
 2023-01-12 11:01


长期以来,经济学已收入作为一个合适的,虽然为人类的福利不完整的代理。幸福感的研究表明报道主观幸福感是一个更好的衡量indi-维杜阿尔福利。 “报道主观幸福感”是科学长期使用对心理学的一个人的评价何种程度上,他或她经历正和负影响,快乐,或生活满意度。他们是可分离的结构,和精确的术语将被使用,只要特定empiri-卡尔的研究报道。在一般情况下,然而,如在文献中,术语“幸福”,“幸福”和“生活满意度”是用来互换。 1.1为什么要研究快乐?
有经济学家研究幸福的各种重要原因,除了在受试者的内在的兴趣。确定幸福的决定因素。为什么人们体验的满意度与一个特定的水平他们的生活引领?幸福取决于大量因素的。因此,幸福感研究的最重要的任务之一是找出什么样的条件会影响个人和社会福利,并要强调的是,经济的幸福是什么内容? 1这是非常重要的研究不限于经济因素对主观的影响TIVE幸福。事实上,其中最重要的发现之一是一个人的非物质层面的生活,特别是社会关系家人,朋友,以及之间的系统蒸发散邻居,是很重要的。2幸福感的研究工作,以确定定量厘清遗传,个性略去重要性,社会人口,经济,文化和政治因素。遗传和性格因素确定主观幸福感在很大程度上是生态的范围之内组学。但他们仍然很重要,尤其是因为精密度其他因素影响的计量经济学估计锡永取决于性格差异的可能混杂作用。然而,研究,例如,该Helliwell(2006年)的建议对幸福人口,经济和政治因素影响内斯没有很大的影响性格差异。然而,它重要的是要记住,有特定的文化定义幸福,那幸福的动机和可能预测文化(内田,和2004年北山)之间的差异。这同样适用于数字秤可能有不同的解释在不同的社会。了解幸福的本质个人拥有的幸福作为人生的终极目标的想法是不是无可争议。幸福不一定是垫 - 唯一进球字符。例如,社会生产函数理论(林登贝格1986年,1990年;林登贝格和Frey1993年)确定了两个最终目标1.这是贯穿全书的一大主题。特别强调的是对收入(第三章),失业(第四章),通货膨胀和不平等(第5章),民主和联邦制(第6章),自我就业和志愿工作(第七章),婚姻(第8章),看电视(第9章),和恐怖主义(第12章)。2.在“关系的商品,”看布吕尼和Porta2007或桂和萨格登2005年较高这样的社会资本(普特南2000年)的水平已被证明能增加生活的满意度CON-siderably(Helliwell和2005年普特南;2003Bjouml;rnskov; OECD2001年;2007年Powdthavee)。研究幸福5所有人类寻求优化(身体健康和社会福祉)和五个器乐目标由它们实现(刺激,舒适性,身份,行为的确认,和感情)。其他作者,其中Ryff(1989年)和Lane(2000) - 考虑值,如责任,个人成长,生活的目的,一个人的环境,自我指向性,和其他忠诚的掌握人们重要的。一些学者认为,长期的幸福是对相同的水平较高阶的商品,如卫生,娱乐,


追求幸福是人类动机的主要来源,甚至是看作是在西方社会(即道义上的责任,如规定它们的值)。特别是,经济学是基于意识理性选择。然而,这种方法已经被批评为不科学的。在现代经济学成立后,威廉·詹姆斯(1890年)等心理学家认为,科学家应该采取一切可能的动机成在解释自己的理论。人们的行为并不一定总是瞄准效用最大化;它可能是一个冲动的行为,也可能请遵循低一个讲义气的。 (对于这个辩论的概述,见卢因1996年)这人明确遵循幸福最大化为目标不应该只是假设;它应该是开放的实证研究。(参见,例如,北山和Markus2000)如果人们试图最大限度地发挥其效用? 这个问题是问因为人的企图在评估自己的效用水平可能弄巧成拙。享乐内省可以减少个人的敏感性自己的享乐体验。它往往破坏的工具,人们想要达到的目标。几个实证研究(例如,吕波密斯基和1999年莱佩尔)发现快乐的人比不内省不快乐的人。明确追求最大的幸福,然后ham-个人以实现它的能力。一个整洁的插图是由斯库勒提供,艾瑞里和洛文斯顿(2003年),谁研究试图有“成本
良好的生活更加的财务上的成功方面一直较低报告自尊,活力,生活满意度(凯斯和1993年瑞安;迪纳和大石2000; 2002年凯斯)。


Bruno S. Frey in collaboration with Alois Stutzer, Matthias Benz, Stephan Meier, Simon Luechinger, and Christine Benesch

Happiness :

A Revolution in Economics

copy; 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Set in Palatino by SPi Publisher Services, Puducherry, India. Printed and bound in the

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Frey, Bruno S.

