
 2023-01-10 04:01


原文作者:Katarzyna Musial·Przemyslaw Kazienko

摘要:互联网的快速发展和扩张以及衍生出来的类似服务共同组成Web 2.0的概念,而这一概念引发了大众创建新领域的研究兴趣,即:网络中的社交网络,也可以称作虚拟或线上的社区集合体。社交网络可以被像Myspace,LinkedIn这样的网站维护或呈现,也可以从用户的互动数据、活动或成果,例如:邮件、聊天记录、博客以及对原网页的超链接或在多媒体共享系统中被评论的照片里等等,间接提取。社交网络是人类的集合或者注册的用户,注册的用户是指那些可以代表他们自身的,由他们的活动,日常的交流或在网络上积累的相关的直接联系。数字命名的互联网身份和他们的关系特征可以由很多种方式归纳。这种多样化的领域可以在基于互联网的社交网络概念上建造出一个综合、相互联系的视野。本文的调查就提供了一个对于存在于互联网中的社交网络深层次分析和定义。除此之外,同上述内容一道,对所选择的不同虚拟集群样本做研究。




第一个提出现代社会互动交往网络范式的是Stanley Milgram。他主要研究“小世界问题”,这个问题可以由间接联系的手段来描述。举个例子:就算是x和y两个人不认识彼此,他们却共享一种由第三人带来的关系——第三人同时认识他们俩。“小世界问题”的理论模式的创造者是Pool和Kochen,他们的研究成果基本沿袭了Milgram几乎完全为图形的研究。Stanley执行了两个实验,基于堪萨斯州和尼布拉斯卡的偏远城市研究。在实验中,他要求来自于一个城市的人转发一封信件给另一个遥远城市指定的人。这个实验必须只能通过将信件转交给他们都知道的人手中,并且能够达到直呼其名的程度。之后,他分析了信件的寄出路径并得出结论:美国人之间形成了一个社交网络,而且他们将这种联系方式成为“六度空间理论”。它的意思是在网络世界中,一个信息将会被传递平均五次到目的地。Kochen认为这一观察值是相对的,因为会有此类情况出现——起始的信息传递者的选择标准发生变化。霍华德认为“六度空间理论”在互联网之外适用,如果在网上,少于三度空间就可以顺利传递信息。







  1. 社会网络关系联系




当用户的意识涉及到被考虑的关系中时,之后的三种联系才能被识别。第一种类型发生,当所有互联网身份参与到对于事实的关系意识中,即:两个用户与临时客服沟通或者交换邮件。第二种情况会在仅有一方用户关系有意识的时候发生。这种情况的例子可以是:单个用户x和另一个用户y的邮件地址加到x 的私人联系名单中或联系第三种类型,还可以将y的主页链接到x 的网络页面。Y用户经常对用户x 的活动没有意识。但在第三种类型里,我们所拥有的关系是一种参与者都对存在的联系不太敏感的关系,即:当这种关系由一种建立在简介配对的系统创造。这种系统还被称作人口结构的过滤。




Social networks on the Internet

Katarzyna Musial·Przemyslaw Kazienko

Abstract The rapid development and expansion of the internet and the social-based services comprised by the common Web 2.0 idea provokes the creation of the new area of research interests,i.e. Social networks on the internet called also virtual or online communities.Social networks can be either maintained and presented by social networking sites like MySpace,LinkedIn or indirectly extracted from the data about user interaction,activities or achievements such as emails,chats,blogs,homepages connected by hyperlinks,commented photos in multimedia sharing system,etc.A social network is the set of human beings or rather their digital representations that refer to the registered users who are linked by relationships extracted from the data about their activities,common communication or direct links gathered in the internet-based systems.Both digital representations named in the paper internet identities as well as their relationships can be characterized in many different ways.Such diversity yields for building a comprehensive and coherent view onto the concept of internet-based social networks.This survey provides in-depth analysis and classification of social networks existing on the Internet together with studies on selected examples of different virtual communities.


online social network;internet identity;virtual identity;internet relationship


The concept of social network, first coined in 1954 by J.A. Barnes , has been in a field of study of modern sociology, anthropology, geography,social psychology, organizational sthdies and computer science for last few decades.

The person who created the modern social network paradigm was Stanley Milgram. He studied the small-world problem that can be described by means of indirect relationships. Even if two persons x and y do not kown each other directly, they can share a mutual relationship that is another person who kowns them both. The theoretical model of this small-world problem was created by Pool and Kochen and served as the basic for Milgramrsquo;s research that was purely pictorial. Stanley Milgram conducted two experiments-Kansas Study and Nebraska Sthdy-in which he asked many people from one city to forward a letter to a chosen person in another remote city. It should have been done only by giving this letter to a person that these people knew on a first-name basis. Afterward, he analyzed forwarding paths of the letters and concluded that people in the USA form a social network and they are connected to this network with”six degrees of separation”. It means that a message in such a network would be delivered by average five intermediaries. Kochen confirmed that this value is relatively even if the starter selection criteria are changed. Howard claims that six degrees of separations may be true offline while less than three degrees is more likely online.

Since 1967 social networks have become one of the research areas where scientists from different fields are looking for inspiration. Thus, social networks and especially social network analysis (SNA) supported by computer science provide the opportunity to expand other branches of knowledge. The concept of social network and social network analysis have been developed for

many domains such as corporate partnership networks (law partnership), scientist or other professions collaboration networks, family networks, friendship network of students, company director networks, sexual contact networks, customer networks, labour market, public health, psychology, etc. Recently, it becomes a part of the new discipline of science called computational social science. With the expansion of the Internet and the increasing popularity of social and collaborative computing, recently commonly called social computing social networks have emerged as a significant and promising field of study within computer science. Social computing involves such activities as collecting, extracting, accessing, processing, computing, and visualizing of all kind of social information. This survey has been created in order to define and classify social networks on the Internet, which have always existed in this worldwide communication medium. Nowadays, social networks can easily be extracted, often even from publicly available data. Based on this data, we can discover new knowledge about humans using

internet services and the communities they are active in. Additionally, the profiles of social networks in the virtual world differ from the profiles of social networks existing in the real world and because of that they yield for more precise investigation including survey studies. In this article, authors focus on describing and defining social networks that can be extracted from data available on the Internet as well as their different components: nodes and connections between them. Section 2 briefly introduces the concept of social networks that exist in the real world whereas in Section 3, a systematic approach was proposed to distinguish different types of social networks on the Internet starting from the simplest one homogenous social network, then moving to system-based social network and ending with the most complex one internet multisystem social network. In the third Section, also the related work connected with social networks on the Internet is presented. After that, the concepts of node called internet identity and connection called internet relationship are presented in Section 4 and 5, respectively. The aim of Section 6 is to present possible classification of social networks on the Internet. The different examples of these networks

are described in the following Section 7. The last sections of the survey are devoted to summarise the discussions and conclude the work.



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