
 2023-02-13 03:02

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In the day-to-day ship operations, structural and machinery failures may lead to major accidents, endangering crew and passengers lives onboard, posing a threat to the environment and having a great impact in terms of ship performance and business losses. The ship onboard measurement methodology aims in addressing which systems should be monitored, when the scheduling of monitoring should occur, who will carry out the measurements and how. Information is acquired from data for machinery and structures collected from sources such as Classification Societies, ship structural drawings, planned maintenance systems, dry-dock reports and real time monitoring data. Through the examination of the above, the specifications of the various ship system parameters to be measured are conducted alongside the number of sensors to be installed. Different scenarios for monitoring the condition and performance of systems either on a day-to-day basis or periodically using either permanent sensors installed onboard the ship or portable equipment or also a combination of them is evaluated. Moreover, parameter measurements are concentrated on various systems temperatures, pressures and monitoring techniques such as vibration monitoring. The onboard measurement outcome will be further utilised for input in tools capable of calculating and assessing the performance and reliability of the ship, thus ensuring safe and efficient vessel operation. The deployment of the developed onboard system will be studied under realistic operational conditions for three different ship types, i.e. tanker, bulk carrier and container ship.

Keywords: maintenance, reliability, ship performance, condition monitoring, measurements, ship inspection


Maintenance is an important contributor to reach the intended life-time of technical capital assets (trains, ships, airplanes). According to British Standards Institute, maintenance is defined as a combination of all the technical and associated administrative activities required to keep equipment, installations and other physical assets in the desired operating condition or to restore them to this condition (BS, 1993). Maintenance also includes the engineering decisions and associated actions that are necessary for the optimisation of specified equipment capability, meaning the ability to perform a specified function within a range of performance levels that may relate to capacity, rate, quality, safety and responsiveness. Furthermore, maintenance costs are a significant portion of the operational cost and breakdowns and downtime have an impact on plant capacity, product quality and cost of production as well as on health, safety and the environment. Thus, nowadays, the shift of maintenance as a strategic perspective within a company organization can be attributed to the utilization of more advanced technologies, increased emphasis on safety, new environmental legislations, optimised operations with increased fuel efficiency and reduction of emissions (Parida et al., 2015).

Ships are part of the marine transportation system and are crucial assets of the supply chain. In this respect, maintenance tasks affect the reliability and availability standards of the shipping industry and are an important factor in the lifecycle of a ship that can minimize down-time and reduce operating costs (Lazakis and Olcer, 2015). The importance of maintenance is demonstrated by the fact that it is the only shipboard activity to have one whole element assigned to it (IMO, 1993). Also, due to the impact of shipping on the environment and the importance of the safe operation of ships; ship owners and operators pursue to adopt a maintenance plan and procedures that will reduce costs, promote the lifecycle integrity and enhance the energy efficiency of the ship.

Hence, this paper presents the onboard measurement methodology as suggested by the INCASS (Inspection Capabilities for Enhanced Ship Safety) FP7 EU funded project. The INCASS project aims to bring an innovative solution to the ship inspection regime through the introduction of enhanced inspection of ship structures, by integrating robotic-automated platforms for on-line or on-demand ship inspection activities and selecting the software and hardware tools that can implement or facilitate specific inspection tasks, to provide input to the decision support system. Enhanced inspection of ships will also include providing ship structures and machinery monitoring with real time information using sensors and incorporating structural and machinery risk analysis, using in-house structural/hydrodynamics and machinery computational tools. Moreover, by introducing condition based inspection tools and methodologies, reliability and criticality based maintenance, INCASS provides an enhanced central database including ship structures and machinery available to maritime authorities, Classification Societies and ship operators and eventually will develop a decision support system for ship structures and machinery for continuous monitoring and risk analysis and management of ship operations. The development of the decision support systems will be capable to address emergency (short term) decision making in case of accidents occurring as well as supporting long term decisions. Figure 1 illustrates the framework of the INCASS project.

The deployment of the overall developed onboard INCASS system will be based on three case studies taking into account structural and machinery data for each ship type. These include the cases of a tanker, a bulk carrier and a container ship respectively. In this way the validation and testing of the INCASS framework can be achieved under realistic operational con



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