Survey on the Applications of Big Data
in Chinese Real Estate Enterprise
Abstract: This paper focuses on the present applications of big data in Chinese real estate development and marketing from the perspective of real estate enterprises. The problems in this practice for big datarsquo;s application are analyzed by now. Whatrsquo;s more, the possible solutions to solve the above problems are proposed in this paper. It benefits the real estate enterprises to strength their competition with big data technology.
Keywords: Big data,Chinese real estate enterprises,application status
- Introduction
The explosion of data volume fueled by stunning and exciting advances in the computer technology and Internet techniques made the big data the focus of widespread attention. As early as 2000, in the first few weeks of Sloan Digital Sky Survey the data size observed by telescope in New Mexico is bigger than that has been collected in the entire history of astronomy. Big data almost derives its origin from astronomy. In addition to natural science such as astronomy, biomedicine, geoinformatics and other fields easily accompanied by enormous data volume, big data is widely known in social life. Especially in recent years, the appearance of cloud computing and the IOT speed up the arrival of “the era of big data”. It says that Google and Baidu have to deal with dozens of petabytes every day; there is a video length of over one hour released on the YouTube per second; there are more than one billion Facebook accounts uploading almost ten million photos every day with “like” and comment up to billions; Taobao generates about 20TB data every day with over 35 billion transactions on November 11th. This size of data is far away from the perception we had in pre- information-era society. In addition, there are more and more personal information controlled by banking and financial industry or some telecommunications industry; industrial data collected by pervasive sensors also rises sharply. As the CBC Capital chairman Tian Suning puts it, “Now, an age of mass production, sharing and application in big data is approaching.”
There is no doubt that data resources are crucial in the age of big data. A number of enterprises have gained excellent decision making capabilities and immeasurable economic benefits through valuable information produced by data mining.In order to keep Chinese economic development in a sustainable, sound and rapid manner, it is very important for real estate enterprises to take full advantage of big data because of the status of real estate industry as a pillar industry of the national economy. Especially when property prices continue upward or property bubble inflation involves the national economy and peoplersquo;s livelihood, those real estate enterprises should make effective use of big data to tap the potentials.Solving the problems in applications on Big data, improving the abilities of investment and marketing, the estate will be able to keep playing a fundamental guiding role in national economy.
- Literature
To understand thoroughly the big data phenomenon is late in last several years relative to the recognition of usual data. So is the related academic research. Actually, it received high attention from academic and industrial sector at once presented, followed by the big data boom both in theory research and practical application. Chinese property enterprises seize opportunities in time making successful practices, though the systematic research about the applications in big data in academia is not sufficient so far.
It is McKinsey that first puts forward the concept of big data. Big data has become an important factor of production permeating into different industries and functional areas for now. The mining and applications of large data means a new wave of productivity growth and consumer surplus. Viktor Mayer-Schouml;nberger stared the research on big data. He is also known as the prophet of the era of big data. He made a point that prediction is the core of big data. The transformation from samples to the overall data, the change from the pursuit of exactness to acceptance uncertainty and the correlativity instead of causality are indispensable to prepare for the age of big data. He also studied how to make a choice from complicated data volume and then how to build the positive healthy future. The Nature made big data special issue as early as 2008,describing the potential value of big data and the challenge from data handling techniques in Internet technologies, biomedical and environmental sciences, cloud technologies and other fields. Likewise, the Science, one of the top international academic journals, published a special issue to convey the ideas of the time of big data. In 2012, the European academy of informatics and mathematics studied big data systematically including the management of big data, the direction and results of academic research. In the area of applications of big data in realty, Lohr S. holds the view that the property sales forecasts for the next quarter depended on big data is much more precise than that made by economists. Brown B and Chui M et al. believe that the reaching of big data provides potential for both realty enterprises and realty buyers with direct data sharing, bypassing the estate agents. And this can be a shock to the sense of data property right.
