The Eq.2 shows that the displacement of longitudinal sensor caused by the force of thydraulic cylinder is very small. So it will hardly affect the control system, we can ignore it. The displacement of cross slope sensor can be calculated:
Based on the Eq.1 and Eq.3, we can see the change of cross angle sensor caused by arm

=0.000000017797 Fr- 0.000000411974

We can also see the angle of cross sensor caused by the force of hydraulic cylinder is so small that we can ignore it.
The Delay Effects of Arm Deformation on the System. The Fig. 2 shows the schematic:

When the arm is no force on, it is at position 0. When the arm is the force F on, it will be at position 2 seen as rigid body or at position 1 seen as elastomer. Thus, we can see the delay effect of arm deformation on the control action.
For this model, it has been calculated that cylinder action is just reduced only by 2. 15mm. It does not affect the control performance, so it can be ignored.

The Analysis of Performance of Original System and PID Control System
Paver automatic leveling control system schematic is shown in Fig. 3:

In the Fig. 3, K1 and K2 are the coefficients related to the position of sensor. They are not zero in the original system.

The Analysis of Original System. The unit step response of longitudinal control system without a controller is shown in Fig. 4. We can get the dynamic time domain indexes of it: The peak value is 1.07 yp = and it overshoots slightly. The rise time is tr = 9.32s and the adjust time is ts =19.1s . We can also get the static domain index of longitudinal control system: The steady-state error is ess = 0 . If we input sine signal whose period is 10s to the system, the tracking curve of the system is shown in Fig. 5. We can see there is considerable error and phase delay in the tracking process.

The unit step response of cross control system without a controller is shown in Fig. 6. We can get the dynamic time domain indexes of it: The peak value is yp = 1.06 and it overshoots slightly. The rise time is tr = 6.05s and the adjust time is ts =11.7s . We can also get the static domain index of it: The steady-state error is ess = 0 . If we input sine signal whose period is 10s to the system, tracking curve of cross control system is shown in Fig. 7. We can see there is considerable error and ph



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