Aidinopoulou, Vasiliki; Sampson, Demetrios G.
Abstract: The benefits of the flipped classroom (FC) model in studentsrsquo; learning are claimed in many recent studies.These benefits are typically accounted to the pedagogically efficient use of classroom time for engaging students in active learning. Although there are several relevant studies for the deployment of the FC model in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects, and at Higher Education and/or High School, there are very few works studying FC in social studies and at primary school level. This paper presents an action research focused on the implementation of the FC model in teaching social studies in primary school. The main scope of this action research, conducted over an entire school year with two different History classes (one representing the experimental group that followed the FC model and the other representing the control group following the traditional lecture based approach) was to compare the use of classroom time for student-centered learning activities and the resulted learning outcomes related to both traditional learning goals of a history course (that is, memorization of historical content) and more ambitious ones such as the cultivation of historical thinking skills (HTS). The study revealed that indeed, the classroom based sessions of the experimental group were used for engaging student-centered activities and that this resulted into better learning outcomes in terms of demonstrating critical HTS. Thus, this initial action research provides encouraging evidences for the potential benefits of the FC model in primary school social studies courses.
Keywords:Flipped classroom model;Primary school; History teaching;Historical thinking skills
另一方面,翻转课堂模式在过去的几年中日益突出,作为一项受到技术支持的教学创新,教师传统的授课方式是在课堂时间之外进行非同步视频授课,并利用课堂时间让学生积极参与互动式学习活动,其中包括教师的个性化反馈和脚手架。尽管在高等教育和学科中广泛采用了翻转课堂模式(Bishop&Verleger,2013; Keengwe和Onchwari,2015; Sergis等,2017),在小学,特别是在历史、社会研究课程中,研究其应用情况的研究仍然有限。
另一方面,研究表明数字技术在学校层面的社会研究中与历史批判性思维技能的发展有关(Green et al。,2013)。为此,历史课堂中使用了各种各样的数字技术。例如,数字图书馆允许教师和学生自由查看和下载在课堂上使用是主要和次要来源,使学生有可能检查历史背景的不同观点(Scheuerell,2015)。模拟,论坛,维基,博客,纪录片制作,社交媒体,白板,网络任务和投票技术是历史教师一直在努力将历史课堂转变为以学生为中心的环境的工具(Haydn等, 2014)。因此,K-12历史教学和学习现在广泛地利用数字技术是确信无疑的。
另一方面,基于课堂的面对面会议用于讨论之前观看的视频讲座,以及其他学生参与的任务,如主要和次要来源分析,辩论,同行评审或模拟(Bergmann& Sams,2012)。根据案例研究,据报道,更多的历史教师倾向于采用流行的翻转掌握系统,根据该系统,学生必须使用他们自己证明学业成绩的方法证明对内容的掌握(Bergmann&Sams,2014)。
在使用翻转课堂模型的历史课程中,重点在于历史思维技能的培养。当学生与材料互动时,他们学习如何使用与自己不同的历史背景和观点,发展批判性的历史思维技能,分析和假设,以及一般充当历史学家(Gaughan,2014; Bergmann&Sams,2015)。因此,历史内容的记忆只是一个次要的学习目标,因为大多数目标都涉及技能发展(Fulton,2014)。
关于历史课程中翻转课堂教学方法的评估,研究报告了学生在历史内容记忆和历史批判性思维技能培养方面的学习成果的改善。此外,学生和教师对翻转课堂模式表现出积极的态度。因为它增加了兴趣和参与度,使学生在学习上更负责任(Fielding,2005; Gaughan,2014; Bergmann &Sams,2015)。
使用 McKernan的模型( McKernan, 1991)设计并进行了行动研究。该模型是科学探究的一种形式(McKernan,1988),符合Lewin的四个原始行动研究阶段:计划,行动,观察和反思(Lewin,1948),与此同时也增加了螺旋流,允许研究人员反思并重新设计他的行动研究。它为行动研究人员提供了通过新的行动周期和再次完成所有阶段并将其他元素纳入研究的机会。本节介绍研究的一般目的和研究问题,以及研究的背景和参与者的特征。此外,还描述了两个行动研究周期的阶段。该部分以研究仪器的描述以及数据收集和分析方法结束。
该研究是在小学的两个学期(24周)的历史课程中进行的。更具体地说,希腊小学国家课程五年级的“罗马和拜占庭历史”课程是本研究的背景。简而言之,该课程的教学大纲涵盖了从罗马人对希腊征服到土耳其人征服君士坦丁堡的长达十六个世纪(公元前146年 - 公元1453年)。这包括学生必须记忆的大量名称,日期和事实,此外,教科书涉及到与学生迄今为止的认知经历相关的挑战性词汇。因此,需要遵循这样一个教学大纲的教师面临前面章节中概述的所有困难。行动研究旨在调查翻转课堂模型的实施是否可以为这一教育问题提供解决方案。
该研究的参与者是49名11岁的学生,他们在希腊 - 希腊 - 法国“Jeanne dArc”
An Action Research Study from Implementing the Flipped Classroom Model in Primary School History Teaching and Learning
Abstract The benefits of the flipped classroom (FC) model in studentsrsquo; learning are claimed in many recent studies.These benefits are typically accounted to the pedagogically efficient use of classroom time for engaging students in active learning. Although there are several relevant studies for the deployment of the FC model in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects, and at Higher Education and/or High School, there are very few works studying FC in social studies and at primary school level. This paper presents an action research focused on the implementation of the FC model in teaching social studies in primary school. The main scope of this action research, conducted over an entire school year with two different History classes (one representing the experimental group that followed the FC model and the other representing the control group following the traditional lecture based approach) was to compare the use of classroom time for student-centered learning activities and the resulted learning outcomes related to both traditional learning goals of a history course (that is, memorization of historical content) and more ambitious ones such as the cultivation of historical thinking skills (HTS). The study revealed that indeed, the classroom based sessions of the experimental group were used for engaging student-centered activities and that this resulted into better learning outcomes in terms of demonstrating critical HTS. Thus, this initial action research provides encouraging evidences for the potential benefits of the FC model in primary school social studies courses.
