从公众到个人:“美国化”的受众 ——多元化的喜好和公民外文翻译资料

 2023-01-12 12:01




关键词:多元化 影视作品 公众



  1. 电影和电视转播的剧目,以及观众的口味应以美学为首要任务,因为在这样一个时代,我们已经看到政治运动英雄的灭亡,这是发人深省的。政治常把行动溢价:政党的反实用主义或“ 战斗精神 ”,日常英雄主义的高涨和“可待证明实践”的社会运动,政治游击的极端服从。许多武装团体的失败,激进干部政党的衰落,政治行动在媒体上的转移和社会运动的制度化导致激进的英雄主义转变为谈判解决,以及其他形式的斗争。


最近几年,费尔南多·科洛尔,梅内姆和藤森成为了促成这种变化的领导者。他们的宣传活动,在选举前构建了运动员的自己的公众形象。梅内姆曾试图通过在一天内踢足球和网球,驾驶飞机,驾驶赛车,并与车模共同出行以显示自己的无所不能。雷纳托·珍妮·里贝罗说,科洛尔青年形象传播的效率和能量,使得他可以征服巴西的通胀和不发达民意问题。这不是政治行动本身(甚至更少有理有据的说法)在解决社会问题,而是暴力。大众媒体的政治英雄基地比他的智慧和能力更有力。这些政治行动都可以理解为语义的转移 - 或与媒体融合的所有实例动作 - 这莫过于乔治·布什在白宫欢迎巴西总统,绰号“夺宝科洛尔”。里贝罗回忆起布什对印第安纳·琼斯电影的奇怪解释:



梅内姆和藤森政府抓住的多数舆论是建立在他们对自己因强大经济基础而看上去拥有无所不能的能力而沾沾自喜的基础上的。如果我们考虑到生产停滞,增加失业和贫困,人们由于他们的权力,改变了他们的国家,并产生幸福感,而不得不压倒性地支持他们,那些票数就会因为恶性通货膨胀和经济不稳定时期产生的恐慌将会减弱。与此相关的,最近,在阿根廷,秘鲁,墨西哥和其他国家解释反对党选举的失败原因就是社会国家的变化。如果经济不稳定,如果通胀收益的体现,人民不可以继续享受某些商品,这些解释都有关消费的后顾之忧。这一事实表明在某种程度上这是媒体塑造公民的意见。因此,媒体应该在产生共识发挥重要的作用这一事实并不令人惊讶,或者说政客用它来展示他们的权力轻狂行动时采取积极态度的意义。其中多数政治家对他们的利益行事达成的共识的解释参照媒体,它的型号是疏远了娱乐在北美文化产业中意识提高信息优势的回避效果。我更喜欢另一种假设:通信(而不是机械的决心) ,在一方面,叙事结构,壮观动作的崛起,出现在电影和电视上记忆的魅力,另一方面,坊间传闻,议论可视政治话语,以及一个媒体构建的政治英雄,使领导者不是通过他们在历史的结构性变化,而是以干预的壮举来展示自己的力量。同样地,我们可以通过相关的公共文化消费场所的座位率下降(电影院,剧院)和家庭电子娱乐与公众下降的形式来行使公民权。




一些墨西哥影片的巨大成功,比如处理着年轻人们感兴趣的题材的solo con tu pareja,又或者是那些联系到民族历史到生日性行为的电影,如Water for Chocolate, Rojo amanecer和其它的类似电影,都意味着已经超越了对其有商业固化印象的墨西哥电影可以赢得新的观众。我们的研究证实,高质素的电影的吸引力比较宽泛,尽管有选择性的,公众倾向于涉及到苛刻的电影和能够建立一段复杂的关系,而非仅仅是种纯粹的娱乐。一个典型的例子就是在墨西哥城举办的能引发公众共鸣的国际电影节。

然而,在市场的调整中最突出的特点是公众的分割。在一方面,我们拥有一位知晓电影历史的精英出席年度盛典Cineteca ,电影俱乐部的电视电影放映很少插播广告(通道11和22 );另一方面,有数量居多的观众甚至不知道有选择比特莱维萨和视频等俱乐部。


视频俱乐部的制度在剧目方面似乎注定是最单调的一环。这是由于其快速的经济成就作为一个传播者几乎全部美国制造娱乐。在墨西哥,在其他国家,这种单边的审美主义是企业的实际标准,比对利益的认真关注和观众的喜好存在更多的结果。在某种程度上,在视频发烧友质量的内部分歧中的“疏忽”,对应消费的非人性化形式: 电视迷比电影观众不太注重礼仪,并没有做出选择之前,什么看到的。绝大多数视频观众宣布我们的调查,他们去俱乐部却不知道他们将会租赁。









From the Public to the Private: The “Americanization” of Spectators

——Diversification of Tastes and Citizenship

Let me review two of the conclusions pertinent to the analysis of cultural policy that ensue from our research on viewersrsquo; aesthetics: on the one hand, the preponderance of spectacular action over other dramatic and narrative modalities; on the other, the possibility that national cinemas can subsist in the midst of the transnational and multimedia reorganization of audiovisual production and markets.

