
 2023-01-10 04:01




彝族人民主要集中在云南、贵州、四川、广西等地,少数分布在缅甸、泰国、老挝和越南。有很多分支。根据“介绍彝族文化”中“自命名和他命名的方式”,共计有222个名字,包括51个自命名的和171个他命名的名字。每一个自我命名的名称不同于另一个或可作为的一个分支,而有时他们中的一些人实际上是一个大的分支。这些自命名的名字是:Nuosupo 和 Haiyi。在“彝族历史简介”中的“彝族自命名和他命名的简要列表”里,有35个自命名和44个他命名的名字,问题相当复杂,需要专门研究。作为有意识的民族认同和语言标记,自命名的名字可以作为将一个简单民族划分成分支机构的标准之一,这些自我命名的名字意味着不同的层次和内涵,并且他们所指的群体有不同的起源、人口、居住区。所以这些自我命名的群体肯定不能被认为只是作为分支。




拉祜族演变成三个分支 - Lahula(黑拉祜)、Lahuxi(黄拉祜)、和Lahupu(白拉祜)——之前定居在澜沧、孟良、迪马和双江县等等。移居国外的人在明清时期也根据这三个分支相互区分。现在苦聪族也作为的拉祜族的一个分支,并成为锦屏所属苦聪拉祜西的一个分支。





苗族,迁入云南较晚,人口近90万(1990年统计数),分属北部、南部两个地域。南部苗族集中在文山州、红河州,较为集中地小聚居于中越边境沿线及南溪河两岸,与分布在越南北部、老挝及泰国西北山区的数十万苗族呈连片分布,属同一群体。北部苗族又分滇中和滇东北两块。南部苗族有5个支系,按自称分别为蒙周(又称花苗)、蒙娄(他称白苗)、蒙使(他称青苗)、蒙瓜(他称红苗)、蒙刷(他称绿苗),其自称都带“蒙”音,语言都属苗语川黔滇方言和滇东北次方言;北部苗族都以Ad Hmaob(阿蒙)自称,又称白苗和大花苗,属两个支系。


Research on Yunnan Minority Branches Against a Background of Ethnic Group

The Typical Outline of Minority Branches in Yunnan

From the 1950s to the end of 1970s, the fifty-six nationalities that had been identified by the government were not all on the same level. The standard was altered to fit Stalinrsquo;s definition, so that there was a Han population of over 10 billion as well as nationalities that only had a population of several thousand, such as the Dulong and Hezhe. There are twenty-five native minorities in Yunnan that have been officially identified, and more than 5,000, some of which have striking differences in their internal branches while others are integrated by dozens of branches. In the early 1950s, just the self-reported names of some nationalities reached several dozens, and there were in all 260 self-reported names in Yunnan. Through the investigative work of identification, the selfdenominated nationalities or branches have become the decisive ones according to the principle that one decides onersquo;s own name. With ethnic discrimination, some names given historically by others were eliminated, but the self-denominated names and a few named by others have been preserved up to the present day.

The twenty-five minorities in Yunnan originated from four ancient ethnic groups—the Diqian, Baiyue, Baipu, and Miaoyao— and some, such as the Menggu, Hui, Man, and so on, immigrated after the Yuan and Ming dynasties. We will choose ten minorities with striking features as illustrations for this article: the Yi, Hani, Naxi, Lisu, Lahu, Jingpo, Dai, Zhuang, Miao, and Bai.

The people of the Yi nationality are mainly concentrated in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Guangxi, while a few are scattered in Burma, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. There are lots of branches. According to the “Form of the Yi Self-Denominated and Other-Denominated Names” from “An Introduction to Yi Culture,”1 there are 222 names in all, including fifty-one self-denominated and 171 other-denominated ones. Every self-denominated name differs from another or can be taken as a branch, while sometimes several of them actually refer to a larger branch. These self-denominated names are: Nuosupo and Haiyi. In “A Brief List of Yi Self-Denominated and Other-Denominated Names” from “A Brief Introduction to Yi History,” there are thirty-five self-denominated and forty-four other-denominated names, questions about which are quite complex and need special research.2 As markers of conscious ethnic group identification and language, self-denominated names can act as one of the standards that divide a single nation into branches inside it. These self-denominated names imply different levels and connotations, and the groups to whom they refer differ in origin, population, and inhabited area. So these self-denominated groups surely cannot be considered just as branches.

Originally, the Yi nationality comes both from Diqiang and from aboriginal group culture. The historical incident of “The Yi Division by Six Ancestors,” which was widely recorded in ancient books and records, has become the ethnic grouprsquo;s historic memory of the Yi collective unconscious. Dispelling doubt about the formation of various Yi branches, it has taken on symbolic meaning and relates to the formation of the six Yi dialect areas. There are twentySPRING five dialects in these six areas, and the geographic distribution is also one way of defining the branches. The local powers, which were established by the Yi in history, as well as their territories and the people who were governed, are also referred to in defining the branches. For example, the “thirty-seven tribes of Wuman,” which were located in the middle of Yunnan and in eastern Yunnan in the times of the Nanzhao and Dali, had met the Dali repeatedly. All of the thirty-seven tribes were the ancestors of the Yi except that the tribes of the Yuan were the ancestors of the Hani nationality.Each manor of the thirty-seven tribes played a certain historical part in the formation and evolution of the Yi branches.

The Hani nationality is mainly distributed in counties such as Honghe, Yuanyang, Luchun, and Jiangcheng, which are on the southern bank of the Honghe River in Honghe canton as well as in counties such as Mojiang and Puer. A few people are distributed in counties such as Jinghong and Menghai. According to the selfdenominated names, the Hani are divided into branches. These branches belong to three regional cultural areas: Honghe, Mojiang and Puer, and Menghai and Jinghong. The former two belong to the Ailao Mountain area and are distributed evenly, while the latter are scattered and mixed in several spots.

The Naxi nationality has two branches, which are the western dialect group and the eastern dialect group. The former is in Lijiang county, Yongsheng, and Weixi, and its self-denominated name is Naxi. The latter is in Yongning district of Ninglang as well as in Muli county and Yanyuan county in Sichuan. Their self-denominated name is Nari or Na and their other-denominated name is Mosuo. The Nari in Yongning have certain differences from the Naxi in Lijiang regarding ethnic features and identity. The Lisu nationality can be divided into two parts by the Liancang River. The western one immigrated into the Nujiang River basin from Lijiang and Chuxiong in the fifteenth century, living mainly by cultivation in one place or another in the mountain areas. The eastern part never migrated, and mainly lives by cultivation in a settled place. For several centuries, the two branches differed greatly from each other in economy and culture. Some groups who had immigrated into the Nujiang River basin moved farther to the south and west into Nujiang canton, the Baoshan area, and even into Burma and Thailand, so they differed even more from the western branch.

The Lahu nationality evolved into three branches—Lahula (black Lahu), Lahux



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