
 2023-01-12 12:01




















Problems in the Ideological and Political Educationin Contemporary Colleges and Their Countermeasures

Luquan Zhang

Abstract: Ideological and political education is the battle position of moral education of colleges and universities and an important way to enhance the thought quality of students. The investigation shows that there is a certain gap between actual results of the course and our expectations. So the reform must be carried on from the aspects of direction, effectiveness, and subjectivity, etc.

Keywords: Ideological and political education, problems, countermeasures.

1 Introduction

Stick with the combination of teaching and educating people; stick with the combination of education and self-education; stick with the combination of political

theory education and social practices; stick with the combination of solving ideological problems and solving practical problems; stick with the combination of education and management; stick with the combination of inheriting and improvement amp; innovation. The “six combinations” principle is the integrity practical conception system of enhancing and improving the ideological and political education of college studentsrsquo;.The contemporary students should hold and implement the “six combination principles”, they should widen their eyes, advance with the times and seek truth.

2 The Contemporary Situation of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges

Although the teaching reform has achieved some results in recent years, in the results

of the questionnaire survey on “the impression or influence of teaching on my practical thought”, 46.7% freshmen and 31.6% senior students agree definitely, indicating that some problems still exist.

First, there is a big gap between teaching content and ideological practice of

studentsrsquo;. The survey shows, 87.6% freshmen and 75.4% sophomores, junior students

and senior students approve that it is essential to go on ideological and political

education in colleges, besides, 73.2% freshmen and 61.4% other students believe that it relates to their ideological practice tightly. However, almost all the students suggest

making the course tie to the real life. The contradictory indicates that the students

realize the importance of ideological and political education, but not to agree with the

teachersrsquo; practical instruction. Only 46.4% freshmen and 31.6% other students think

the instructions have an effect on their ideological practice. That strongly proves that

students are still eager to the instructions to morals and ethics after entering the college,which has a difference with given instructions. Many teachers pay more attention to theory, ignoring the importance of the combination of theory and studentsrsquo; real life. Thus, the students canrsquo;t relate the content to real life and the teaching effect is discounted.

Second, colleges and universities pay inadequate attention to the ideological and

political education and the ideological and political work team staffs are not enough. At present, not few colleges and universities pay inadequate attention to the ideological and political education. Due to the ignorance of ideological political workers, the counselors and communist youth league cadres have not high statures, low pays, difficulty in professional evaluation, housing and other problems. Besides, not few increase the pays of ordinary teachers, which makes teachersrsquo; pay are more than political work cadresrsquo;. As its results, some teachers who work for ideological and political education turn to major education, which leads to insecure political work

cadres and instable team. Due to the serious effect, we must highly value this


Third, practice is lack. The basic principle of education is the principle of unity of knowing-doing, with reference to ideological and political education, which refers to the combination of theory education and practice, united knowing with doing to make ideological and moral conceptions internalized as ideological morality. Knowing is the premise of doing, knowing is a process of conscious awareness. Practice is the essential way, which includes two connections: one is advocated by moral education that values should become studentsrsquo; belief, pursuit and moral desire, to form behaviormotivation of morality; the other is moralrsquo;s “practical spirit”, which requires that the moral onception finally acts on onersquo;s activities, through the experiences of moral emotions,forming and consolidating moral ideas during practices to become conscious moral obligation, thus finishing “unity of knowing-doing”. But since many years, no matter the theoretical instructions or major learning, teachers do a lot of work in the aspect of “knowing”, however, the truly internalized sector of moral ideas is not much. The final reason is to lack of the moral practice. All in all, the phenomenon that knowing breaks with doing generally exists in the ideological and political education work, featuring as“non-knowing-non-doing”, “knowing-non-doing” and “knowing but wrong doing”.The plight highly dilutes the effectiveness of ideological and political education in colleges[2].

Fourth, the methods of education lack of flexibility. Ideological and political

education is used to rigid indoctrination all the times, forming education model with the style of executive order, lack of effective counseling education, inspired education,instruction and practice education, ignoring the main need of students and spiritual communication, to look on improvement of ideological and political qualities and cultivation of moral quality as acceptation and understanding of science and

technology. The conceptions of people oriented, respect for the studentsrsquo; characters and statures, understanding students, respecting students, loving students and focus



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