  1. It is thought-provoking that cinematographic and televisual repertoires, as well as audience tastes, should give precedence to an aesthetics of action in an age that has seen the demise of the heroic phase of political movements. Politics has often put a premium on action: the antitheoretical pragmatism or “militance” of political parties, the exaltation of everyday heroism and of “what-can-be-demonstrated-in-concrete-practice” in social movements, and, of course, the extreme subordination of politics in guerrilla hyperactivism. The failure of many armed groups, the decline of militant cadre in political parties, the displacement of political action by acting in the media, and the institutionalization of social movements all led to a shift from radical heroism to negotiation and other mediated forms of resolving power struggles.

Of all these changes, the transference of political staging to the electronic media is the process that best preserves in a depoliticized mode what there is of action in politics. After all, we are speaking of theatrical action. Letrsquo;s not forget that politics, from solemn parliamentary speeches to everyday rituals in which hierarchies are acknowledged, has always had a theatrical side. But televisual spectacularization accentuates it, and thus modifies political action.

Fernando Collor, Carlos Menem, and Alberto Fujimori are some of the leaders who in recent years have cultivated this change. Their publicity campaigns, both preelectorally and while in power, cast them in the role of sports figures and thus constructed their public images. Menem has sought to display his omnipotence by playing soccer and tennis, piloting airplanes, driving race cars, and going out with exuberant models all in the same day. Renato Janine Ribeiro has said that Collorrsquo;s image crafters transmitted “ an impression of efficiency, energy and youth, suggesting to public opinion that through his physical energy and will the president could conquer the problems of Brazil, from inflation to underdevelopment.” It is not political action itself ( an even less reasoned argument) that is offered to resolve social problems, but rather, brute force. The mass-media political hero bases himself more on brute force than on his intelligence or ability. Of all the examples of this semantic shift in what can be understood as political action- or its convergence with media action- there is none better than George Bushrsquo;s welcoming of Brazilrsquo;s president at the White House with the sobriquet ”Indiana Collor”.Ribeiro recalls Bushrsquo;s curious interpretation of the Indiana Jones films:

Spielbergrsquo;s character is, above all, an archaeologist, an intellectual. The filmmakerrsquo;s strategy to make him likable, even if he is in the service of knowledge( a cause that generally makes characters hateful to mass audiences), was to have him carry out his quest with the utmost energy, giving him a kind of second existence. Neither Bush nor Collor, however, showed any interest in research, or in Indianarsquo;s knowledge- producing dimension. Moreover, the “heroic” phase of Collorrsquo;s presidency was marked by a strong and explicit aversion to the academic, scientific, and cultural sphere. In sum: Indiana Jones is, in Bushrsquo;s universe of references, a hero of force rather than knowledge.

The denouement of the transubstantiation of political action into communicational action is not always so felicitous as in the impeachment of Collor in Brazil. Ribeiro concludes his analysis by arguing that the destruction of the public sphere provoked by these heroic presidents can boomerang on them when citizens and media ally to restore the dignity of the public. However, Latin Americarsquo;s recent history suggests that there are numerous situations in which societies accept the transubstantiation and prefer a political scene in which political heroes resemble those of film and television.

The majority consensus held on to by the governments of Menem and Fujimori seems to be based on the complacency with their omnipotent exhibitionism and their capacity to confirm it through financial stability. If we take into consideration the signs of productive stagnation, the increase in unemployment and poverty, one cannot but think that the overwhelming vote for these figures is not due to their power to transform their countries and generate well-being, but to that more modest power that consists of overcoming the panic produced in periods of hyperinflation and instability. Correlatively, the recent electoral failures of opposition parties are interpreted in Argentina, Peru, Mexico, and other countries as an expression of fear of what might be lost if there are changes, if the economy is destabilized, if inflation returns, and it is not possible to continue enjoying certain commodities. The fact that these interpretations are linked to worries about consumption shows the degree to which it is operative in shaping citizen opinions. Consequently, it is not so surprising that the media should play an important role in generating consensus or that the frivolous actions that politicians use to demonstrate their power should take on a positive meaning.

The consensus achieved among majorities by politicians who act against their interests has been explained by reference to the evasive effects of the media, whose model is the preponderance of alienating en



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