
 2023-01-09 04:01


























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Analysis for why the emphasis of Chinas higher education

research is theoretical speculative

Fan Wei-Wei / Procedia一Social and Behavioral Sciences 106 (2013) 439一444

Abstract:Chinas higher education research showed the characteristics of great importance to theoretical speculation. The reasons for this phenomenon are three aspects-traditional culture, social culture, researchers own: The impact of traditional culture expresses as the cultural tendencies of contempt for rational inquiry and empirical spirit, and a tendency of fuzzy thinking; Social structures effects perform the tendencies of 'convergence' of the same class and the influence of official position of different classes; The impact of the researcher s own expresses as the intervention for the higher education research orientation by survival inner anxiety generated by the pressure to survive and the further developed pride.

Keywords : Higher education research; Theoretical speculation; Traditional culture; The pressure to survive

China is recognized as a great power of higher education research. Compared with the western research , the study of higher education arose in China with a unique subject form. Since 1978, from small to large, Chinas higher education researches create fruitful works. Every year tens of thousands of research papers are produced in recent years, professional researchers reach into the thousands, research institutions blossom everywhere on the land in China(Hu Jian一hua, 2003). It appears from the analysis of the history of our higher education that Chinas higher education research showed mainly the main theoretical speculation characteristics(Ding Xue-Fangamp;Zhou Yan, 2009). Theoretic reasoning is logically suitable for some great master who is in the field of research for many years with rich experience in person. They can write their own unique thoughts with many years of research experience. Why has the study of


Analysis for why the emphasis of Chinas higher education

research is theoretical speculative

Fan Wei-Wei / Procedia一Social and Behavioral Sciences 106 (2013) 439一444

Abstract:Chinas higher education research showed the characteristics of great importance to theoretical speculation. The reasons for this phenomenon are three aspects-traditional culture, social culture, researchers own: The impact of traditional culture expresses as the cultural tendencies of contempt for rational inquiry and empirical spirit, and a tendency of fuzzy thinking; Social structures effects perform the tendencies of 'convergence' of the same class and the influence of official position of different classes; The impact of the researcher s own expresses as the intervention for the higher education research orientation by survival inner anxiety generated by the pressure to survive and the further developed pride.

Keywords :Higher education research; Theoretical speculation; Traditional culture; The pressure to survive

China is recognized as a great power of higher education research. Compared with the western research , the study of higher education arose in China with a unique subject form. Since 1978, from small to large, Chinas higher education researches create fruitful works. Every year tens of thousands of research papers are produced in recent years, professional researchers reach into the thousands, research institutions blossom everywhere on the land in China(Hu Jian一hua, 2003). It appears from the analysis of the history of our higher education that Chinas higher education research showed mainly the main theoretical speculation characteristics(Ding Xue-Fangamp;Zhou Yan, 2009). Theoretic reasoning is logically suitable for some great master who is in the field of research for many years with rich experience in person. They can write their own unique thoughts with many years of research experience. Why has the study of higher education in China shown widespread speculative tendency? For the analysis of the reasons, we can carry out from three aspects-the vertical time, the lateral environment, the inner self. Specifically, it appears as the influence of Chinese traditional culture, the characteristics of Chinese social structure and the researcher themselves.

1. Longitudinal analysis of time-the influence of Chinese traditional culture

Although the feudal traditional culture has been greatly weakened its influence in the impact of

modern Chinas social revolution, reform and the ideological trend of western culture, the accumulation of thousands of years has deepening in Chinese peoples mind, in academic research also shows its traces, the main impact lies in culture tendency and mode of thinking.

1.1. Influence of cultural tendency

The Chinese traditional culture with Confucian culture as the representative has a contempt for rational inquiry tendency and positivism. The Mohist in old Chinas Spring and Autumn period has attention to experimental and logical manner, and holds some scientific and technological achievements, but is defeated in the contest with Confucian. This is one of the reasons that caused the backwardness of the modern science and technology in China. Even in the higher education research area for which China has originality, the Confucian culture has also affected the development of positivism. Chinas traditional culture pays most attention to maintain social stability and personal accomplishment raise, but despises the quest for the truth of nature and precise logic. And the characteristics that higher education itself have the uncertainty and complexity make the cultural tendency more easily recognized. Another point is the tendency of justice hold by Chinese traditional Confucianisms who show disdain for the utility and efficiency, which is inconsistent with the scientific demonstration with pursuit for efficiency and innovation. This makes the Chinas study of higher education show a trend of humanity research rather than scientific research.

1.2. The influence of the way of thinking.

Chinese traditional culture showed a way of thinking that pays attention to the global rather than the local, focuses on the fuzzy rather than the precise. Most of outstanding researchers in this

countrys history tend to present exquisite views on social life and the universe at the station in the

commanding heights of the thinking rather than to carry on the empirical explore for a microscopic world. In the Chinese traditional culture, we can find such characteristics: The ancients actively promote comprehensive thought but take a certain escape attitude for careful analysis. This way of thinking helps to grasp the research object as a whole but easily lead to a superficial understanding. Especially when higher education research relates to education, economic, political and other factors, to grasp the convex overall shows that we are good at comprehensive strengths, which is helpful to the study of macroeconomic theory but in the concrete has not close contact with reality. Another point, with the fuzzy thinking mode in Chinese traditional culture, polysemy, ambiguity, puns and other characteristics can be found in Chinese words, which is a sharp contrast to the accuracy of western language. This also makes the research of our higher education easy to lose accuracy and be less empirical.

2. Analysis of lateral environment-The impact of Chinas social structure

The study of higher education in a country must be affected by the government, constitution and characteristics of social structure. Although China is a socialist country, but the traces left by feudal rules of thousands of years still reflect in the layout of social structure and the idea of Chinese people by an implicit way. Chinas current society inherits the traditional way of composition in a certain extent, with a perfo



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