
 2023-03-16 05:03


作者:Nsikak-Abasi Udofia amp; Kenneth Isaac Udoh


出处:Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol.7, No.6, 2017



关键词:WAEC, NECO,数学大纲,SSCE,测试开发


工业革命后,当教育行业过于拥挤时,统考成为必要。它现在被用作学生提升教育级别的资格考试。统考的本质是为所有参加过特定课程的考生提供统一的评估。他们为同时参加注册考试的考生提供大规模的考试项目。委员会使用标准分数来报告候选人的表现。在尼日利亚,最终认证班的考生要参加统考,即:小学六年级、初中和高中。正如《国家教育政策》(FGN, 2004年)所述,尼日利亚中学教育的目标是为让每个孩子在社会中有用武之地、接受高等教育。在六年的中学任期结束时,要参加高中证书考试。学校证书考试尤其值得关注,它决定了尼日利亚学生在高等教育和/或就业方面的安排。

考试是对书面练习、口头问题或实际任务的总称,用来测试考生的知识和技能。它包括对学生行为的定量和定性描述,以及关于该行为可取性的价值判断的传递。根据Nworgu Kpolovie(2002),促进教育考试机构设置,协调教育计划,并控制和监控质量的教育机构,教育的本质是组织统考所有考生提供统一标准,不管他们得到指令的类型或方法。尼日利亚的一些考试机构包括西非考试委员会(WAEC),国家考试委员会(NECO),联合招生和入学考试委员会(JAMB)和国家商业和技术考试委员会(NABTEB)。仔细观察这些板的运作就会发现,其中一些板执行着类似的功能。例如,WAEC、NECO和NABTEB都进行中学毕业生认证,尽管在NABTEB的情况下,考试只针对尼日利亚技术和职业学院的毕业生。


大多数学生认为数学是一门难学的学科。 学生对任何任务的看法,尤其是在初学时,对结果的影响比其他任何事情都重要(Maxwell、Mergendoller 和 Bellisimo,2005 年),因此学生在数学考试和考试中表现不佳。由于数学的普遍性,学生们不惜一切代价,通过考试作弊来达到通过数学考试的目的。尽管有这种消极态度的学生的挑战和显然很抽象的数学本质,Alio(2005)还是得出结论,表现不好的学生在过去的二十年的WAEC / SSCE数学考试中反映的是穷人在学校数学教学与学习过程的状态。这支持了Alio(2000)的一项早期研究的结论,即学生在数学上的不良表现与数学教师在教学解决问题时使用的非标准技术有关。这些教学方法主要以教师为中心,以教科书为导向,而不是以学习者为中心。他们强调整堂课的讲授,分数竞争,对事实的记忆,标准规则和程序的损害真正的理解,忽视了学生学习数学的好奇心,动机和目标(Akinsola, 2009)。他们的特点是课堂组织很差阻碍学生从课堂作业中获得最大利益(Igbokwe, 2000)。在我们这种课程竞争激烈、考试驱动的中学体系中,在教师的目标是为校内和公共考试做准备的传统中,这种情况可能会非常严重。

Okwilagwe和Nwazota(2010)对国家考试委员会初中证书考试中的两个核心科目进行了分析。本研究是对国家考试委员会两门核心科目试卷《初中证书考试大纲》的内容覆盖情况进行分析。并分析了试题a在多大程度上代表布卢姆教育目标分类法(认知领域)。本研究采用事后研究设计。本研究收集了三年的社会科学及综合科学考试大纲及试题,并运用描述性统计方法进行分析。调查结果显示,NECO JSCE综合科学和社会研究的问题涵盖了50%至60%的考试大纲。大多数未被充分覆盖的领域都与日常生活密切相关。一般来说,社会科目的多项选择题比较容易,但2001年和2003年的论述题则比较难,分别有33%和40%是应试题。2004年的综合科学多项选择题和论述题的应试水平分别为30%和46%,难度较大。鉴于调查结果,本研究建议为达到NECO试题的标准,学科教师应培养学生回答高阶试题的技巧和策略,以配合题目呈现模式的变化。


Kpolovie, Ololube和Ekwebelem(2011)对2004年至2006年中学生在WAEC和NECO SSCE中的表现进行了比较研究。这项研究调查了2004至2006年间中学生在WAEC及NECO sscs的表现。研究者,有理由怀疑考试的平行的性质由WACE志庆,进行了定量分析候选人的表现在SSCE选择科目:数学,英语,化学,物理,生物,英语文学,经济,政府、农业科学、食品和营养,和地理,以建立他们的可比性。研究设计是相关的。使用有目的的抽样技术,从1422,140名考生中抽取了1,233名参与者。用于数据收集的工具包括WAEC和NECO SSCE结果表。11个假设用设定在0.05 alpha水平的皮尔逊相关技术进行检验。结果表明,在所有科目中,考生的WACE成绩和NECO SSCEs成绩之间有统计学上显著的正相关关系。










