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Computers amp; Education 63 (2013) 28–42

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Computers amp; Education

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/compedu

Effectiveness of applying 2D static depictions and 3D animations to orthographic

views learning in graphical course


Chih-Fu Wu , Ming-Chin Chiang


a Department and Graduate School of Industrial Design, Tatung University, Taipei 104, Taiwan

b Graduate School of Design Science, Tatung University, Taipei 104, Taiwan

c Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology, Taipei 235, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o

a b s t r a c t

Article history:

This study provides experiment results as an educational reference for instructors to help student obtain

a better way to learn orthographic views in graphical course. A visual experiment was held to explore the

comprehensive differences between 2D static and 3D animation object features; the goal was to reduce

the possible misunderstanding factors in the learning process. This empirical study provided one

hundred and twenty Taiwanese freshmen four types of visualization, which includes two 2D static

depictions (2DT, 2DR), and two 3D animations (3DT, 3DR), to meet five surface styles on orthographic

views. The responses to views ability test and interviews illustrated that applying 3D animations shows

better performance in understanding the appearances and features of objects constructed by oblique and

double-curved surfaces. The application of 3D animations results also demonstrates a better visual

comprehension for students, especially when objects are constructed by the complicated features.

Oacute; 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Received 27 August 2012

Received in revised form

20 November 2012

Accepted 25 November 2012


Media in education


Teaching/learning strategies

1. Introduction

Along with progressive development of technology and science, computer-aided drafting (CAD) has already been a strong power to build

2D and 3D engineering graphics. It not only can quickly draw up an accurate 2D graphics, but also vividly create any 3D objects. 3D CAD can

also create a series of dynamic images which can be animated to simulate the process of object moving or rotating from one position to

another. The various effects within CAD can promote studentsrsquo; visualization skill and deepen their understanding toward object

constructions, features, and performances (Unver, 2006). Jensen and Helsel (1979) regard a drawing as a graphic representation of a real

thing, which becomes a language when thoughts and ideas are delivered through the images.

Engineering graphics is very important, because it offers more than just teaching the technical language, it also helps develop studentsrsquo;

visual ability and three dimensional problem solving skills (Simoneau, Fortin, amp; Ferguson, 1987). As for all industrial technology and

engineering programs curriculum, engineering graphics and design topics are both considered to be part of the common core (Miller, 1996).

Spatial visualization is an established component of these topics and it is fundamental for succeeding in the field of graphics and engi-

neering (Sorby amp; Baartmans, 1996). Grinter Report (Grinter, 1955) indicated that engineering graphics education is both a type of

communication and method for analysis and synthesis. The importance of spatial visualization should be greatly emphasized. Therefore,

most curriculum related to engineering field always included engineering graphics courses to develop and improve studentsrsquo; spatial ability.

In the Taiwanese education system, engineering graphics always played a significant role in the system, including universities, colleges, and

related vocational high schools. Most engineering students have to at least complete a one semester of graphic courses, but if the studentrsquo;s

major are in relation to the fields of mechanism or design, the accomplishment of 2–3 semesters of graphic courses is required.

Due to the rapid growth of computer hardware and software technologies, computer-aided drawing, such as 2D and 3D packages, is

highly used by students and educational institutes to assist graphical learning and teaching. It is an important issue to provide computer

devices with appropriate pedagogy to facilitate the studentsrsquo; graphical learning. But even so, how to effectively utilize the adequate tools,

like 2D static or 3D animation, to teach or learn is the pressing matter of the moment.

* Corresponding author. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology, Taipei 235, Taiwan.

E-mail addresses: wcf@ttu.edu.tw (C.-F. Wu), phil@cc.hwh.edu.tw (M.-C. Chiang).

0360-1315/$ – see front matter Oacute; 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


C.-F. Wu, M.-C. Chiang / Computers amp; Education 63 (2013) 28–42


Although instructors and students are often encouraged to use computer devices to promote effective teaching and learning, most

instructors and students still struggle to use traditional methods, such as altering from pictorial drawings drawn by hand to learn the

orthographic views. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to explore the comprehensive differences of object features by comparing the

displays of 2D static and 3D animation. Furthermore, this study aims to synthesize studentsrsquo; learning attitude, performance data, and

computer technological benefits to establish a better learning and teaching model for the graphical course of orthographic views. In spite of

learning from 3D



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