The MIIT stressed four innovative projects on key techniques including information processing technology in the 'twelfth five-year' plan in December 2012, though “big data” was not official definition then. The information processing technology such as mass data storage technique and video image intelligent analysis is closely related to big data. With the time of cloud, big data is not only th
摘要:从房地产企业的视角阐述大数据的应用情况, 分析近年来大数据在我国房地产企业中的应用案例,并结合国外个别经典案例分析大数据在房地产企业开发和营销方面的积极作用。研究表明,大数据有利于房地产企业进行理性开发和多元化、创新性投资;有利于房地产企业实现精确营销,扩展业务范围或通过与第三方平台合作的方式拓宽营销渠道。通过对我国房地产企业大数据应用情况的分析,提出在当前应用实践中存在的问题,包括来自大数据方面的挑战和房地产企业本身的特点所带来的问题;结合已有研究成果提出应对策略,为房地产企业更好地应用大数据提供了理论支持。
在计算机技术和互联网技术的带动下,数据量以惊人的、令人振奋的发展展,爆炸的规模使大数据成为广泛关注的焦点。早在2000年,斯隆在最初的几个星期用数字巡天望远镜所新墨西哥州观察到的数据的大小大于已经囊括了天文学的整个历史。大数据几乎是起源于天文学。除了自然的科学,天文学、生物医药、地理信息等领域容易伴随着巨大的数据量,大数据是众所周知的社会生活。特别是近几年,云计算的外观和IOT加快“大数据的时代”的到来。据说,谷歌和百度每天约需处理几十拍字节的数据;平均每一秒钟就有一段长于1小时的视频发布在YouTube上; Facebook有超过10亿的注册用户,每天上传的照片数量约1000 万张,点赞或评论次数高达几十亿; 淘宝网平均每天产生约20太字节的数据,11月11日有超过35十亿的交易。此外,由银行和金融行业或某些电信业控制越来越多的个人信息;而通过无所不在的传感器收集的工业数据也急剧上升。正如CBC资本董事长Tian Suning所说的那样,“如今,一个大规模生产、分享和应用数据的时代正在开启”。
在大数据时代,数据资源的战略价值毋庸置疑,许多企业通过大数据挖掘出有效信息,提高了决策能力和经济效益。为保持中国又好又快可持续的经济发展,房地产企业利用大数据是非常重要的, 尤其是当房地产价格持续上行或房地产泡沫膨胀危及国民经济和民生时,房地产业的地位作为国民经济的支柱产业,可以有效利用大数据的挖掘潜力,改善投资和营销的能力,这样,房地产行业将能够保证国民经济,使其发挥根本性的指导作用。
麦肯锡公司最先提出大数据概念:“数据已经成为重要的生产因素渗透到当今各个行业和业务职能领域。人们对于海量数据的挖掘和运用,预示着新一波生产率增长和消费者盈余浪潮的到来”。牛津大学著名网络和数据科学家维克托bull; 迈尔-舍恩伯格认为预测是大数据的核心;大数据时代应对纷繁复杂的数据进行取舍,构建积极而安全的未来。国际顶级期刊Nature和Science 分别专刊了大数据,阐述了大数据的潜在价值及处理技术上的困难。我国“十二五”规划中重点强调了信息处理技术等四项与大数据概念密切相关的关键技术创新工程;著名学者李国杰和程学旗曾系统阐述了大数据的研究进展和实践应用中所面临的困难与挑战,探讨了大数据的科学问题和研究意义。2012年,欧洲信息学学院和数学学院研究大数据系统包括大数据的管理、学术研究的方向和结果。美国的Lohr认为,在房地产领域应用大数据预测未来季度的房地产销售比依靠经济学家更精确。布朗B和崔米等人认为,大数据的到来提供了潜在的房地产企业和买家绕过房地产经纪人的直接数据共享。它能震惊数据领域。
