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Teaching Statistics Using Small-Group Cooperative Learning

Joan Garfield
University of Minnesota
Journal of Statistics Education v.1, n.1 (1993)

Key Words: Active learning; Small groups.


Current recommendations for reforming statistics education include the use of cooperative learning activities as a form of active learning to supplement or replace traditional lectures. This paper describes the use of cooperative learning activities in teaching and learning statistics. Different ways of using cooperative learning activities are described along with reasons for implementing this type of instructional method. Characteristics of good activities and guidelines for the use of groups and evaluation of group products are suggested.

1. Why Use Cooperative Groups?

Several recent reports urging reform of mathematics and science education in general and statistics education in particular, have described the need for specific changes in teaching. Instead of traditional lectures where teachers 'tell' students information that they are to 'remember,' teachers are encouraged to introduce active-learning activities where students are able to construct knowledge. One way for teachers to incorporate active learning in their classes is to structure opportunities for students to learn together in small groups.

The suggestions made in these reports are supported by a growing set of research studies documenting the effectiveness of cooperative learning activities in classrooms. A majority of the published research studies examine cooperative learning activities in elementary and secondary schools, and a subgroup of these studies focus on mathematics classes. The implication of these studies is that the use of small group learning activities leads to better group productivity, improved attitudes, and sometimes, increased achievement.

Only a few studies so far have examined the use of cooperative learning activities in college statistics courses. They found that the use of small groups appeared to help students overcome some misconceptions about probability and enhance student learning of statistics concepts. Dietz(1993) found that a cooperative learning activity on methods of selecting a sample allowed students to 'invent' for themselves standard sampling methods, which resulted in better understanding of these methods. Jones (1991) introduced cooperative learning activities in several sections of a statistics course and observed dramatic increases in attendance, class participation, office visits, and student attitudes.

Another argument for using cooperative groups relates to the constructivist theory of learning, on which much of the current reform in mathematics and science education is based. This theory describes learning as actively constructing ones own knowledge. Constructivists view students as bringing to the classroom their own ideas, experiences, and beliefs, that affect how they understand and learn new material. Rather than 'receiving' material in class as it is 'delivered,' students restructure the new information to fit into their own cognitive frameworks. In this manner, they actively and individually construct their own knowledge, rather than copying knowledge 'transmitted' or 'conveyed' to them. A related theory of teaching focuses on developing students understanding, rather than on rote skill development.

Small-group learning activities may be designed to encourage students to construct knowledge as they learn new material, transforming the classroom into a community of learners, actively working together to understand statistics. The role of the teacher changes accordingly from that of 'source of information' to 'facilitator of learning.' Part of this role is to be an ongoing assessor of student learning.

As part of the current reform of assessment of student performance, instructors are being encouraged to collect a variety of assessment information from sources other than individual student tests. Cooperative group activities may be structured to provide some rich information for teachers to use in assessing the nature of student learning. While walking around the class and observing students as they work in groups, the instructor is able to hear students express their understanding of what they have learned, which provides instructors with an ongoing, informal assessment of how well students are learning and understanding statistical ideas. Written reports on group activities may be used to assess students ability to solve a particular problem, apply a skill, demonstrate understanding of an important concept, or use higher-level reasoning skills.

A final argument for including cooperative group-learning activities in a statistics class is that businesses are increasingly looking for employees who are able to work collaboratively on projects and to solve problems as a team. Therefore, it is important to give students practice in developing these skills by working cooperatively on a variety of activities. This type of experience will not only build collaborative problem-solving skills, but will also help students learn to respect other viewpoints, other approaches to solving a problem, and other learning styles.

2. Types of Cooperative Groups

There is not only one correct way in which to use groups, although there are guidelines for the effective use of groups in different types of course settings. The instructor may allow students to self-select groups or groups may be formed by the instructor to be either homogeneous or heterogeneous on particular characteristics (e.g., grouping together all students who received As on the last



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