2.1 研究设计



这项研究是在尼日利亚阿克瓦伊博姆州进行的。目前阿夸伊博姆州有 586 所中学,包括 241 所公立中学和 345 所私立中学。

2.3 人口与抽样


2.4 仪表

利用WAEC和NECO(2008 - 2012)设置的数学中的客观题和论述题收集数据,以分类属于认知领域的各个层次的问题。

2.5 研究过程













1 (1.1)

3 (3.2)

2 (2.3)

7 (8.2)

4 (4.7)


12 (13.2)

10 (10.8)

9 (10.2)

11 (12.9)

11 (12.8)


65 (71.4)

69 (74.2)

68 (77.3)

59 (69.4)

60 (69.7)


7 (7.7)

4 (4.3)

4 (4.5)

2 (2.4)

3 (3.5)


5 (5.5)

6 (6.4)

5 (5.7)

6 (7.1)



Comparative Analysis of WAEC and NECO Senior Secondary School Mathematics Examination

Nsikak-Abasi Udofia amp; Kenneth Isaac Udoh*

Department of Educational Foundations, Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Education, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


The main objective of this study was to compare the senior secondary school Mathematics examination questions set by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) and the National Examinations Council (NECO) to ascertain how much the questions were distributed across the cognitive domain, the themes and topics in their syllabi. To this effect, the objective and essay question papers set by WAEC and NECO in Mathematics in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 were obtained. A total of 917 Mathematics questions were set by the two examination bodies. The number of candidates that took both the Mathematics examinations conducted by WAEC and NECO in those years was 135, 712. A sample of 2000 was selected for the study using a purposive sampling technique. The questions were analysed in terms of how many of them fell under the various levels of the cognitive domain, the themes and topics in the syllabi of the examination bodies. Six research questions were stated were formulated and tested using the chi-square and t-test analyses at .05 level of significance. The results showed that for both examination bodies most of the questions came from application level, number and numeration theme and statistics topics. Based on academic performance on the candidates there was significant difference among the urban and rural candidates and likewise among the public and the private school candidates. The conclusion therefore is that, taking the distribution of questions across the level of the cognitive domain, the themes and the topics in the syllabi into consideration, WAEC and NECO were similar. It was recommended that the teachers should endeavour to teach to cover all the topics in the syllabi of the examination bodies so that the students would not found wanting when answering the examination questions.

Keywords: WAEC, NECO, Mathematic Syllabus, SSCE, Test Development.


Public examination became necessary when the educational industry was overcrowded after the industrial revolution. It is now used as qualification examination to move students from one educational level to another (Udofia amp; Udoh, 2012). The essence of public examination is to provide uniform assessment to all candidate who were exposed to a given curriculum. They handle large scale testing programmes of candidates taking the examinations they registered at the same time. The councils use standard scores to report the performance of the candidates. In Nigeria public examinations are taken by candidates in the terminal classes for certification, namely: primary six, junior secondary and senior secondary schools. The aims of secondary school education in Nigeria, as stated in the National Policy on Education (FGN, 2004), are to prepare the individual child for (a) useful living in the society; and (b) for higher education. It is at the end of six years tenure in the secondary school that the senior secondary school certificate examinations are taken. The School certificate examinations, which determine the placement of Nigerian students in higher learning and/or employment, are of particular concerned (Ololube, 2008b).

Examination is a generic name for written exercises, oral questions, or practical tasks, set to test a candidates knowledge and skill. It involves both quantitative and qualitative description of a pupils behaviour, and the passing of value judgment concerning the desirability of that behaviour. According to Nworgu in Kpolovie (2002), examination agencies were set up to promote education, to co-ordinate educational programmes, and to control and monitor the quality of education in educational institutions, the essence of which is the organization of public examinations so as to provide uniform standards to all test takers, irrespective of the type or method of instruction they have received. Some of these examination bodies in Nigeria include the West African examinations Council (WAEC), the National Examination Council (NECO), the Joint Admission and

Matriculation Board (JAMB), and the National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB). A closer look at the operations of these boards reveals that some of them perform similar functions. WAEC, NECO and NABTEB, for instance, all conduct secondary school graduate certification, although in the case of NABTEB, the examination is reserved for graduates of Nigerian Technical and Vocational Colleges.

The basic qualification for admission into any higher educational institution is the school certificate issued by the West African School Certificate Examinations Council (WAEC) and/or the National Examinations Council (NECO). The WAEC was established through Ordinance 40 of 1951 that charged the body with determining the examinations required in the public interest in West Africa. The body was empowered to conduct such examinations and award certificates equivalent to those of examining authorities in the United Kingdom. However as observed by Temitope (1999) WAEC is challenged by mass leakage of examination papers at times traceable to the officials of the council, unnecessary delay in releasing results, uncontrollable population explosion of the candidates and over load of work as a result of too many examinations conducted by the council. The level of exam malpractice was so high in 1977 that the situation was tagged “Expo 77”. This actually led the Federal Government to set up the Sogbtun Commission of inquiry to look into the problems of WAEC and the possibility of relieving the body of some of its burdens. The Sogbetun Commissionrsquo;s recommendations led to establishment of the National Exa



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