
 2023-01-10 04:01


原文作者 ZHU HUA LIWEI 单位 伦敦剑桥大学



在过去的十年时间里,在英国的学校和大学里学习现代外语的学生人数普遍下降。根据传统经验来讲,法语是在学校被学习得最广泛的现代外语。英国教育部门的数据显示:在2002年,英格兰和威尔士有341604名学生得到法语普通中等教育证书 (斯梅尔,2010)。法语普通中等教育证书是一个学术资格所指定的主题,通常由英格兰和威尔士的14 - 16岁学生获得。然而到了2010年,获得法语普通中等教育证书的学生数量降至188688人,下降了45%(斯梅尔,2010)。许多人认为下降的部分是因为业务部门鼓励学校对学生进行专业科学的教育,从而给大学的宣传部门增加了压力。因此,选择专业科学的学生数量同期飙升:学习化学和物理的学生数量上涨了32%,学习生物学的学生数量上涨了28%(Vasagar amp;shepherd,2010)。


在汉语作为一种全球语言崛起的背景下,它作为一种现代外语在英国的学校和大学也因此崛起。2004年6月,在塔什干和乌兹别克斯坦学习汉语的一小群人被告知,他们将作为学习汉语和中国文化的试点群体,为此所建的学院将用中国古代哲学家孔子(公元前551 - 479)的名字来命名——孔子学院。同年晚些时候,在2004年11月21日,第一个孔子学院正式在韩国首尔启动。此后不到10年的时间里,近100个不同的国家和地区已经建立了将近400个孔子学院和300多个孔子课堂。预计到2020年,在这里的外国汉语学习者至少有一亿名(人民日报,2006年)。如今,参观当地的孔子学院已经成为中国政治家和官员海外旅行中正式的一部分。孔子学院的六个国际会议通常在北京举行,每次参加该会议的都是政府官员。





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Geopolitics and the Changing Hierarchies of the Chinese Language: Implications for Policy and Practice of Chinese Language Teaching in Britain

ZHU HUA LIWEI Birkbeck College, University of London

ABSTRACT: Chinese has been the fastest growing modern foreign language in British schools and universities in the last decade, due largely to the perceived growing importance of mainland China as a global economic and political power and the substantial investment in Confucius Institutes (CIs) and Classrooms (CCs) by the Chinese government. This article focuses on how Chinarsquo;s geopolitical strategy of promoting Chinese as a global language has been received and implemented in the UK and how different groups of learners of Chinese have been differentially affected by the implementation of the policies of the Chinese National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, commonly referred to as Hanban. Based on conversations with key stakeholders of the Confucius Institutes and Classrooms, including managers, teachers, and students, as well as observations in these settings, we investigate the different motivations and ideologies of the different interest groups. We also examine the cultural elements that are being taught in the CIs and CCs. A particular focus is on how ethnic Chinese learners in the CIs and CCs react to the teaching of Chinese culture. The effect of promoting Putonghua on ethnic Chinese students who speak other varieties of Chinese and how lsquo;foreignnessrsquo; is constructed in the CIs and CCs are specific concerns of the present study.

Keywords : Chinese; Confucius Institutes and Classrooms; geopolitics; British Chinese children

Over the last decade, there has been a general decline in the number of students in schools and universities in the UK studying modern foreign languages. Traditionally, French was the most widely taught modern foreign language in schools. According to figures from the UK Department of Education, in 2002,341,604 pupils in England and Wales took the General Certificate of Secondary Education—GCSE—in French (Smale, 2010). GCSE is an academic qualification awarded in a specified subject, generally taken by students aged 14–16 in England and Wales. By 2010, the number of pupils taking GCSE French fell to 188,688, down 45% (Smale, 2010). Many people attribute the decline in part to the increased pressure on universities and the lobbying by the business sector to encourage the take-up of single sciences in schools. The number of pupils taking single sciences surged over the same period, with entries for chemistry and physics GCSE up by 32% and biology 28% (Vasagar amp; Shepherd, 2010)respectively.

However, not all modern foreign languages suffer the same fate. Between 2002 and 2010,Spanish was up 16% while Mandarin Chinese was up 38%, although the total number of pupils taking GCSE Mandarin was only around 4,000 in 2010 (Smale, 2010). In 2010, the Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove, set up a partnership with the Chinese government to train 1,000Mandarin teachers for secondary schools in England. Speaking on a trip to China, he emphasized the importance of the language:“Offering every young person the chance to learn Mandarin will help to encourage mobility between the two countries, equip the next generation with the skills they need to succeed, and ensure the long-term success of our economy and society” (UK Department of Education, 2010). A 2011 survey of employers for the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) found that of those looking for language skills, Chinese was the second most sought-after (44%), after French (49%) (CBI,2013).

The rise of Chinese as a modern foreign language in schools and universities in the UK needs to be set against a background of the rise of Chinese as a global language. In June 2004, a small class of Chinese learners in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, were told that they would become the pilot institution for learning Chinese language and culture, and that the institute would be named after the ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius (551–479 BC). Later that year, on 21 November 2004, the first Confucius Institute formally opened in Seoul, South Korea. In less than 10 yearsrsquo; time, nearly 400 Confucius Institutes (CIs) and over 300 Confucius Class-rooms (CCs) have been established in almost 100 different countries and regions. The Office of Chinese Language Council International, other-wise known as Han ban—the organization that oversees the running of Confucius Institutes and Classrooms worldwide—proudly declares its ambition to establish 1,000 CIs and CCs by 2020, with at least 100 million foreign learners of Chinese(Peoplersquo;s Daily, 2006). Nowadays, a visit to a local Confucius Institute is an integral part of the formal schedule by Chinese politicians and officials on their overseas trips. Six international conferences of Confucius Institutes have been held in Beijing, each time attended by high ranking government officials. By now we are all used to not only headlines like “How English Is Evolving Into a Language We May Not Even Understand” (Erard,2008), due to its so-called free-form adoption by the Chinese, or Chinglish, but also “Is English or Mandarin the Language of the Future?” (Pak, 2012), “The Mandarin Offensive” (Erard,2006), and “Saying lsquo;Globalrsquo; in Chinese” (Erard,2006). Indeed, Chinese is the fastest growing modern foreign language in schools and universities in many different countries across the globe.

In the meantime, efforts are made to use language as an instrument in the so-called cross-strait relations between mainland China and Taiwan. During the 2008 presidential election, Ma Ying–Jiu, the current president of Taiwan, made a campaign promise to establish a cross-strait dictionary in order to facilitate cultural exchanges between the people on the two sides of the Taiwan Strai



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