Keywords Flipped classroom model, Primary school, History teaching,
Historical thinking skills
Traditional teaching of social studies at school level is challenged by both the use of technology and the adoption of inquiry-based teaching strategies in other subjects, such as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) (Bishop amp; Verleger, 2013; Hwang et al., 2015; Keengwe amp; Onchwari, 2015). Typically, in traditional history/social studies school curricula, emphasis is given in memorizing large amounts of historical content namely, names, dates and facts, making these courses less attractive to students (Fielding, 2005). Furthermore, still, many history/social studies school teachers adopt traditional teaching strategies, using most of the classroom time for lecturing and assessing studentsrsquo; ability to memorize content. As a result, students do not actively engage in learning and assessment activities that promote their historical/critical thinking development (Gaughan, 2014). It is also argued that students have common misconceptions about historical knowledge, primary sources, human motivation and historical change which are not easily overcome with traditional teaching strategies (Epstein, 2012). As a result, there are systematic efforts to enhance teaching, learning and assessment of history and social studies at K-12, by exploiting innovative pedagogical designs supported by digital technologies (Lyons, 2008).
On the other hand, the FC model has gained prominence over the past years, as a technology-supported pedagogical innovation which uses classroom time for students to actively engage in interactive learning activities, including personalized feedback and scaffolding from the teacher, while teachersrsquo; traditional lecturing is delivered out of the classroom time with asynchronous video lectures (Chen et al., 2014). Despite the wide take-up of the FC model in Higher Education and STEM subjects (Bishop amp; Verleger, 2013; Keengwe amp; Onchwari, 2015; Sergis et al., 2017), there are limited efforts in studying its application in primary school and in history/social studies courses, in particular.
In this paper, it is argued that adopting the FC model in a primary school history course has the potential to use classroom time in a more efficient way, leading to enhanced studentsrsquo; learning experiences and outcomes. Therefore, the paper reports on the design and results of an action research implemented to investigate this hypothesis and provide evidence on the added value of the FC model.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: the Background section presents an overview of the FC model and its implementation in teaching history/social studies school courses. The Action Research Method section presents the methodology and research questions of the action research. The Educational Design section describes the design of the educational intervention used in the action research. The Results section presents the findings obtained in relation to the two research questions and, finally, the Discussion and Future Work section discusses the lessons learnt and outlines potential future research.
The FC model is an emerging blended learning model widely used both in school and university formal educational settings. Based on sound pedagogical theoretical principles, FC targets to exploit classroom time and space for appropriately designed interactive learning activities differentiated according to individual and group studentsrsquo; needs (DeLozier amp; Rhodes, 2016). This section presents an overview of the use of digital technologies in school history teaching and learning, and the implementation of the FC model in K-12 history/social studies.
Technology supported history teaching and learning in K-12
As in all disciplines, the integration of educational technologies in social studies is constantly increasing (Lee amp; Friedman, 2009). Over the past decade, many history teachers are reported to be hesitant to adopt digita