Christopher G. Small University of Waterloo
关键词:函数方程; 解决方法
在这一章,我们研究的是一种相当广泛的函数方程,而不是集中在这类方程的解决方案 ——一个为以后章节的主题——我们知晓函数方程产生于数学研究中。我们进入主题是基本的,但也不完全是有根据的。
虽然在他所处的中世纪的世界里,亚里士多德的著作是占主导地位,我们现在称之为自然,奥雷斯姆的学术工作预示着后来作家的文艺复兴和启蒙运动时期,谁脱离亚里士多德将力学定律,通过这样做,创造经典物理学领域。1352年,奥雷斯姆主要论述统一和写道不同形状的强度,名为《Tractatus de configurationibus motuum qualitatum》。在这一重要工作,奥雷斯姆建立功能的定义两个变量之间的关系,以及(远远超过笛卡尔),一个可以表达这种关系由我们现在称之为几何图。第1部分中他写道。
作为Aczel [1984]和Aczel与Dhombres [1985] 指出,通过定义了一个线性函数(即质量均匀不规则形状的)通过一个函数方程。在现代的术语中,我们会有三个不同的实数x,y和z,上面的段落中描述说,作为主题的三分。与x,y和z,我们有一个变量(即“强度”的质量在每个点的主题),我们可以写为f(x),f(y)和f(z)。定义的函数f是线性的,或“不规则形状的统一”
如果对于所有不同的 (1.1)
,对于一些a,b (1.2)
奥雷斯姆的关于方程(1.1)是一个函数方程。定义在(1.2)的是其解决方案。注意,奥雷斯姆定义的年代不允许常数线性函数关于。这是忠实于他的意图,统一不同形状的功能区别于统一的函数根据选择和 。
在接下来的几百年,函数方程被使用着但没有再产生一般理论。圣文森特的引人注目的在这样的数学家是格雷戈里(1584 - 1667),他的工作在双曲线函数方程的隐式使用,开创了对数理论。
圣文森特的结果出现在他伟大的写于1647的一篇论文题为《Geometricum quadraturae circuli et sectionum coni》中。如果这项工作的标题看起来长,论文本身,在约1250页,是更长的时间!它处理方法计算区域和圆锥部分的属性。特别是,圣文森特显示了它是如何可能的计算面积等双曲线如图1.3所示。在现代,曲线下的面积,如一个双曲线主题通常留给集成理论。然而,圣文森特岛问题上取得了很大的进步使用纯粹的几何参数。
虽然尼克尔·奥雷斯姆关于的线性的定义可以被解读为一个函数方程的早期例子,它不代表一个函数方程的理论起点。函数方程的定义的日期是从柯西的工作开始的。柯西1789年生于法国巴黎,柯西的早期恰逢法国大革命。在上下文联系他的生日,我们应该回想一下,法国大革命是一般追溯到1789 - 1799年十年间,开始大约1789年攻占巴士底狱。1799年,年轻的柯西十岁的时候,拿破仑·波拿巴将军领导的政变的督政府开始一段法国的直接军事统治。柯西家人出于对保皇党人的同情,他们离开巴黎,直到1800年才返回。强大的君主者,奥古斯丁·路易·柯西后来背道而驰共和党和他早年在法国拿破仑趋势。一个杰出的数学家,柯西在数学的许多领域工作。然而,他主要是以微积分而闻名,是现代数学分析的理论公认的创始人之一。
外文文献出处:[B].Problem Books in Mathematics2007Springer
An historical introduction
- Preliminary remarks
In high school algebra, we learn about algebraic equations involving one or more unknown real numbers. Functional equations are much like algebraic equations, except that the unknown quantities are functions rather than real numbers. This book is about functional equations: their role in contemporary mathematics as well as the body of techniques that is available for their solution. Functional equations appear quite regularly on mathematics competitions. So this book is intended as a toolkit of methods for students who wish to tackle competition problems involving functional equations at the high school or university level.
In this chapter, we take a rather broad look at functional equations. Rather than focusing on the solutions to such equations—a topic for later chapters— we show how functional equations arise in mathematical investigations. Our entry into the subject is primarily, but not solely, historical.