Happiness : a revolution in economics / Bruno S. Frey, in collaboration with Alois

Stutzer . . . [et al.].

p. cm. — (Munich lectures in economics)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-262-06277-0 (hardcover : alk. paper)

1. Happiness—Economic aspects. 2. Economics—Psychological aspects. I. Title.

BF575.H27F74 2007



10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Happiness is considered by many to be the ultimate goal in life;

indeed, virtually everyone wants to be happy. The American Coloniesrsquo;

Declaration of Independence takes it as a self-evident truth that the

“pursuit of happiness” is an “inalienable right” comparable to life

and liberty. In the late 1980s, the fourth king of Bhutan, Jigme Singye

Wangchuck, enunciated “Gross National Happiness” as the principle

guiding force in his country (Ura and Galay 2004).

Economics is—or should be—about individual happiness. In particu-

lar, the question is: How do economic growth, unemployment, inflation,

and inequality, as well as institutional factors such as good governance,

affect individual well-being?

For a long time, economics has taken income as a suitable though

incomplete proxy for human welfare. Happiness research shows

that reported subjective well-being is a far better measure of indi-

vidual welfare. “Reported subjective well-being” is the scientific

term used in psychology for an individualrsquo;s evaluation of the

extent to which he or she experiences positive and negative affect,

happiness, or satisfaction with life. They are separable constructs,

and the precise terminology will be used whenever specific empiri-

cal research is reported. In general, however, as in the literature,

the terms lsquo;happinessrsquo;, lsquo;well-beingrsquo;, and lsquo;life satisfactionrsquo; are used


1.1 Why Study Happiness?

There are various important reasons for economists to study happiness,

in addition to intrinsic interest in the subject.


Research on Happiness

4 Chapter 1

Identifying the Determinants of Happiness

Why do people experience a particular level of satisfaction with the

life they lead? Happiness depends on a large number of determinants.

Therefore, one of the most important tasks of happiness research is to

isolate what conditions affect individual and social well-being, and to

what extent.1 It is important to emphasize that economic happiness

research is not restricted to the influence of economic factors on subjec-

tive well-being. Indeed, one of the most important findings has been

that non-material aspects of a personrsquo;s life—in particular, social rela-

tions among family members, friends, and neighbors—are important.2

Happiness research endeavors to determine quantitatively the rela-

tive importance of genetic, personality, socio-demographic, economic,

cultural, and political factors. The genetic and personality factors that

determine subjective well-being are largely outside the scope of eco-

nomics. But they are nonetheless important, not least because the preci-

sion of the econometric estimates of the effects of the other determinants

depends on the possibly confounding role of personality differences.

However, research—e.g., that of Helliwell (2006b)—suggests that the

influences of demographic, economic, and political factors on happi-

ness are not greatly affected by personality differences. Nevertheless, it

is important to keep in mind that there are specific cultural definitions

of happiness, and that the motivations and predictors of happiness may

differ between cultures (Uchida, Norasakkunkit, and Kitayama 2004).

The same holds for possibly different interpretations of numerical scales

in different societies.

Understanding the Nature of Happiness

The idea that individuals have happiness as their ultimate goal in life

is not undisputed. Happiness is not necessarily the only goal that mat-

ters. For instance, Social Production Function Theory (Lindenberg

1986, 1990; Lindenberg and Frey 1993) identifies two ultimate goals

1. This is a major theme throughout the book. Particular emphasis is placed on income

(chapter 3), unemployment (chapter 4), inflation and inequality (chapter 5), democracy

and federalism (chapter 6), self-employment and voluntary work (chapter 7), marriage

(chapter 8), television viewing (chapter 9), and terrorism (chapter 12).

2. On “relational goods,” see Bruni and Porta 2007 or Gui and Sugden 2005. A higher

level of such social capital (Putnam 2000) has been shown to increase life satisfaction con-

siderably (Helliwell and Putnam 2005; Bjouml;rnskov 2003; OECD 2001; Powdthavee 2007).

Research on Happiness 5

that all human beings seek to op



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