目前国内研究中心领域容易获得大量的数据,比如图书馆信息管理系统和数字图书馆。大数据在影响文化和媒体,业务营销环境和会计环境以及micro-miniature信贷管理也是依托于大数据, 甚至是疾病控制和预防,等等。抛开这些成就,在一些特定领域大数据的应用更先进。例如,有相当多的门户网站支持大数据共享和交流,另一方面学术研究大数据资源价值和短缺问题以及研究范围内数据共享时交换次数更少。相较于已经开始实践应用的房地产企业而言,学术研究方面却相对滞后。2012年,陈大川等人做了大数据技术在住房信息系统中的应用研究,2013年,严娟做了基于大数据的房地产企业精确营销研究。然而总体上,对房地产大数据的价值评估和应用研究仍有待进一步深入。
3.1 大数据在房地产开发中的应用分析
3.1.1 理性投资,多元化开发
土地资源对房地产企业尤为重要,大数据的出现为土地市场的准确预测提供了可能。房地产企业要重视大数据背景下的土地市场,敏锐洞察土地资源市场走向。万科集团土地资源数据基本来自第三方, 面对不断攀升的地价,万科集团借助于大数据分析,通过二手市场交易和“三旧”改造土地以及保障性住房用地来应对。
投资也提高了盈利能力。万达和绿地等房地产企业已开始利用大数据先机,大力拓展旅游和酒店项目等多元化投资,发掘出住房市场以外的盈利空间。正如维克托所言,数据的再利用不会使数据的价值量折损,反而数据的价值就体现在潜在的收益中, 大数据可以挖掘出计划外的收益空间。
万科和花样年在应用大数据进行创新性投资方面的经验值得分析。上千万的购房者数据使得花样年具备充分的优势,从居民需求出发,以手机APP的形式将商户与居民联系起来,构建“社区电子商务”平台,在方便快捷的基础上实现精准营销。除了社区电商,花样年控股集团有限公司还构建了金融服务、酒店服务以及文化旅游等八大领域基于移动互联网的大数据业务布局,远远超越了传统意义上的房企业务范围。同样,万科集团日臻完善的大数据处理技术也为之带来了商机。通过对其所掌握的480 万业主数据进行挖掘,将社区商业、社区物流、社区医疗和养老等与业主的大数据信息相结合,万科集团提出构建“城市配套服务商”的理念,应用大数据避免了危机。
国外房地产企业运用自身数据优势进行业务创新的案例同样屡见不鲜。常被用来作为美国大学教学案例的Windermere 房地产就是其中的经典之一。该公司通过分析近1亿名驾驶员行车GPS导航信息,为潜在购房者在不同时间段上下班行车线路和时间进行了缜密的规划,切实满足顾客需求, 提升服务质量。
表1 呈现了相关企业利用大数据技术辅助房地产投资与开发决策情况。
相关企业 |
数据来源 |
数据应用 |
实践成果 |
Google 搜索 |
搜索关键词 |
特定搜索频率关键词与指标数据比 |
有效关键词代入特定数学模型、指数 |
较,处理数学模型得到有效关键词 |
预测、提供理性开发依据 |
万科 |
移动互联网客 |
电信运营商等第三方提供大数据,统 |
掌握土地资源市场情况,合理应对地 |
户信息 |
计分析和模型处理,估算地价 |
价上涨 |
万达、绿地 |
历史开发信息 |
历史数据匹配商业用地需求信息 |
旅游、酒店等多元化投资 |
花样年 |
住户消费需求 |
手机 APP 连接客户与商户 |
社区电子商务、金融和酒店服务 |
万科 |
业主资料 |
消费配套、产业配套与 480 万业主数 |
构建“城市配套服务商” |
据资源衔接 |
世茂 |
业主健康状况 |
与东软熙康合作,以动态跟踪设备搜 |
推出“健康云”业务向业主提供健康 |
集数据,干预和管理个人健康 |
监督和咨询服务 |
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