- Nicole Oresme
Mathematicians have been working with functional equations for a much longer period of time than the formal discipline has existed. Examples of early functional equations can be traced back as far as the work of the fourteenth century mathematician Nicole Oresme who provided an indirect definition of linear functions by means of a functional equation. Of Norman heritage, Oresme was born in 1323 and di
An historical introduction
- Preliminary remarks
In high school algebra, we learn about algebraic equations involving one or more unknown real numbers. Functional equations are much like algebraic equations, except that the unknown quantities are functions rather than real numbers. This book is about functional equations: their role in contemporary mathematics as well as the body of techniques that is available for their solution. Functional equations appear quite regularly on mathematics competitions. So this book is intended as a toolkit of methods for students who wish to tackle competition problems involving functional equations at the high school or university level.
In this chapter, we take a rather broad look at functional equations. Rather than focusing on the solutions to such equations—a topic for later chapters— we show how functional equations arise in mathematical investigations. Our entry into the subject is primarily, but not solely, historical.
- Nicole Oresme
Mathematicians have been working with functional equations for a much longer period of time than the formal discipline has existed. Examples of early functional equations can be traced back as far as the work of the fourteenth century mathematician Nicole Oresme who provided an indirect definition of linear functions by means of a functional equation. Of Norman heritage, Oresme was born in 1323 and died in 1382. To put these dates in perspective, we should note that the dreaded Black Death, which swept through Europe killing possibly as much as a third of the population, occurred around the middle of the fourteenth century. Although the origins of the Black Death are unclear, we know that by December of 1347, it had reached the western Mediterranean through the ports of Sicily, then Sardinia, then the port city of Marseilles. It reached Paris in the spring of 1348, having spread throughout much of the country.
The year 1348 is also of some significance in mathematics, because that is the year that Nicole Oresme is recorded in a list of scholarship holders at the University of Paris. Thus it appears that Oresme was studying at the University of Paris from some time in the early 1340s up to the time the Black Death arrived in the city itself. Today, perhaps, we might well wonder how, in the face of this calamitous disease, scholars such as Oresme were able to flourish. However, the Black Death was more disruptive for the generation that followed Oresme. He and his colleagues had completed much of their education by the time that the Black Deathrsquo;s devastating effects were felt. By 1355, Oresme had obtained the Master of Theology degree, and was soon thereafter appointed Grand Master at the College of Navarre, one of the colleges of the University of Paris, founded in 1304. Nicole Oresme was arguably the greatest European mathematician of the fourteenth century. He died in 1382 in Lisieux.
Although he lived in a medieval world in which the writings of Aristotle were the dominant influence on natural philosophy—what we would now call the natural sciences—Oresmersquo;s scholarly work foreshadowed the work of later writers in the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods, who broke away from Aristotle to reformulate the laws of mechanics and, by so doing, create the field of classical physics. In 1352, Oresme wrote a major treatise on uniformity and difformity of intensities, entitled Tractatus de configurationibus qualitatum et m^otuv^m. In this important work, Oresme established the definition of a functional relationship between two variables, and the idea (well ahead of Rene Descartes) that one can express this relationship geometrically by what we would now call a graph.1 In Part 1 he wrote
Therefore, every intensity which can be acquired successively ought to be imagined by a straight line perpendicularly erected on some point of the space or subject of the intensible thing, e.g., a quality.
For whatever ratio is found to exist between intensity and intensity, in relating intensities of the same kind, a similar ratio is found to exist between line and line, and vice versa.[1] [2]
Of central interest in his treatise is the idea of uniform motion and “uniformly difform motion,” the latter denoting the motion of a particle undergoing uniform acceleration.[3] Also considered was “difformly difform motion,” where the acceleration itself varied. In the section on quadrangular quality, Oresme took care to define his notion of uniform difformity (i.e., linearity) as follows.
A uniform quality is one which is equally intense in all parts of the subject, while a quality uniformly difform is one in which if any three points [of the subject line] are taken, the ratio of the distance between the first and the second to the distance between the second and the third is as the ratio of the excess in intensity of the first point over that of the second point to the excess of that of the second point over that of the third point, calling the first of those three points the one of greatest intensity.
As Aczel [1984] and Aczel and Dhombres [1985] have noted, the passage defines a linear function (i.e., a quality which is uniformly difform) through a functional equation. In modern terminology, we would have three distinct[4] real numbers x, y, and ^, say, which are described in the passage above as three points of the subject line. Associated with x, y and ^, we have a variable (i.e., the “intensity” of the quality at each point of the subject line) which we can write as f (x), f (y), and f (z), respectively. The function f is d